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Pakistan Seeks Helicopters from US to Boost its COIN Operations

Firstly, they are many ways we can get this money. We can get through soft loans(depending on nation) or we can use reserves, which I don't really like. If you know, Pakistan is not really that poor.

You can question as much as you like, where will we get that cash from, but fact is, we will definitely pay it in the end. Cos if we can still purchase weapons with a degrading economy last year, and an energy and water crisis, then I am sure, at this better times we can.

So I hope it won't bug you that much, that we are planning to buy helicopters worth 2.5billion USD.:cheers:

You are not buggin me at all, but your answers do not hold water!!!

Do I need to repeat the question?
This troll is really starting to piss me off and has thrown the whole topic off-topic. Mods, please delete his posts in this topic.

Does it matter where we get the money from? If we get it, it doesn't matter if it's aid, or loan, or our own money. What matters is that we have it. Do we go around asking where India will get money for its purchases? From loans? From defence budgets, etc? God damn it.
And here We have a great example of Pakistans Accountant!!!!

You are not Pakistans accountant so can you stop please acting one and get a ******* life. It doesn't matter how we get it and it's none of your concern how we get it.
This troll is really starting to piss me off and has thrown the whole topic off-topic. Mods, please delete his posts in this topic.

Does it matter where we get the money from? If we get it, it doesn't matter if it's aid, or loan, or our own money. What matters is that we have it. Do we go around asking where India will get money for its purchases? From loans? From defence budgets, etc? God damn it.

Thats so true. Whenever Pakistan purchases anything or wants to build something, indians will always troll about where the money is coming from, how will you pay for it, IMF, etc. I don't know why they poke their noses into our internal affairs
They mess up whole threads. Mods, please clear the mess.
They mess up whole threads. Mods, please clear the mess.

yes because no one reads the whole article, it's talking about a Wish List, like Mr. Fatman said.
This troll is really starting to piss me off and has thrown the whole topic off-topic. Mods, please delete his posts in this topic.

Does it matter where we get the money from? If we get it, it doesn't matter if it's aid, or loan, or our own money. What matters is that we have it. Do we go around asking where India will get money for its purchases? From loans? From defence budgets, etc? God damn it.

It does matter, but that is another issue:

Again from the article itself:

Pakistan has a $2.5 billion wish list which includes

a) AH-1W
b) Apache-64-D
c) armed helicopters such as the AH-6 and MD-530 Little Bird
d) UH-60 Black Hawk
e) CH-47 D Chinook
f) UH-1Y Huey.
again fighting yar please be realistic why we do fight on every topic i request that stop doing it showing that pakistan is best and inda is best wont do good for us just make ourselfes in trouble
It does matter, but that is another issue:

Again from the article itself:

It matters to us and it's none of your concern.

You are trolling using the semantics. Wish list means something we want, it can either but obtainable or unobtainable - it doesn't matter. You don't actually seem to know what 'wishlist' means and it shows the way you try to use the word.

More importantly, the word seems to have been inserted by the author to throw masala on the whole thing.

And again, wishlist or not, quit the trolling or do at your favourite place BR.
Mods - the title is gravely mis-leading.

Its as if PAF had 2.5 Bils in ready cash and wanted to invest that amount in helicopter purchase.

In reality its 2.5 bils worth of goods that they want to come their way for participating in WOT.

No offence...but just change the title.
Mods - the title is gravely mis-leading.

Its as if PAF had 2.5 Bils in ready cash and wanted to invest that amount in helicopter purchase.

In reality its 2.5 bils worth of goods that they want to come their way for participating in WOT.

No offence...but just change the title.

And where does it says that ??

It neither says they are asking it in return for WoT, nor it says we like it to be free, nor does it says anything else.

All it says is, it seeks these machines, how is not answered.

One Indian members come and goes on the troll & rant that where is the money, another comes in and says no offense but hey this is Pakistan asking for aid, thus change the title.

Why don't you guys discuss the topic, rather then indulging in petty issues of where the money will come from, will it be aid or will it be what.

Why can't you guys concentrate more on the technical side how such assets can be utilized, what are the benefits, which platform is good, which is bad, which should be acquired and which not, what will be the overall effect of such acquisition on the COIN operations.

Each news of weapons acquisition is changed into this aid, money, economy BS by Indian members and when you point it out to them, then they complain also.

Worry for your own country, not us.

I hope the message is clear this time, anymore aid, where money comes from etc etc troll statements came in from now, they person will be off the forum, no matter how senior they are.

And Pakistani members, instead of joining in the trolling, just report such statement and let us take care of the trolls.
Indian members plzz keep your hate aside too much hate is bad for your health ..
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