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Pakistan says ready to repair ties w/ India


Jul 20, 2011
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Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif announced this week that backdoor diplomacy is back on track with India, signaling the new government’s commitment to forge a relationship with its neighbor and historic rival after recent bumpy months.

Prime Minister Sharif shared recent steps Pakistan was taking to build relations with India – including the appointment of veteran diplomat Shahryar Khan as a special envoy to India to start official diplomacy – while British Foreign Secretary William Hague was visiting Pakistan this week. And a spokesperson for Pakistan’s Foreign Office recently announced that there may be an opportunity for talks at the “leadership level” at the United Nations General Assembly session in September.

Improving ties with India could seriously benefit the Sharif administration. The Pakistani government wants to import electricity from India as part of its efforts to solve Pakistan’s energy crisis and is encouraging investment from across the border.

“The crux of the matter is that Pakistan wants good relations with India," says former Foreign Secretary Riaz Khokhar, who has also served as an ambassador to India. But he adds, "This effort started in 2004 and has not really produced really outstanding results other than some minor progress and confidence-building measures."

Sharif has long advocated for the improvement of economic and diplomatic ties with India. In 1999, during his last term as prime minister, he hosted his counterpart for a landmark visit as both countries signed a bilateral treaty. However, he was ousted in a coup that year following a botched military offensive against India.

Sharif frequently cited his role in improving ties as an achievement while on the campaign trail for Pakistan’s elections this year. And his party, the Pakistan Muslim League, won the majority vote, indicating he has popular support to continue mending ties with India.

Sharif may still face opposition from Pakistan’s powerful military – which has perceived India to be a major threat since the two countries gained independence from Britain in 1947 – as well as pressure groups and rival political parties. Such opposition makes some skeptical of the Sharif’s commitment to improved ties.

“When India’s Border Security Force goes and kills six Kashmiri protestors, [neither] the state nor society at large has anything to say about it,” says Mosharraf Zaidi, who served as a foreign policy adviser to the previous government, referring to an incident in Indian-controlled Kashmir earlier this week. “This is a change in Pakistan from a decade or so ago, when everything that happened in Kashmir was reported with great fervor. That events like this happened without any reaction from Pakistan is one measure of how much seriousness there is.”

Mr. Zaidi says that while the previous government also put a great deal of effort into the relationship with India, the domestic situation in India and Pakistan “holds back a lot of progress.”

“If both countries were doing well, people who are blocking reforms in the way of this relationship would be much weaker,” he says, noting that there did not seem to be an improvement in governance in either India or Pakistan. “Intentions in Pakistan are the best they’ve been in history, but good intentions alone cannot deliver a normal South Asia.”

Indeed, a major hurdle to repaired relations has to do with the contentious issue of terrorism: India has long demanded the prosecution of Pakistanis implicated in organizing a series of terror attacks in Mumbai in 2008, but the trial has been delayed multiple times in the past few years.

Analysts say the government has shown little commitment to acting against groups such as the Lashkar-e-Taiba, which has been held responsible for the Mumbai attacks, or the Jaish-e-Mohammad, which recruited Pakistanis to fight Indian forces in the disputed territory of Kashmir.

Critics caution that without any significant process on these issues, it is unlikely that India and Pakistan can move forward.

Pakistan says it's ready to repair ties with India
Pakistan is ruled by a bunch of pigs, they butchered 7 Kashmiris yesterday with scores injured, they blamed their false flags on us to malign us in the international community, "repair the relations with India" --- yea right....go sleep with Python instead!!!

calling them pigs is an insult to the pig community
calling them pigs is an insult to the pig community

You think im kidding?

Pigs in Pakistan's Parliament

Even they know,where their clan lives.

@Hyperion @Armstrong

یار یہ کیا بکواس ہے،ان عقل کے اندھوں کو کچھ نظر نہیں آتا؟​
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Pakistan is ruled by a bunch of pigs, they butchered 7 Kashmiris yesterday with scores injured, they blamed their false flags on us to malign us in the international community, "repair the relations with India" --- yea right....go sleep with Python instead!!!

You seem to have very selective memory dont you. You will stick to that crap regardless of what other members have explained about the conditions in which that report was derived...and even after the same gentlemen has explained what he meant and how it has been misconstrued.

For you, Yes...this is the most damning of truths..the GoI has conducted false flags..but when it comes to global accusations against Pakistan, you would have ripped apart such a statement as being removed from any shred of credible proof.

Live in such fantasies Sir, for the world laughs at the Pakistani conspiracy theorists and their blames.
This will again be fruitless....Delegations from here to there for years and in the India will stage a False Flag attack and blame it on us and there will be No more Delegations and Peace talks,At the end of the day Only wastage of time of Taxpayers money...
Bhawwawawwawawawawawwawawawawwaawa..... i bet the the fat pig missed his relative Nawaz...... both got separated in the 90's...... :rofl:

You think im kidding?

Pigs in Pakistan's Parliament

Even they know,where their clan lives.

@Hyperion @Armstrong

یار یہ کیا بکواس ہے،ان عقل کے اندھوں کو کچھ نظر نہیں آتا؟​
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holy mega-font batman.....if you go any higher I'll need an IMAX to view it

Just wanted to highlight some important facts in the article, like how 6 people get killed by your BSF for simply protesting. and the fact that both Pakistan and India's government talk of this and that but as we've seen talk is cheap.

Pakistan is ruled by a bunch of pigs, they butchered 7 Kashmiris yesterday with scores injured, they blamed their false flags on us to malign us in the international community, "repair the relations with India" --- yea right....go sleep with Python instead!!!

What is your opinion on Pakistan importing electricity from India or gaining some type of economic gain through trade with India?

if it's a win-win situation why not go through with it?
Pakistan should not have friendship with the rude, deceitful Hindu leadership in Hindustan
Just wanted to highlight some important facts in the article, like how 6 people get killed by your BSF for simply protesting. and the fact that both Pakistan and India's government talk of this and that but as we've seen talk is cheap.

This is something interesting. In Pakistan, stone pelting on armed forces is called offering of prayer, and in US it is called simple protest. Wonder how different countries use the custom of stone pelting on forces in different activities. In India, it is simply called attacking the armed forces. I will ask my friends, if their is any tradition here of throwing stones on the forces for any activity that I am not aware of.
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