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Pakistan says ready to repair ties w/ India

What is your opinion on Pakistan importing electricity from India or gaining some type of economic gain through trade with India?

if it's a win-win situation why not go through with it?

Im in favor of not only trade in energy but also open border trade,transit and MFN status. However i don't want to see "Market dumping" by India,it has to be regulated. I also want India to commit to IPI and TAPI as well as they should make a coin investment in Gwadar. Trade ties have to be balanced and India needs to learn to rely on us for their legit needs. I don't want a relationship where Indian companies get a monopoly over our market,there should be market competition and strict tendering/taxation.

Kashmir can only be solved through interdependence.
Just wanted to highlight some important facts in the article, like how 6 people get killed by your BSF for simply protesting. and the fact that both Pakistan and India's government talk of this and that but as we've seen talk is cheap.
Their can be no peace with India what India is doing with kashmiris and using water as pressure tactic their can be no peace with this with India
Their can be no peace with India what India is doing with kashmiris and using water as pressure tactic their can be no peace with this with India
i fully agree, pakistan should mount full offensive against the hindu regime :tup:
This is something interesting. In Pakistan, stone pelting on armed forces is called offering of prayer, and in US it is called simple protest. Wonder how different countries use the custom of stone pelting on forces in different activities. In India, it is simply called attacking the armed forces. I will ask my friends, if their is any tradition here of throwing stones on the forces for any activity that I am not aware of.

Indian forces shoot dead six protesters in Held Kashmir
19 July, 2013

SRINAGAR: Indian paramilitary forces Thursday shot dead six people protesting at a raid by the troops on an Islamic school in Kashmir, police and witnesses said.

Border Security Force (BSF) troops fired on demonstrators who had gathered outside their headquarters in the district of Gool, two police officers said on condition of anonymity.

"It is mayhem. Six are dead and dozens injured. The death toll could rise further," said one officer. India's Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde ordered an investigation into the shooting and appealed for calm in the Indian-occupied region.

"I have ordered an inquiry to be conducted without any loss of time to ascertain the circumstances leading to the firing," Shinde said in a statement. "I assure that any use of excessive force or irresponsible action shall be dealt with strictly," he said.

"The loss of life in this incident is particularly saddening," the minister said, without confirming the number killed. Protesters clashed with troops after an incident on Wednesday evening at the madrassa attached to a mosque in Gool, witnesses said.

The head of the madrassa, Qari Shabir, said four BSF troopers came in looking for militants, at the same time that a caretaker was alone there reciting prayers.

"They beat him up...that is when Abdul Lateef (the caretaker) raised an alarm and people started to assemble and the word spread," Shabir told AFP. He said he later went to the madrassa and saw copies of the holy Quran strewn on the floor before security authorities sealed the premises.

Well what did you want the protestors to do, shower flowers at the brutal indian security forces?

Pakistan should not have friendship with the rude, deceitful Hindu leadership in Hindustan

Ok please hold on we will convert to Islam to have good relation with you......by the way can you tell me what should I select shia or sunni I am new to this.
Ok please hold on we will convert to Islam to have good relation with you......by the way can you tell me what should I select shia or sunni I am new to this.

What caste are you?Pick according to that ;)
What caste are you?Pick according to that ;)

That does not help as Islam does not have caste system...If I was converting to Hinduism this advice could have helped.
That does not help as Islam does not have caste system...If I was converting to Hinduism this advice could have helped.

So what?
Dalit to Brahmin = Low to High right?

Pick according to whichever corresponds to your caste
So what?
Dalit to Brahmin = Low to High right?

Pick according to whichever corresponds to your caste

Man why are you shying away...tell me what corresponds to Dalit and what to Brahmin.
Man why are you shying away...tell me what corresponds to Dalit and what to Brahmin.

As I said, that is your pick!!
As I said, that is your pick!!

I understand your dilemma….koi baat nahi. What are good neighbors for.
Their can be no peace with India what India is doing with kashmiris and using water as pressure tactic their can be no peace with this with India

its loud & clear no solution to kashmir no peace with india!
anyone thinking anything else, he is living in fools paradise, including the Nawaz sharif shb!
If Indo-Pak ties improved then this is very helpful for both countrymen to improve their life standard instead of paying tax for fueling arm race. But this is difficult in this situation.
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