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Pakistan’s Jewish Ghosts

Slaying of Daniel pearl by members of a terrorist group (which were apprehended in probably the largest ever man-hunt in Pakistan for any murder crime) is reflective of state of Pakistan's relationship with "Jews", relationship with Israel, a hostile country towards Pakistan can not be distorted or used to show Pakistan's relationship with "Jews" as a community.

:fie: bad joke.

totally off topic, but "Muslim ISI" tipped off "Jewish Mossad" about possible terrorist attacks against Jewish targets in india

as for the whole Jews vs. Zionists debate --- Jews are sons of Abraham and cousins of Muslims. We share many beliefs. Political militant judaism is zionism and political militant Islam is takfirism. Both have no place in the civilized world.
I dont think most Pakistanis would approve of ousting any Jews from Pakistan.
Then invite them back - making it inviting for Jews to come back. Otherwise it's just cluck-cluck the Jews, oh looky here, this used to be a synagogue, now it's a paved lot where we can park our cars cheap!
Then invite them back - making it inviting for Jews to come back. Otherwise it's just cluck-cluck the Jews, oh looky here, this used to be a synagogue, now it's a paved lot where we can park our cars cheap!

I would love it if they came back, but standard of life is better for them in Israel than in Pakistan for now so I doubt they would want to come back.
Oh look an article about Pakistan on some Jew newspaper posted on this site by a Zionist, it must be true
The author offers highly suggestive arguments. Some commenters say Jews are pretending to be others but in that case how does the election commission know different?

It is slightly heartening that Pakistanisage misses his friend, yet I note that no Pakistani on this thread sees ousting the Jews as something wrong, an injustice that needs to be addressed. For "the land of the pure" to ignore justice means God is far, far away from their minds and souls, is that not so?

I don't miss him. The reason is I speak with my jewish friend at least once a week, lol...

It is really a stain on Pakistan that minorities have exited the country. I grew up in Pakistan that was a lot more diverse and tolerant. We as Pakistanis should strive to make our country a safe haven for our minorities. If our minorities leave us, it says nothing about them but says a lot about our narrowminded and intolerant attitudes.

Question is what kind of Pakistan do we want ? Are we going to let the narrow minded intolerant mullahs run our country or we want the kind of Pakistan that Jinnah had envisioned. An open, tolerant kinder Pakistan that protects its minorities. When our minorities leave, the loss is not theirs, the loss is our's. We lose our diversity.
There was always this feeling that only a muslim is patriotic towards Pakistan. During Zia rule, Punjabi sunni muslims were more favored.

So, this leaves little room for minorities.
What is unfortunate in the subcontinent is that people simply don't understand the concept of the right of the individual to freely profess and promote his or her faith. Whichever community is in the majority automatically assumes that the rights of that majority supersede the rights of any minority. In India, it is often the Muslim population which bears the brunt but so also at different times have Christians and Sikhs; in Lanka recently it was the Buddhist monks who were on the case of the Muslims, earlier it was Sinhala Buddhists vs Hindu Tamils; in Bangladesh Hindus have been discriminated against and in Pakistan - well, just about everyone - Hindus, Ahmediyas, Jews, Christians and now even Shia Muslims. And then we often blame the minorities for not being patriotic enough. People feel patriotic when they feel they belong.
Then invite them back - making it inviting for Jews to come back. Otherwise it's just cluck-cluck the Jews, oh looky here, this used to be a synagogue, now it's a paved lot where we can park our cars cheap!

not to be insensitive but just to correct you -- one of the old synagogues which was destroyed (tragically) in Karachi was converted into a shopping center, not a cars parking lot.

for whatever that was worth mentioning

as for your post --- actually, i do agree with you here......100%

you're right
I would love it if they came back, but standard of life is better for them in Israel than in Pakistan for now so I doubt they would want to come back.
Why not let the Jews themselves decide? In that case, you have to do some things to make your country more hospitable to them. Does any Pakistani here dare to offer constructive suggestions?
Why not let the Jews themselves decide? In that case, you have to do some things to make your country more hospitable to them. Does any Pakistani here dare to offer constructive suggestions?

what suggestion? these jews are happy in occupied Palestine and america. they left why should we take them back
what suggestion? these jews are happy in occupied Palestine and america. they left why should we take them back
What, you think ALL jews are happy in these places, or that none would care to see the world and set up their livelihoods and communities in new places they might find more attractive?
What, you think ALL jews are happy in these places, or that none would care to see the world and set up their livelihoods and communities in new places they might find more attractive?

what was the reason for the jews to move to occupied palestine?? look how they treat Muslims there. why should we allow such ppl? look at what hindustan is doin to kashmiris, look at what china does to uighurs etc etc. In my opinion ALWAYS Muslims come first . I believe in Ummah strongly and Inshallah we will witness it some time soon.
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