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Pakistan’s Jewish Ghosts

Nope its a simple 2+2=4 equation,you dont need to be an expert to deduce that in the same manner you deduced so much about me from my one post.And can you show me where i said jews are innocent,stop blaberring nonsense.

oh! I am sorry, because I thought it was you blabbering nonsense. How wrong was I? Thanks for deducing that too. You are on a roll. Amazing power of deduction.
oh! I am sorry, because I thought it was you blabbering nonsense. How wrong was I? Thanks for deducing that too. You are on a roll. Amazing power of deduction.

When you run out of arguments,do what "make sarcastic comments",thanks anyways now that you have accepted my superiority.
When you run out of arguments,do what "make sarcastic comments",thanks anyways now that you have accepted my superiority.

Yes boss Sir, my mistake I did not know that I was in the presence of an esteem being who is the only who believes himself to be superior amongst us lowly humans. Hail to the mighty wimp! OOPs! I meant shrimp. OOPs! I meant being. Yes thats it.

Yes boss Sir, my mistake I did not know that I was in the presence of an esteem being who is the only who believes himself to be superior amongst us lowly humans. Hail to the mighty wimp! OOPs! I meant shrimp. OOPs! I meant being. Yes thats it.


Again useless crap,either refute my argument with logic or shut up.Making stupid comments seems to be your specialty,hence sorry i can't compete with you in that department.quote me if you have something meaningful to say,btw i understand your position,the truth that most pakistani's are prejudiced towards jews is so hurtful that you have come to taking cheap shots at me.Truth is bitter my friend,thats all i can say.
Mr Umair Nawaz...they didn't leave out of their own will...my friend they left..cuz ....nafrat for yahoodis is ingrained in our society....many of our people don't hold as much contempt for people of any other religion as much as they do for jewish people...this has been a result of years of brainwashing....along with the factor of illiteracy...my friend...you know what's the truth...even the educated people in Pakistan have a bias against the jews....and these jews ( who btw were pakistanis and spoke urdu and local languages ) left Pakistan cuz of this attitude of ours....this mindset is a cancer which is eating our society...and you are still in denial of correcting it....its like a cancer patient who knows he has cancer..yet says...i don't care..what would be the end result...the salvation of our future generations lies in correcting it....last month in Lahore an Ahmedi graveyard was desecrated..in the last few months hundreds of shias were killed by extremists....and tomorrow if a few of them leave pakistan cuz of this persecution...u would say we have nothing to do with it..oh please give me a break....we need to amend the mindset in our society but before that the important thing is to first recognize that the problem exists,....which some people haven't recognized till now....despite the fact that 35000 pakistanis have lost their lives to extremism...God knows when will people like you open their eyes and wake up !!!

They left in 50s 60s there was no such thing as nafrat then......BTW there r still 15-20 jew families in karachi according to official stats n they r happy here!!!!!!

So yr claim of discrimination doesnt suits. We were prosperous then n growing rapidly.

They left of greed in hope for a better lifestyle!!!!!!
zionists are not smartest people in the history of mankind.
i think their promisd land of israel is a mute and is now one of the backward nations. good job

well it could be


Muslims have been the smartest people in the history of mankind.
i think their promisd land of Palestine by Allah(swt), will make the vermin zionists vanish.

I cant say much to some indians who constaly have thier mouth dirty with thier constant Israelis backside licking of ISraelis . I guess Israelis has got something cooking against those poor untouchibles known as Indians. What a shame better choose your friends wisely
There are lot more then 800 Jews in Karachi pakistan alone not to mention other cities i will not go into details they are extremely successful.People will believe what they wanna believe don't mean its true .
They left in 50s 60s there was no such thing as nafrat then......BTW there r still 15-20 jew families in karachi according to official stats n they r happy here!!!!!!

So yr claim of discrimination doesnt suits. We were prosperous then n growing rapidly.

They left of greed in hope for a better lifestyle!!!!!!

Plz umair, don't say this...the few jewish families who are living there ....are living under the cover of being zorastrians/parsis..ask anyone from karachi......On a serious note...we have to be true to ourselves.....its ingrained in our mentality...cuz of conspiracy theories...that jews want to harm pakistan and want to control this world.....and plz dont deny that.....and this mindset has to end...if we want peace in this world !!!
Plz umair, don't say this...the few jewish families who are living there ....are living under the cover of being zorastrians/parsis..ask anyone from karachi......On a serious note...we have to be true to ourselves.....its ingrained in our mentality...cuz of conspiracy theories...that jews want to harm pakistan and want to control this world.....and plz dont deny that.....and this mindset has to end...if we want peace in this world !!!

Hmm use google to find a thread abt how israel tried to take out our nuke sites in 80s n 98 on the eve of nuke explosion.

Its always not a problem in us but its in others too!!!!

Try to draw a line b/w being Good and Bad first!!!
Again useless crap,either refute my argument with logic or shut up.Making stupid comments seems to be your specialty,hence sorry i can't compete with you in that department.quote me if you have something meaningful to say,btw i understand your position,the truth that most pakistani's are prejudiced towards jews is so hurtful that you have come to taking cheap shots at me.Truth is bitter my friend,thats all i can say.

I am so sorry Your Awesomeness, I did not know we were arguing about something. I am just enjoying passing time in the presence of a Mighty being, who is so full of s.hit, OOPs! I mean full of knowledge. LOM! LOM! BAPA BARIPAP!

Hail Your esteem Greatness(" I am smarter than you as I am able to insult you which shows how superior I am").
It is so good to be in the presence of an i.diot oops! I meant a genius in our midst.


I am so sorry Your Awesomeness, I did not know we were arguing about something. I am just enjoying passing time in the presence of a Mighty being, who is so full of s.hit, OOPs! I mean full of knowledge. LOM! LOM! BAPA BARIPAP!

Hail Your esteem Greatness(" I am smarter than you as I am able to insult you which shows how superior I am").
It is so good to be in the presence of an i.diot oops! I meant a genius in our midst.


Again useless crap,either refute my argument with logic or shut up.Making stupid comments seems to be your specialty,hence sorry i can't compete with you in that department.quote me if you have something meaningful to say,btw i understand your position,the truth that most pakistani's are prejudiced towards jews is so hurtful that you have come to taking cheap shots at me.Truth is bitter my friend,thats all i can say.

cmon ***** bring it on...we can do this all day,i'll just copy this same message untill it gets through ur thick head.kudos
Again useless crap,either refute my argument with logic or shut up.Making stupid comments seems to be your specialty,hence sorry i can't compete with you in that department.quote me if you have something meaningful to say,btw i understand your position,the truth that most pakistani's are prejudiced towards jews is so hurtful that you have come to taking cheap shots at me.Truth is bitter my friend,thats all i can say.

cmon ***** bring it on...we can do this all day,i'll just copy this same message untill it gets through ur thick head.kudos

I am serious what were we arguing about. I have no idea. I am just having fun with you. Sorry to pi.ss you off so much but take it easy. My bad okay. Calm down.
"Hundreds of Jews in Pakistan" - yet not even ONE place for them to pray together. If you Pakistanis are so keen on celebrating this diversity, why aren't you working hard to re-establish Jewish synagogues? In Lebanon even Hezbollah supported rebuilding the synagogue in Beirut (completed in 2010, I think) even though there aren't ten Jews remaining in the country. Apparently the Lebanese realize it will take some time before the Jews will feel they can safely return or come out of the woodwork but they feel that this is a necessary step. What have you guys done personally to improve things? Don't fob me off by telling me it's the job of "the government". Democratic governments - even one as puny in puissance as Pakistan's - respond to public opinion and you guys are members of the public.
The history of Jews in Pakistan dates at least as far back as 1839. Various estimates suggest that there were about 1,000 -5000 Jews living in Karachi & Lahore at the beginning of the twentieth century, mostly Bene Israel Jews from Maharashtra, India. A substantial Jewish community lived in Rawalpindi. A smaller community of Jews also lived in Peshawar. The Bene Israel Jews of India were concentrated in Karachi. According to Bene Israel human rights lawyer, Levi M. Sankar, there are no indigenous Jews remaining in Pakistan.

Pakistan's Bene Israel maintain Sephardic Jewish rites as modified by several cross-cultural celebrations.

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