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Pakistan returns $1 billion of Saudi Arabia's soft loan, officials say

I will have to Disagree. Only time will prove my stance on MBS.

Qatar is a live and kicking toddler. Yes. Bigger more powerful neighbors don't flinch at its presence and haven't flinched for over 20 years when said toddler continued to annoy. However, recently, this toddler started opening the front door and letting in strangers who mean harm to the area. Toddler needed to be slapped on the hand and trust me, it hurt then and it still hurts now.

Also, i am referring to the top gov.officials in Qatar , not the people. They are our cousins and family, much respect and love for them.

Not read your stance on MBS.

Trump gave him nearly everything he wanted during past 4 years. With Biden, I bet he is worried the Iran deal probably will be renewed.
Source has no author. Last I read up on this topic, there was no pressure to repay but it appears Pakistan repaid any way's. Seems like IK accepted his folly and moved on.
nothing to do with folly.
the loan period was over and time was up for repayment. unlike Past the Saudis didn't want to wait any longer and Pakistan had to get Chinese help to repay.

if we continue to remain the recipients forever then our nation will continue to face the difficult situation,.
we are not entitled to Saudi or Chinese money and we have no right to be salty if they will ask it back or expect us to do something which we don't feel comfortable then we must change our begging habits.
Never trust the children of millionaires. MBS has had life of luxury, hence not experienced failure. With his clouded outlook he made rash decisions, thinking money can solve everything. Tried to drag Pakistan into conflict, but got mad when said no. Yemen conflict is in stalemate, Qatar is still alive and kicking and worse Trump has not crushed Iran.
your observations about MBS are very accurate. these observations are held worldwide by people in East and west even those who support KSA . so there is no bias against Saudi arabia when this young and rash crown prince is criticized.
the amount of wealth, power and political clout this youngster got was too much for him to bear and not show off so anything short of total submission was outright insult to him. he ordered assassinations, abductions and imprisonments and suspicious disappearances of influential people as well as royals.

even Americans must have had their share of frustration and difficulties in tackling a young defecto ruler of their important Ally in the Middle east. Pakistan had no chance, yes our diplomacy could've done better.

Yemen campaign could've been dealt much better if it was a stronger government democratic or military. our relations wont have soured so bad that Saudis would've snubbed us openly.

asking for loan back is no snub I am talking impolitic front instances. the leaders will come and go and policies can be realigned but our relationship with KSA will tay strong nonetheless.

I bet that KSA will act with pleasant surprise and happiness if Pakistan goes to Saudis as a strong and self sufficient ally and offer help without conditions instead of another loan relief
I will have to Disagree. Only time will prove my stance on MBS.

Qatar is a live and kicking toddler. Yes. Bigger more powerful neighbors don't flinch at its presence and haven't flinched for over 20 years when said toddler continued to annoy. However, recently, this toddler started opening the front door and letting in strangers who mean harm to the area. Toddler needed to be slapped on the hand and trust me, it hurt then and it still hurts now.

Also, i am referring to the top gov.officials in Qatar , not the people. They are our cousins and family, much respect and love for them.
You should be very careful when you point the finger.
It's the UAE and potentially the Saudis who have been opening the front door and letting in strangers lately.
After Reading comments here of Beghairat Pakistani, its understandable why Arabs treat Pakistan they way they do!!!!

How strange Pakistani media is. It seems returning a loan on time is seen as news to them.
Because Zardari and Nawaz never believe this ...lol.... anyway its Saudi money and they got it back within the agreed time frame
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Pakistan returns $1 billion of Saudi Arabia's soft loan, officials say
ReutersUpdated 16 Dec 2020
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Prime Minister Imran Khan in conversation with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during the premier's trip to Riyadh in October 2018. — Online/File's trip to Riyadh in October 2018. — Online/File

Prime Minister Imran Khan in conversation with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during the premier's trip to Riyadh in October 2018. — Online/File

Pakistan has returned $1 billion to Saudi Arabia as the second instalment of a $3 billion soft loan, as Islamabad reaches out to Beijing for a commercial loan to help it offset pressure to repay another $1 billion to Riyadh next month, officials said on Wednesday.
Analysts say it is unusual for Riyadh to press for the return of money. Relations between historically close friends Pakistan and Saudi Arabia suffered a strain earlier this year when Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, in an unusually sharp warning, asked Saudi Arabia-led Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to stop dilly-dallying on the convening of a meeting of its Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) on Kashmir.
Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa subsequently visited Riyadh in August to ease the tensions. Gen Bajwa also met the Saudi ambassador in Islamabad on Tuesday.
With the $1 billion flowing out, Pakistan — which has $13.3 billion in State Bank foreign reserves — could face a balance of payments issue after clearing the next Saudi instalment.
“China has come to our rescue,” a foreign ministry official told Reuters.
A finance ministry official said the SBP was already in talks with Chinese commercial banks.
“We've sent $1 billion to Saudi Arabia,” he said. Another $1 billion will be repaid to Riyadh next month, he said. Islamabad had returned $1 billion in July.
Although a $1.2 billion surplus in the current account balance and a record $11.77 billion in remittances in the past five months have helped support the economy, having to return the Saudi money is still a setback.
Saudi Arabia gave Pakistan a $3 billion loan and a $3.2 billion oil credit facility in late 2018. After Islamabad sought Riyadh's support over human rights violations by India in occupied Kashmir, Saudi Arabia has pushed Pakistan to repay the loan.
The People's Bank of China did not respond to a Reuters request for comment, and Riyadh didn't issue any details.
well done , one should not keep debt .
Racial and Sectarian problems with Arabs for Pakistanis take precedence over SOPs and societal conventions.

The Arab Pak relations look to have been imposed just like Urdu and Islam on the masses.
You should be very careful when you point the finger.
It's the UAE and potentially the Saudis who have been opening the front door and letting in strangers lately.

How so ?
Is that Israeli's your talking about or Qatari's?

View attachment 697309

I was referring to Qatari people in my post

as for Israelis , Inshallah we benefit in many areas from their great technology

1- Agriculture
2- Weaponry and defense
3- Medicine and medical equipment


I love our Pakistani brothers , but they are still not as advanced as Israelites. No hard feelings yar
None sense stories

Pakistan Took a Short term loan from a friendly nation , and after few years as discussed we paid it back to thank our friend for their help

Both countries happy with the short term arrangement

It was not a grant
It was not a donation

It was a temporary borrow , and as a good friend Pakistan returned the funds after our economy was stabilized

Loan was taken 2018 - 2019 - 2020 , and as you can see 3 years have passed so we paid it on time

The repayment on time builds further trust between two close friends in region with unified stance on Kashmir and it's people's unification with Pakistan

1 Billion Dollar is no ice cream , we took it as loan we returned it
I was referring to Qatari people in my post

as for Israelis , Inshallah we benefit in many areas from their great technology

1- Agriculture
2- Weaponry and defense
3- Medicine and medical equipment


I love our Pakistani brothers , but they are still not as advanced as Israelites. No hard feelings yar
You got my respect for that. Your honest and factual. All the Paks please read this.
How so ?

I was referring to Qatari people in my post

as for Israelis , Inshallah we benefit in many areas from their great technology

1- Agriculture
2- Weaponry and defense
3- Medicine and medical equipment


I love our Pakistani brothers , but they are still not as advanced as Israelites. No hard feelings yar
Interesting post, I guess the question I have after that is how would you proportion the Emiratis (citizens not expats) between Islamic and Secular? I mean sure, Pakistan has seculars as well, but the overwhelming majority is religious (politically at least).

Its always been very hard for me to put my finger on this since all you see in Dubai is expats.
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