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Pakistan returns $1 billion of Saudi Arabia's soft loan, officials say

Interesting post, I guess the question I have after that is how would you proportion the Emiratis (citizens not expats) between Islamic and Secular? I mean sure, Pakistan has seculars as well, but the overwhelming majority is religious (politically at least).

Its always been very hard for me to put my finger on this since all you see in Dubai is expats.

In my humble opinion, this is the sort of mindset the Pakistani government is trying hard to appease and not anger. Mindsets that depend solely on emotions. This is why a country of 200 million is struggling to accomplish anything of magnitude. Economically, politically, technologically .... you name it. I also think the Pakistani government loves the way things are and how their people think and feel. Great chance for them to get rich while manipulating you with "honorable" stances towards countries

When you have a great father, who has done everything so far to nourish you, teach you, make you a strong confident independent individual. Would die for you, it is only natural you trust your father EVEN if years down the line , your father makes certain decisions that seem odd and unnatural at first.

This is how Emiratis feel about their leaders. Father figures we trust our country and kids future with. Even if it means we open up to Israelis.

See what i am trying to say ? if i told you Emiratis are 50% secular , you would go "aha , there you go , that's why this Israeli matter took place". You are wrong. Nothing to do with how religious or secular an individual is, its how much the person trusts his government to make decisions.

I know Pakistanis are proud and high on emotions, but its (Un-islamic) taking it into your hands to decide that you are Allah's chosen people and the rest of us are NOT Muslims. Look up what Allah and the Prophet Muhammed say about that.

I do not LOVE Israel. I do not LIKE Israelis and i will probably never visit Israel (cringe) I am 37 years old and have seen enough on television to know what was done to Palestinians. However, again, Emiratis are like Pakistanis in the sense that we will welcome and be polite and courteous to anyone who comes into our country, add to that that these visitors have the seal of approval from our leaders.

what do we do ? we accept it, we make the absolute MOST OF IT. take advantage of this relationship. like i mentioned earlier. Lets benefit from their science and learn from them. No one knows how long this relationship will last.
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In my humble opinion, this is the sort of mindset the Pakistani government is trying hard to appease and not anger. Mindsets that depend solely on emotions. This is why a country of 200 million is struggling to accomplish anything of magnitude. Economically, politically, technologically .... you name it. I also think the Pakistani government loves the way things are and how their people think and feel. Great chance for them to get rich while manipulating you with "honorable" stances towards countries

When you have a great father, who has done everything so far to nourish you, teach you, make you a strong confident independent individual. Would die for you, it is only natural you trust your father EVEN if years down the line , your father makes certain decisions that seem odd and unnatural at first.

This is how Emiratis feel about their leaders. Father figures we trust our country and kids future with. Even if it means we open up to Israelis.

See what i am trying to say ? if i told you Emiratis are 50% secular , you would go "aha , there you go , that's why this Israeli matter took place". You are wrong. Nothing to do with how religious or secular an individual is, its how much the person trusts his government to make decisions.

I know Pakistanis are proud and high on emotions, but its (Un-islamic) taking it into your hands to decide that you are Allah's chosen people and the rest of us are NOT Muslims. Look up what Allah and the Prophet Muhammed say about that.

I do not LOVE Israel. I do not LIKE Israelis and i will probably never visit Israel (cringe) I am 37 years old and have seen enough on television to know what was done to Palestinians. However, again, Emiratis are like Pakistanis in the sense that we will welcome and be polite and courteous to anyone who comes into our country, add to that that these visitors have the seal of approval from our leaders.

what do we do ? we accept it, we make the absolute MOST OF IT. take advantage of this relationship. like i mentioned earlier. Lets benefit from their science and learn from them. No one knows how long this relationship will last.

Yes I see your point and I can relate to it. I have spoken to some Omanis who say the same things, they are more religous than most Pakistanis. So thank you for engaging and explaining.

Just to clarify regarding the 2 points related to arrogance (which is un-islamic) in Pakistanis:
1. No Pakistani thinks they are the chosen people, however a sizeable number (maybe even most) will say our reason for existence, the existence of Pakistan is Islam. There was no Pakistani nation but just an India, and then the muslims in India made the decision to not live as a minority. (Ref: 2 nation theory of the founder)
2. While it is unfortunate the most passionate muslims in Pakistan will call the Emirati leadership 'NOT muslims' for this, but most Pakistanis will never make such an absolute statement. Most religous Pakistanis will say that was un-islamic thing to do. Just like not praying is un-islamic but doesn't make one non-muslim.

So, while I understand your reasons of 'father-figure' argument, I would never subscribe to it.
So, while I understand your reasons of 'father-figure' argument, I would never subscribe to it.

appreciate the explanation. However, wouldn't you willingly subscribe to your president/leader/walli, if over the course of 49 years (UAE age) has done everything in his power to make life amazing or you, your kids and grand-kids ?

i respect your answer either way
MBS is hyper kid... he totally failed to understand Kashmir importance for Pakistan and now also for China. Older Saudi ruling class was totally aware of Pak stance on Kashmir and specially King Faisal fully supported Pakistan. But this kid .................
Pakistan didn't support him in Yemen, so he returned the favor.
as for Israelis , Inshallah we benefit in many areas from their great technology

1- Agriculture
2- Weaponry and defense
3- Medicine and medical equipment


I love our Pakistani brothers , but they are still not as advanced as Israelite's. No hard feelings yar

We gave India huge advantage by not recognizing Israel to please the Arabs, it was a massive blunder on our part and now the same Arabs are telling us how beneficial relations with Israel will be is simply priceless..

About the benefits, If we had even 10% of the money Arabs have, we would be self sufficient in weapons, Agriculture and medicine, I hope You can understand that and off course No hard feelings sadiqaa
Pakistan didn't support him in Yemen, so he returned the favor.

It was the right thing to do, what favour? He lends us money at a higher interest rate in the world (loan shark) not sure if that qualifies as a favour.
We gave India huge advantage by not recognizing Israel to please the Arabs, it was a massive blunder on our part and now the same Arabs are telling us how beneficial relations with Israel will be is simply priceless..

About the benefits, If we had even 10% of the money Arabs have, we would be self sufficient in weapons, Agriculture and medicine, I hope You can understand that and off course No hard feelings sadiqaa

Are you saying Pakistan was following KSA lead and did not recognize Israel because KSA ordered so ? I highly doubt this. Pakistan was doing what Pakistan believed was in its best interest.

also, there are many nations with as much people as Pakistan , not as rich , and are already racing ahead. Not having enough money is a broken record ....

no hard feelings whatsoever , we are talking with each other in a civilized manner :P take care yar !
appreciate the explanation. However, wouldn't you willingly subscribe to your president/leader/walli, if over the course of 49 years (UAE age) has done everything in his power to make life amazing or you, your kids and grand-kids ?

i respect your answer either way
That is a very pertinent question.

The answer is a simple "yes everytime, except when they ask me to do something un-islamic". I am required by my deen to go against even my father if the request impedes my ability to be true to Allah and His Messenger (upon whom be peace). Therefore I guess the root question becomes can we justify this move as Islamic? I am not a scholar but I imagine Umar (RA) wouldnt be too happy us handing back the keys to Aqsa which he obtained.

On a side note, it is Allah who gave the hydrocarbons beneath you, if your rulers spent it on you honestly, that was their duty and not a favor. I think Islam is very clear about that, and even the modern world agrees with Islam on that. So while you owe them gratitude but you should in no way feel compulsion because of that.
I am sure its not un-islamic or haram to have relations with Israelis/Jews which is why it wasn't too hard to accept for Emiratis , especially since we know that our country will continue to support Palestinians
Pakistan didn't support him in Yemen, so he returned the favor.
Pakistan army and Govt after 1st afghan war adopted strict policy , which is foreign deployment only under UN flag. Pak gave arab too many favors and end up labeled mercenary.
Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia are all China's very close friends, but China has to tread carefully between them, their delicate relationship puts China in a very awkward position, really hope that they can mend their ties with each other and we all can become good partners.
as for Israelis , Inshallah we benefit in many areas from their great technology

1- Agriculture
2- Weaponry and defense
3- Medicine and medical equipment


I love our Pakistani brothers , but they are still not as advanced as Israelites. No hard feelings yar

Very respectfully the points raised by you do not appear to be factually correct.
  • Even at this moment, the Emirati military are the one of the most advanced equipment wise. So I dont see how the Israelis can help Emirati military other than the UAE going on a yet another shopping spree from Israel.
  • Israelis are some financial gurus and depend on US aid for survival. Therefore economics is not an area where UAE take advantage of the Israel.
  • Israel is way way behind UAE when it comes to tourism. So again UAE cannot benefit substantially from Israel in tourism.
  • The only logical conclusion of UAE normalising with Israel is to buy political clout in Washington and forming some sort of alliance against common enemy Iran. All other "facts" are not making much sense other than that.
No hard feelings yar.
None sense stories

Pakistan Took a Short term loan from a friendly nation , and after few years as discussed we paid it back to thank our friend for their help

Both countries happy with the short term arrangement

It was not a grant
It was not a donation

It was a temporary borrow , and as a good friend Pakistan returned the funds after our economy was stabilized

Loan was taken 2018 - 2019 - 2020 , and as you can see 3 years have passed so we paid it on time

The repayment on time builds further trust between two close friends in region with unified stance on Kashmir and it's people's unification with Pakistan

1 Billion Dollar is no ice cream , we took it as loan we returned it

KSA loans were not interest free! Much higher interest than the Chinese loans. <--- maybe the Hallucinating Hindustani in thread will read this as well!

Good riddance I say!
Never trust the children of millionaires. MBS has had life of luxury, hence not experienced failure. With his clouded outlook he made rash decisions, thinking money can solve everything. Tried to drag Pakistan into conflict, but got mad when said no. Yemen conflict is in stalemate, Qatar is still alive and kicking and worse Trump has not crushed Iran.
Why are some of you guys against Saudi Arabia so much?
From what I have read, they have indeed helped Pakistan financially alot these past decades. Including financing your country's nuclear weapons program, giving of aid, loans etc . So I fail to see how they are this enemy like some of you portray them to be.
You are against them for wanting to pull Pakistan to their side during the Yemen conflict. However, you are just explaining your own point of view, from what I know Yemen is part of KSA sphere of influence and their immediate neighbour at that, so obviously they(as the biggest Arab country in the region ) have interest and huge stakes in Yemen especially vis a vis Iran's growing influence and presence in the region. For me I will say they have legitimate reasons and interests in getting involved. Just like Iran got involved in Iraq which falls under their sphere of influence and is their immediate neighbour as well , just like Afghanistan falls under pakistanis own sphere of influence and shares a border with you guys reason you guys have been directly and indirectly involved there for decades now. Etc .
So I fail to see why some of you guys think Saudi Arabia should forsake its own interests in it's neighbourhood. If Pakistan refused to support KSA involvement in the Yemen conflict I don't see why some of you guys expect KSA to back Pakistan in everything. That's not how geo politics work. Every country have their own interests and they will pursue it as they deem fit. So it's up to others to align/realign their interests accordingly. Nobody is wrong or right here, that's just how the game works.
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