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Pakistan returns $1 billion of Saudi Arabia's soft loan, officials say

Very respectfully the points raised by you do not appear to be factually correct.
  • Even at this moment, the Emirati military are the one of the most advanced equipment wise. So I dont see how the Israelis can help Emirati military other than the UAE going on a yet another shopping spree from Israel.
  • Israelis are some financial gurus and depend on US aid for survival. Therefore economics is not an area where UAE take advantage of the Israel.
  • Israel is way way behind UAE when it comes to tourism. So again UAE cannot benefit substantially from Israel in tourism.
  • The only logical conclusion of UAE normalising with Israel is to buy political clout in Washington and forming some sort of alliance against common enemy Iran. All other "facts" are not making much sense other than that.
No hard feelings yar.

The points i raised are actually factual ! you did raise other points i had not raised though ....

My points

- Israel , for such a tiny country, much smaller than the UAE, is actually exporting vegetables and fruit and have come a long way with the technology behind this , so we can learn and build on it

- weaponry and defense , Abu Dhabi and the UAE in general have started in this field (design and production of parts ...etc) , so i was referring to gaining experience and knowledge from the Israelis to build on and advance our industry

- medicine and medical care - the UAE (Dubai and Abu Dhabi) are one of the top heath-care destinations , i was again referring to gaining the knowledge Israeli doctors and medical scientists have so we can teach our own doctors (i know other countries are more advanced than Israel , and we do gain from them too)

your points :-

yes the UAE economy is doing well and moving away from oil day by day, the plan put in place is great and were on the path still.

tourism sector and expertise in the UAE is in fact amazing. true.

last point , will the UAE have more leverage, more political strength and clout when siding with Israel ? sure. Not a bad thing. it should be good news if a Muslim/Arab country becomes more powerful.
If the payment was due, I don't see why we are angry at the Arabs.
Just 5 pages.

Come on guys. Disappointing.

As a motivation, Pakistan and Iran opened a new border route.
I wouldn’t hold your breath on this Iran country acting or being normal, they got some horrible thoughts for all.

Pakistan is too sick to death of this country’s caught arming our militants. If it wasn’t for eastern neighbour enemy india we would have dealt with Iran appropriately long time ago


The Lashkar-e-Jhangvi or "Army of Jhangvi", is a Deobandi wahhabi supremacist and jihadist militant organisation based in Afghanistan. The organisation operates in Pakistan and Afghanistan and is an offshoot of anti-Shia party Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan.

Financed by House of Saud.

Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan, renamed to Millat-e-Islamia and now known as Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat, is a wahhabi organisation in Pakistan, which also functioned as a political party. It broke away from the main Deobandi wahhabi organisation Jamiatul Ulema-e-Islam in 1985.

Financed by House of Saud


Wahhabi Terrorist group

Guess what financed by House of Saud


Leadership resides in UAE

Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan

Tehrik-i-Taliban in Pakistan, alternatively referred to as the Pakistani Taliban, is a radical wahhabi terrorist armed group that is an umbrella organization of various militant groups based along the Afghan–Pakistani border

Take a wild guess where these guys get brief cases full of Money, You guessed it GULF STATES

Tell us all what do you plan to do with Saudi whose open support and financing have literally destroyed Pakistani economy and killed over 80,000 Pakistani civilian and security personals..

I am leaving out literally dozens or so more who get their support and financing from GCC. Whats the matter Cat got your tongue....Or all of sudden your pain and suffering have turned into love of ummah...
Is SA charging interest on this loan between brothers? Whoa!!!

Is interest not haram?

And, a loan from a kuffar is taken to repay loan from a brother? That seems to be a BIGGER haram. Is a converted brother allowed to get away with such haram? Someone must be turning in his grave.
Why are some of you guys against Saudi Arabia so much?
From what I have read, they have indeed helped Pakistan financially alot these past decades. Including financing your country's nuclear weapons program, giving of aid, loans etc . So I fail to see how they are this enemy like some of you portray them to be.
You are against them for wanting to pull Pakistan to their side during the Yemen conflict. However, you are just explaining your own point of view, from what I know Yemen is part of KSA sphere of influence and their immediate neighbour at that, so obviously they(as the biggest Arab country in the region ) have interest and huge stakes in Yemen especially vis a vis Iran's growing influence and presence in the region. For me I will say they have legitimate reasons and interests in getting involved. Just like Iran got involved in Iraq which falls under their sphere of influence and is their immediate neighbour as well , just like Afghanistan falls under pakistanis own sphere of influence and shares a border with you guys reason you guys have been directly and indirectly involved there for decades now. Etc .
So I fail to see why some of you guys think Saudi Arabia should forsake its own interests in it's neighbourhood. If Pakistan refused to support KSA involvement in the Yemen conflict I don't see why some of you guys expect KSA to back Pakistan in everything. That's not how geo politics work. Every country have their own interests and they will pursue it as they deem fit. So it's up to others to align/realign their interests accordingly. Nobody is wrong or right here, that's just how the game works.
Pakistan isn't asking for Saudi troops to fight in Kashmir. Pakistan supports KSA diplomatically in Yemen. No real comparison here.

Honestly Pakistan should have sent a token force to Yemen then withdrawed them once they suffered casualties like a number of Arab countries did with little diplomatic consequences. Problem was that Pakistan was involved in clearing out Waziristan from RAW/NDS terror proxies so really didn't have troops to spare to send to Yemen at the start of the conflict.
Pakistan isn't asking for Saudi troops to fight in Kashmir. Pakistan supports KSA diplomatically in Yemen. No real comparison here.

Honestly Pakistan should have sent a token force to Yemen then withdrawed them once they suffered casualties like a number of Arab countries did with little diplomatic consequences. Problem was that Pakistan was involved in clearing out Waziristan from RAW/NDS terror proxies so really didn't have troops to spare to send to Yemen at the start of the conflict.
state of pakistan is munafiq they donot follow islam they are in waar with ALLAH and PROPHET saw .every one have right to fight them
It would have been great if it was turned to grant didnt happen...
No big deal..glad we are out of trouble enough to pay it back...
state of pakistan is munafiq they donot follow islam they are in waar with ALLAH and PROPHET saw .every one have right to fight them
:lol: I'm sure ex communists in Kabul and Hindu nationalists terrorists are better.
If this is true, then Pakistanis have every right to be angry. But this is the price you pay for begging.

You are 100% correct and I don't blame anyone for the mess we are in, but ourselves.. My problem isn't Saudi or any other nation my problem is some in Pakistan still want the old failed way to please and beg to continue...
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