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Pakistan release new video of Abhinadan

Abhi should be invited to Pakistan one day
We would be happy to shoot him down again and offer him fantastic tea ☕
Professional respect aside, Abhinandan doesn't deserve any love or respect from us. He came flying to Pakistan to kill your children and bomb the hell out of you - and might have been successful if he wasn't shot down first.

Describing Abhinandan as an "amazing gentleman" is like calling Narendra Modi the "Amazing Saint" as he too is doing what Abhinandan came to do and Modi too loves his country and is acting against the enemy of India. Capture Narendra Modi, bring him to Pakistan and find him speak peace even more. What Abhinandan is doing here is no reflection of his character, but this is a mask to save himself while he is a prisoner in Pakistan.
I agree Abhi was a POW trying to shoot or kill Pakistani’s. We kept him under the strict rules of the Geneva convention for prisoners of war. Nothing more nothing less.

Abhinandan is a fine example of the message that a lot of Indians (and also Pakistanis) carry in their hearts that deep within we really hold no grudges or enmity with anyone in Pakistan, we can appreciate each other's cuisines and traditions more than any other significant power. Peace will serve us both long term and we can try our best to resolve Kashmir amicably. There's a good economic potential in working together to develop our industries, complimenting mutual weaknesses and allocating more resources on raising the standard of living of the people on both sides. The stability alone will increase tourism revenue and FDI prospects.
Abhinandan is a fine example of the message that a lot of Indians (and also Pakistanis) carry in their hearts that deep within we really hold no grudges or enmity with anyone in Pakistan, we can appreciate each other's cuisines and traditions more than any other significant power. Peace will serve us both long term and we can try our best to resolve Kashmir amicably. There's a good economic potential in working together to develop our industries, complimenting mutual weaknesses and allocating more resources on raising the standard of living of the people on both sides. The stability alone will increase tourism revenue and FDI prospects.
Now i have my doubts. The reins of Pakistan are not in the hands of its people.
I look at the democracy protests in Myanmar and see a people who value their freedom and rights. In Pakistan people are happy to hand over their freedoms.
Very different value systems.
Now i have my doubts. The reins of Pakistan are not in the hands of its people.
I look at the democracy protests in Myanmar and see a people who value their freedom and rights. In Pakistan people are happy to hand over their freedoms.
Very different value systems.
I don't think it's so simple and Pakistan is still better governed than Myanmar.
I don't think it's so simple and Pakistan is still better governed than Myanmar.
Nope. South east Asian countries are definitely better socially. Not attributing it to better governance solely , the social structures seem more robust , better than even India's. Based purely on my trips.
Guys this is what i said soon after he was captured. No doubt he is a thorough gentleman with good upbringing.
My late father who also retired from Pakistan air force as a wing commander said that Abhi Nandan is a son of a air marshal ,he himself displays a behavior of a fine air force officer and soldier.He was by no means a coward and didn't compromise on his duty even when in captivity. According to him even though indian military is a joke these days under BJP but it was not always like that. They produced some really fine military officers in the past like the father of Abhi Nandan. He being the son of a retired air marshal and being the second generation in IAF definitely plays a big role in him being a through gentleman.
"Kya ho rha hai Kashmiri k sath, woh na apko pta hai, na mujhe pta hai."

Bloody hell?!
Is he stupid or a hypocrite?

The entire world knows what`s happening in IOK. If you are sitting in cockpit, clueless about the happenings around you, it does not mean everyone`s head is up their a$$!

So what he was supposed to say about Kashmir? Tell the reality and when reach back India find his whole family killed by RSS extremists? Or tell a reality and face court marshal?
Indirectly he actually exposed his government by not saying a single word in favor of modi government. That was a very clever answer.
See the twitter feeds of ex army officers like Gen Panag , Col shukla , etc . In india being against the establishment does not invite immediate retribution. Though personally I feel senior ex officers should have a 5 year moratorium before entering political camps. Since we are in a running low intensity conflict with Pakistan, why give the enemy a lift by targeting the government for political reasons. Being freshly retired officers, their words carry more weight.
Being a serving officer and the center of a PR campaign on both sides of a border, Abhinandan's statements would have a far greater impact on the masses.
Guys this is what i said soon after he was captured. No doubt he is a thorough gentleman with good upbringing.
My late father who also retired from Pakistan air force as a wing commander said that Abhi Nandan is a son of a air marshal ,he himself displays a behavior of a fine air force officer and soldier.He was by no means a coward and didn't compromise on his duty even when in captivity. According to him even though indian military is a joke these days under BJP but it was not always like that. They produced some really fine military officers in the past like the father of Abhi Nandan. He being the son of a retired air marshal and being the second generation in IAF definitely plays a big role in him being a through gentleman.

So what he was supposed to say about Kashmir? Tell the reality and when reach back India find his whole family killed by RSS extremists? Or tell a reality and face court marshal?
Indirectly he actually exposed his government by not saying a single word in favor of modi government. That was a very clever answer.

Son of a "Air Marshal" a recipe for being a gentleman!!
At the end you have come to sense and describing why he is not telling the truth why Abhi didn't say anything on Kashmir.
So hypocrisy is sign of a Gentleman.

Same way he didn't say shooting down an F 16 until now and accepted the fake title of "Falcon Slayer".
I am sure leaving a lie stand and fake gallantry award stand is also a great sign of upbringing and honesty.

Cannot get better than this.
Son of a "Air Marshal" a recipe for being a gentleman!!
At the end you have come to sense and describing why he is not telling the truth why Abhi didn't say anything on Kashmir.
So hypocrisy is sign of a Gentleman.

Same way he didn't say shooting down an F 16 until now and accepted the fake title of "Falcon Slayer".
I am sure leaving a lie stand and fake gallantry award stand is also a great sign of upbringing and honesty.

Cannot get better than this.
The thing is he is a professional military officer and soldier and we are looking for his qualities as a soldier . Ofcourse he too has a common sense of what to speak and what not to speak just like everyone else. But a sensible person(I hope you are one) should understand the deep inside message he is conveying.
Practically things are not always straight in life . Even if he deny his award and medals that's the same thing as inviting trouble from the RSS extremists in india. Well deep inside I am sure he feels guilty for being worthy for those awards.
And yes the family upbringing matters a lot and being son of a air marshal matters. If you are from a military family and ever lived on a military base or have any exposure to a senior military officer family then you should know what I am talking about.
The thing is he is a professional military officer and soldier and we are looking for his qualities as a soldier . Ofcourse he too has a common sense of what to speak and what not to speak just like everyone else. But a sensible person(I hope you are one) should understand the deep inside message he is conveying.
Practically things are not always straight in life . Even if he deny his award and medals that's the same thing as inviting trouble from the RSS extremists in india. Well deep inside I am sure he feels guilty for being worthy for those awards.
And yes the family upbringing matters a lot and being son of a air marshal matters. If you are from a military family and ever lived on a military base or have any exposure to a senior military officer family then you should know what I am talking about.

Well brother, if you read your piece , you may realise that you have once again profess that it is ok for Abhi to be a "hypocrite".

Will a professional soldier wear a false bade of honour for rest of his life, because it is convenient for him to do so!! Would that type of qualities makes a good "professional soldier" !!

As for upbringing, I have grown up in a modest home. From Parents both of whom had massive heritage. Please read my signature, it may gives you a hint.

From every angle "Abhi" is average Joe and a very bad professional soldier, wearing a fake "bravery award" for last two years and would continue to wear it for rest of his life after making his bed.

If you happy with it that's fine by me. I personally hate hypocrites, they are the worst kind of humans, cause more troubles in the world than any other kind.
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People here buying into this peace BS are so naive, study the mind of the banya, it has not changed for mileniums, this pilot was only singing Pakistans praises like a parrot cause he was caught and he did not know yet of his release the next day. He was scared shitless, this is what they do, this is what Bagal Men Churi Mun Men Ram Ram means, they house deep hatred for muslims and Pakistan and they only show it when secure and comfortable in their own backyard, India does not have Sipahi Maqbool Hussain's who would not utter a word even under inhumane torture. These are cowards of the highest order n will say anything to save their skin. The people who buy into this are stupid of the highest order. India will not rest until Pakistan ceases to exist, as that is not going to happen, the only plausible end to this is for history to repeat itself and Ghaznavis and Ghoris to chill out in Dehli again. There can be no peace, not with India.
You are most welcome to share your thoughts.
I liked him too I hope he will visit Pakistan when we have normal relations with India heard all ppl who dealt him as POW realy liked him
Obviously recorded under a bit of duress but what he says is true. No real warrior ever itches for a fight but are duty and honour bound to fight when called upon by their country.
There was no need to release this video. It adds nothing new, and is crass right now.

PAF should leave Abhi alone now....
PAF should Invite him as theior guest I hope one day
Guys, he's only acting nice because he was scared and surrendered in a foreign country which Indians are brainwashed into thinking is a terrorist run state. He will be back to attack Pakistan. The only reason he kept quiet is because we have more footage of him which we won't release until necessary, similar to what the Chinese are doing.

India is only held together by delusional hyper nationalism. If China and Pakistan release their footage it will start a domino effect which will lead to great instability in India.
Guys, he's only acting nice because he was scared and surrendered in a foreign country which Indians are brainwashed into thinking is a terrorist run state. He will be back to attack Pakistan. The only reason he kept quiet is because we have more footage of him which we won't release until necessary, similar to what the Chinese are doing.

India is only held together by delusional hyper nationalism. If China and Pakistan release their footage it will start a domino effect which will lead to great instability in India.
He kept quiet because he's an active duty airman and is not at liberty to speak to the press.
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