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Featured Pakistan rejects 'illegal' grant of occupied Kashmir domicile certificates to Indian nationals

Post no. 38

The historical aspect is not strong enough motivation for us to start a war. Pakistan is not hungry for more land and neither do we have a stable system to put our country on standstill and take on a monster like India (however stupid but is big enough in size to cause damage). As for the geneva convension, shouldn’t UN be sending their forces because its their law that has been violated. I am not convinced that motivation is strong enough to start a war, Azad Kashmir is technically Pakistan if we can’t win the rest, why don’t we put an end to this impossiblity and let India have the place. Do we think fighting a war for Kashmiris and hypothetically if the land goes to Pakistan/becomes independent, India would stop causing problems for us and Kasmiris. They will forever create problems for us. Whats in it for Pakistan?
That's so hilarious.....India gulped away Kashmir and for past one year now all we hear is Pakistan "Rejects", Pakistan "Condemns" , Pakistan "Opposes", Pakistan "Refutes", Pakistan "Disagrees"....Pakistan "blah" more "blahs"....... Point is no one gives a Damn till Pakistan will continue to do the above.......What is our great Army's role in getting us Kashmir? What are they going despite increasing 7% of it compared to last year?
Seriously after looking at the behavior of our army and leaders I often think our votes and hard earned tax money is getting wasted.

shouldn’t UN be sending their forces because its their law that has been violated.
UN is a hypocrite wing of USA and it's allies.
Seriously after looking at the behavior of our army and leaders I often think our votes and hard earned tax money is getting wasted.

That money is for Pakistan and Pakistanis. Are we suggesting we are paying them to win back Kashmir?

Our people need health, welfare, education and means to earn a steady income, when we have these things then we should talk about starting wars.. what is our priority? Pakistanis or Kashmiris in IoK? Its their battle and they will have to fight it if their land is being taken.
The first lot of Hindus got there the same way - genocide of the Muslims of Jammu.
Don't you think Muslims have occupied Hindus in first instance... Original ppl are Hindus... So now India is colonizing Hindu lands, why a muslim should bother...
That money is for Pakistan and Pakistanis. Are we suggesting we are paying them to win back Kashmir?

Our people need health, welfare, education and means to earn a steady income, when we have these things then we should talk about starting wars.. what is our priority? Pakistanis or Kashmiris in IoK? Its their battle and they will have to fight it if their land is being taken.
Kashmir is the unfinished business of partition and our two nation theory.It is as important as health, education , steady income etc .
Kashmir is the unfinished business of partition and our two nation theory.It is as important as health, education , steady income etc .

I beg to differ mate. I have seen too much poverty and hopelessness in Pakistan, we need to set our priorities right. I am glad our army has sensible people at the realm who are not opening fronts for us that will make us more unstable and our people more vulnerable to enemy’s attack.
Don't you think Muslims have occupied Hindus in first instance... Original ppl are Hindus... So now India is colonizing Hindu lands, why a muslim should bother...

That is nonsense. Most of the people who are Muslim today are converts to Islam. We didn't all up sticks from the deserts of Arabia and settle everywhere in the world.
Global Village Space |
Pakistan rejected the granting of domicile certificates to thousands of Indian nationals Saturday in Muslim-majority Jammu and Kashmir, characterizing it as an attempt to change the demographic structure of the disputed region.

As many as 25,000 people have been granted domicile certificates in the territory since New Delhi introduced a controversial law in May.

Citizenship law granting domiciles to Indians in Kashmir
Eligible non-locals, along with those who have lived in Indian-administered Kashmir for 15 years, or studied for seven years and appeared in class 10th or 12th examinations in a local school, can apply for the certificate under the new law.

“Pakistan categorically rejects the grant of domicile certificates of Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IOJ&K) by the Indian authorities to reportedly 25,000 Indian nationals,” said a statement by Pakistan’s foreign ministry.
Kashmiris, it said, also reject the “bogus domicile certificates.”

Islamabad described Indian government officials moves as “illegal, void and in complete violation of the relevant United Nations Security Council Resolutions, and International law including the Fourth Geneva Convention.”
Read full article...
Pakistan outraged as Indians granted Kashmir citizenship illegally
I beg to differ mate. I have seen too much poverty and hopelessness in Pakistan, we need to set our priorities right. I am glad our army has sensible people at the realm who are not opening fronts for us that will make us more unstable and our people more vulnerable to enemy’s attack.
Agree to disagree
Pakistan is SO outraged that it will announce another protest, send out a press release, complain some more to the media and the useless intl orgs ---- and then...?

Get somebody in GHQ an extension for this defensive posture?
Wait for India to further consolidate control in IOK, crushing chances for a future insurgency?
India can only cause trouble in sides with less resistance after failure to confront China even though they started troubles in our disputed region since early 2019.
India can only cause trouble in sides with less resistance after failure to confront China even though they started troubles in our disputed region since early 2019.

India did confront China. China had broken agreement, grabbed land and holding on to it. Indian forces are facing Chinese aggression and trying to push Chinese back.

India suffered causalities which were duly reported. Do you claim that Chinese killed Indians without any reason.

It can never be called as failure to confront !!!
India did confront China. China had broken agreement, grabbed land and holding on to it. Indian forces are facing Chinese aggression and trying to push Chinese back.

India suffered causalities which were duly reported. Do you claim that Chinese killed Indians without any reason.

It can never be called as failure to confront !!!

I'm talking about India's moves in 2019 as the initial confrontation. By rejecting 370 and by sending more soldiers to Ladakh region since 2019 and building more and closer. Then the response from China is what happened between April and June. China was facing Indian aggression since 2019. You are just talking about 2020 events. Those 2020 events are response to 2019 Indian aggression and lessons learned from how each behaved in 2017 standoff.

Both forces are facing each other's aggression now since the relationship after 2017 has turned to 2018 Wuhan agreement and then 2019 events where India took more aggressive action in Kashmir, threatened CPEC, sent more troops to LAC. China is friendly with Pakistan so I understand India joining USA. But CCP considers these moves obvious to India's intentions. If India becomes friendly with both Pakistan and China, if that's possible, then there would be easier solution and ways to settle our national border disagreements. But our status is determined by those disagreements unfortunately.
I'm talking about India's moves in 2019 as the initial confrontation. By rejecting 370 and by sending more soldiers to Ladakh region since 2019 and building more and closer. Then the response from China is what happened between April and June. China was facing Indian aggression since 2019. You are just talking about 2020 events. Those 2020 events are response to 2019 Indian aggression and lessons learned from how each behaved in 2017 standoff.

Both forces are facing each other's aggression now since the relationship after 2017 has turned to 2018 Wuhan agreement and then 2019 events where India took more aggressive action in Kashmir, threatened CPEC, sent more troops to LAC. China is friendly with Pakistan so I understand India joining USA. But CCP considers these moves obvious to India's intentions. If India becomes friendly with both Pakistan and China, if that's possible, then there would be easier solution and ways to settle our national border disagreements. But our status is determined by those disagreements unfortunately.

China was facing Indian aggression since 2019 should make the BIGGEST Headline in every media !!!!

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