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Featured Pakistan rejects 'illegal' grant of occupied Kashmir domicile certificates to Indian nationals

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Jammu is very mixed

These people will go there not Kashmir valley which is more or less 100% muslim

The Indian plan will be to try and slowly make the populations equal in number so politically they can have the government they want

But wherever you can find them or their families:coffee:

Indians weren't expecting LAC trouble, months of protest against CAA, covid pandemic

And we must hit them whenever and wherever we can

Support China on the LAC

Support Kashmiri against the hindus
Try to understand what happened in Jammu in 1947. The same thing is happening now in other occupied territories by a variety of methods, the abrogation of 370 and this domicile law being one of them.
I don't understand why 370 matters since we don't even recognize Indian law in Kashmir?
We are celebrating India-China standoff in Ladakh, what our military is doing... It's all began.......Now our opposition getting together to topple the govt again ...

Must watch , this video on topic.

Already US moved in to contain China, so don't be so eager for fight with India, Already your economy is in doldrums, first heal your wounds, you can fight India another day.
You filth have nothing to stand on now. Your lies about wanting development in Kashmir lie exposed and pissed on. Hindustan wanted non-Kashmir Hindus to move in and develop gated communities for them, nothing else. You will reap a cataclysmic war. Pakistan is not Jordan. India is not Israel.

I don't understand why 370 matters since we don't even recognize Indian law in Kashmir?
Simple. Doesn't matter to Pakistan but it matters to Kashmiris. 370 gave them some security and that is gone.
Ask iok kashmiris this question.
well my question is up on this thread, hopefully an IOK Kashmiri enlightens me on this.

Accepting an article from an Indian constitution = accepting Indian constitution = accepting Indian rule over you.

Once you accept, there is nothing left - they the people of IOK are to blame. Nothing to do with Pakistan. Unless they man up, don't expect anything from Pakistan except some solidarity words.
well my question is up on this thread, hopefully an IOK Kashmiri enlightens me on this.

Accepting an article from an Indian constitution = accepting Indian constitution = accepting Indian rule over you.

Once you accept, there is nothing left - they the people of IOK are to blame. Nothing to do with Pakistan. Unless they man up, don't expect anything from Pakistan except some solidarity words.
Interesting take. I consider two factors at play: 1) the rights violations of kashmiris with regards to their ancestral homeland and 2) the fact that J&K is occupied territory that by all means should have been allocated to Pakistan during the British exit from the subcontinent. Most Pakistanis actually regard both aspects in tandem. Similarly, most Pakistanis would want either accession to Pakistan or independence for Kashmir in the present day, on the basis of a plebiscite.

Pakistan's actions may well be predicated on the movements and contemporary machinations of the local population, but in fact, the underlying motivations are very much in the interests of Pakistan from a historical perspective.

Pakistan should intervene immediately and militarily if necessary. Altering demography in an occupied territory is illegal under international law and by convention. Never mind the moral reprehensibility - it is actually illegal as per the Geneva Conventions. IoK is not recognised as Indian territory - most nations regard it as disputed. Russia's intervention in Crimea against Ukrainian occupiers on behalf of ethnic Russians is PRECISELY the mandate that Pakistan needs to follow. Ukrainian occupiers have been removed. Crimeans enjoy their new status within Moscow's orbit. We haven't heard a word of complaint since. If Pakistan did the same as Russia and took IoK wholesale, the same reality would transpire, and this is what the Hindustani sanghees and pseudomoderate filth fear, hence the urgent relocation of demographic influence that is occurring.
Pakistan should ask the Citizens of Occupied Kashmir to register their land with Pakistan 8-)

I think Pakistan can open a registration system online , so citizens of occupied land , can register their property and land correctly with Pakistan


Internet is shutdown in IoK, so much for being a "democracy". Modi needs his teeth kicked in, this is another grave violation of the Kashmir dispute. Pakistan has not altered the demographics on its side.

Now on the other side, despite issuing domicile certificates most people know that Kashmir is unstable and unsafe and are unlikely to move there.
Bunch of pussies have hijacked this country, this claim is totally based on facts and ground reality.
Who so ever is this team of hijackers, they were not sure of PAF air dominance on 27th February, it was clear that Pakistan's ruling elite panicked more than InAF... but the question remains what was the information link pin between Indians and Pakistan's leadership on 27th February.
I'm suspicious, that Pakistani leadership was made aware of Indian disarray and shooting of Indian SU in real time.

Ever since from the eve of of 27th February, i'm shouting treason from the top of my voice. Which was later confirmed when Pak Navy escorted Indian submarine to Indian waters. We had the opportunity to sink that sub, without leaving any hint or trace of it.
Some thing is not fishy but WHALE in echelon of power.


Weren't the vast majority of applications in Jammu. Hindus getting colonised by Hindus, don't really see an issue.

If anything public opinion in that area would swing against India. Any outsider trying to settle in the valley is likely to be killed. Stick out like a gau mata

any attempt on terrorism will be dealt with iron hands .

Try to understand what happened in Jammu in 1947. The same thing is happening now in other occupied territories by a variety of methods, the abrogation of 370 and this domicile law being one of them.
you are taught fake history, read murder of history by pakistani writer khurshid kamal aziz .

Internet is shutdown in IoK, so much for being a "democracy". Modi needs his teeth kicked in, this is another grave violation of the Kashmir dispute. Pakistan has not altered the demographics on its side.

Now on the other side, despite issuing domicile certificates most people know that Kashmir is unstable and unsafe and are unlikely to move there.

I wrote in the article "Lack of aggression from Pakistan" that some sort of a movement whether hybrid or purely military is needed and some people utterly criticized it.

Now gentlemen, you will see muslims in Kashmir being turned into a minority, humiliated and strangulated economically like the ones in gaza. Their women will be humiliated for money and children will be begging on the streets.

But may be this was not discussed in the 'high level meetings' being held every week.
I strongly concur with your views.
The current leadership and army generals are making my blood boil. There is no solution to this but a military action. Specially when India is very weak these days and Chinese and pakistanis are on the same page when it comes to Kashmir issue. A pacifist cuckold approach here is definitely not going to work. A good analyst today on a TV emphasized that war is a reality,war is a solution to make things right ,war is justified when it's needed even though war is a ugly thing.
Even a blind can tell India is definitely to going to lose this two front war from China and pakistan and here these incompetent so called leaders are thinking about taking the matters to the corrupt UN and ICJ which are useless efforts. There would be no use of nukes in this war from Indian side mark my words if war escalates beyond Kashmir region. Because they know the two side nuke strikes from China and pakistan means total destruction of India.They are not stupid and brave enough to risk all India for one occupied state of Kashmir.

any attempt on terrorism will be dealt with iron hands .
We have seen your iron hands in ladakh recently and on 27 th February last year :lol:
Keep that little one in your pants.
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Can a Pakistani member answer this question:

Why is Kashmir important for Pakistan? Other then the clear human rights violation and over 300+ lockdown, why do we find it important to talk about their sovereignty?
Can a Pakistani member answer this question:

Why is Kashmir important for Pakistan? Other then the clear human rights violation and over 300+ lockdown, why do we find it important to talk about their sovereignty?
Post no. 38
Peaceful protest is a Democratic right of each and every govt of the world including Pakistan, what else can we do?

don't expect love from pagans. Its your war, stand your damn ground.

thanks for your advice, we will have a look at what you've just said.

Go ahead, take two or three looks, or as many as you want to take. It's absolutely free.
Pakistan on Saturday rejected the Indian authorities' move to grant domicile certificates of Indian-occupied Kashmir reportedly to thousands of Indian nationals, terming it a part of New Delhi's attempt to change the demographic structure of the disputed region.

As many as 25,000 non-locals have been granted domicile certificates in Muslim-majority Jammu and Kashmir since May 18, which local politicians believe is the beginning of a move to disturb the demographic profile of the region, Anadolu Agency reported.

The certificate, a sort of citizenship right, entitles a person to residency and government jobs in the region, which until last year were reserved only for the local population.

The documents issued to non-Kashmiris, including Indian government officials, under the Jammu and Kashmir Grant of Domicile Certificate (Procedure), 2020, are "illegal, void and in complete violation of the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions and international law including the 4th Geneva Convention", Foreign Office spokesperson Aisha Farooqui said in a statement.

She said the latest action by New Delhi is "a vindication of Pakistan’s consistent stance" that a major intention behind India's move to annex occupied Kashmir on August 5 last year was to change the demographic structure of the region and "turn Kashmiris into a minority in their own land".

"This has long been [a] part of the RSS-BJP’s 'Hindutva' agenda," she added, saying the Kashmiris too have rejected the "bogus" domicile certificates.

Farooqui said the Indian government by changing the demographic make-up of occupied Kashmir intends to undermine its residents' exercise of their right to self-determination through a free and impartial plebiscite under the UN supervision.

Through these actions, it also seeks to further perpetuate India's occupation of the Valley while continuing other rights abuses including continued restrictions on daily life, an "excruciating" military crackdown, extra-judicial killings and arbitrary detentions, the spokesperson noted in the statement.

"India should know that its suppression has not been able to break the will of the Kashmiri people in the past and it will not succeed in doing so in the future," the press release said.

The FO spokesperson called on the UN and the international community to intervene to stop India from altering the demographic structure of occupied Kashmir "by settling people from India in a territory that it has illegally occupied and the status of which remains disputed".

"The recipients of the domicile certificates must know that India has no legal authority to bring in and settle people from outside IOJ&K," she stressed, adding that international law bars New Delhi from implementing such actions.

Farooqui said India "must be urged" to immediately cancel all the domicile certificates issued to non-Kashmiris, revoke unlawful rules aimed at further disenfranchising the Kashmiris by effecting a demographic change, and comply with its international legal obligations through implementation of the relevant UNSC resolutions.

That's so hilarious.....India gulped away Kashmir and for past one year now all we hear is Pakistan "Rejects", Pakistan "Condemns" , Pakistan "Opposes", Pakistan "Refutes", Pakistan "Disagrees"....Pakistan "blah" more "blahs"....... Point is no one gives a Damn till Pakistan will continue to do the above.......What is our great Army's role in getting us Kashmir? What are they going despite increasing 12% of its budget compared to last year?...getting almost 7% of country's GDP...
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