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Pakistan refuses to release Dr Afridi despite US pressure

Do go ahead with the conviction.

Its your law after all : the same which lets Raymond Davies go with "Blood" money after killing 2 Pakistanis , whereas it jails the doctor who had provided the link to OBL .... just think about it once the hyprocrisy of it all ....

Laws are there for a reason not for fun nor can they be discarded.
How is he a traitor? he was not spying on pakistan, he was spying on osama!
how is finding a terrorist an anti pakistani act? we all were doing the same thing after all.

He was working for a foreign agency without the permission of Pakistani govt and that definitely makes him eligible for a conviction for treason.
He was working for a foreign agency without the permission of Pakistani govt and that definitely makes him eligible for a conviction for treason.

pakistan is an ally of US for WoT. even pakistani government is working for/with foreign institution i.e. US government for the very same reason!
do you wanna convict gop also? why can't we apply the same logic on this guy?
pakistan is an ally of US for WoT. even pakistani government is working for/with foreign institution i.e. US government for the very same reason!
do you wanna convict gop also? why can't we apply the same logic on this guy?

Did he take the permission for his campaign with CIA from Pakistani govt? NO.

Did he take the permission from ISI? NO.

Did he take the permission from Pak Military? No.


He is guilty of treason and should be trialed for it. Simple.
pakistan is an ally of US for WoT. even pakistani government is working for/with foreign institution i.e. US government for the very same reason!
do you wanna convict gop also? why can't we apply the same logic on this guy?

Why are you getting your knickers in a twist. Its very simple. He is on PAKISTAN soil and is being accused of the ultimate crime treason against the state of PAKISTAN. He therefore will be put on trial in PAKISTAN. The judicary system in PAKISTAN will listen to the evidence and decide his fate. Why the hell should he be released? We dont know the full extent of what he has done. Who the hell are the USA to dictate. Well done PAKISTAN for standing up for your rights..........
How is he a traitor? he was not spying on pakistan, he was spying on osama!
how is finding a terrorist an anti pakistani act? we all were doing the same thing after all.

I told you to read earlier posts because it fxxxx tiresome having to repeat oneself. On the world scene today there is no one closer than israel and america. Yet when an american citizen sold american secrets to israel he was jailed. Do you not undestand the concept of law?

Check out Jonathan Pollard american secrets sold to israel by american citizen. He was given a life sentance. Once again this also highlights americas hypocracy in suggesting Pakistan should release this traitor.

If pakistan releases him it sets a precedent and will encourage others to do similar and get away with it and spy for the likes of america
I told you to read earlier posts because it fxxxx tiresome having to repeat oneself. On the world scene today there is no one closer than israel and america. Yet when an american citizen sold american secrets to israel he was jailed. Do you not undestand the concept of law?

Check out Jonathan Pollard american secrets sold to israel by american citizen. He was given a life sentance. Once again this also highlights americas hypocracy in suggesting Pakistan should release this traitor.

Calm down lad. One has to show patience when dealing with the slow and dim and in this case its major dim!
How is he a traitor? he was not spying on pakistan, he was spying on osama!
how is finding a terrorist an anti pakistani act? we all were doing the same thing after all.

and he was reporting you????? that he was not spying Pakista.....huh
he was a spy and may be not this time but who knows for how long he was working for CIA.
it is not like CIA went to him or any xyz and requested " dear sir we are looking for usama we need your help" if you think it that way you may be big fool.

and for all indian who are in paic
So in a nutshell , assisting to find Osama's location is a treason to Pakistan , right ?

In a nutshell assisting any foreign intelligence agency on Pakistani soil is a treason in Pakistan. Furthermore the US should hand over the CIA director to be tried for crimes against Pakistani kids.
In a nutshell assisting any foreign intelligence agency on Pakistani soil is a treason in Pakistan. Furthermore the US should hand over the CIA director to be tried for crimes against Pakistani kids.

Actually shall we do a swap?
So in a nutshell , assisting to find Osama's location is a treason to Pakistan , right ?

if you hate osama because he was belonged to alquaeda, then, you must hate the libyan rebel leader who is proven to be associated with alquaeda, and why is nato and america not only protecting him but supporting him against non alquaeda gaddafi???

so if its easy to answer your question, you must find easy to answer mine???
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many indians got blind on forum ?

please my dear next door brothers come out from hate you guys defend each and every person who is treator of pakistan anti pakistan or want to damage pakistan? its simple case of god damn working for another agency .last month you guys doing WAH WAH when a amercan kashmiri arrest in USA for working ISI without permission of CIA FBI . and now you doing WAH WAH for same case but another side ? have some shame or hypocrisy take every thing?
many indians got blind on forum ?

please my dear next door brothers come out from hate you guys defend each and every person who is treator of pakistan anti pakistan or want to damage pakistan? its simple case of god damn working for another agency .last month you guys doing WAH WAH when a amercan kashmiri arrest in USA for working ISI without permission of CIA FBI . and now you doing WAH WAH for same case but another side ? have some shame or hypocrisy take every thing?

Well said bhai jaan
Yeah , in fact a triple-swap would be good : Send CIA chief to Islamabad , the doctor to Washington and ISI chief to Mumbai !

your deal is acceptable, but with one condition that dr will be cut into thousand pieces because dispatching to washington, and entire mumbai include dahravi will be bombed to stone before dispatching ISI chief there, just making sure that the place gets cleaned up
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