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Pakistan refuses action against LeT leaders

Its a funny comparison really.. But if you do want to equate Maoists in India to the international terrorists in Pakistan, be my guest. About the so called PA resolve, well, I believe that truly is.. as you say, blowing hot and cold. I dont claim to have any inside knowledge like a lot of members on this forum do, but the only thing visible is a continuous rise in the capability and audacity of the terrorists holed up in Pakistan. It began with sporadic hits in the badlands of NWFP, moved to the urban centers of the Waziristans and now the same guys your PA claims to have on the run are hitting at will and with extreme prejudice in not only your urban centers like Lahore and Karachi, but are also freely targeting your armed forces and mostly coming out on top. The icing on the cake has really been PA's Chief claims of breaking the back of terrorism in Pakistan 1000 meters away from the Palace of the most wanted terrorist in the world. The poor guy had no clue...

Despite this, if you want to claim victory and success, please feel free.. Mind over matter (reality) .. Eh?

Another indian obsessed with Pakistan - non of these are your concern - indian inferiority complex at it's best.
Another indian obsessed with Pakistan - non of these are your concern - indian inferiority complex at it's best.

And you need to stop boring us with your generic identical one liners......

At least reading AZ and WJ posts are entertaining.....You are desperately seeking attention....

And except to tell you to shoo off...I dont think anyone would give you the time of the day...

Get the hint and move on or write something remotely productive....
And you need to stop boring us with your generic identical one liners......

At least reading AZ and WJ posts are entertaining.....You are desperately seeking attention....

And except to tell you to shoo off...I dont think anyone would give you the time of the day...

Get the hint and move on or write something remotely productive....

Poor indians are constantly obsessed with all things Pakistani - don't worry we know you can't help it.
Poor indians are constantly obsessed with all things Pakistani - don't worry we know you can't help it.

God... I think you're starting to exhibit qualities of your Avatar......obsessive, attention seeker...a Freudian error methinks

I wont be the one throwing you the bone.....I can guarantee you...

Please find a different leg...."Best friend"
God... I think you're starting to exhibit qualities of your Avatar......obsessive, attention seeker...a Freudian error methinks

I wont be the one throwing you the bone.....I can guarantee you...

Please find a different leg...."Best friend"

Its like listening to a stuck tape ..same verse keeps repeating..atleast come up with some thing 'new' or perhaps I dare say atleast 'original' !!

No worries guys.. This is the standard behavior exhibited by such members when faced with an argument which is either too deep for them to comprehend or too strong for them to counter. Having nothing to write, but driven by an uncontrollable urge to increase their post count, results in the display of irrelevant trash such as in this case.
No worries guys.. This is the standard behavior exhibited by such members when faced with an argument which is either too deep for them to comprehend or too strong for them to counter. Having nothing to write, but driven by an uncontrollable urge to increase their post count, results in the display of irrelevant trash such as in this case.
We are not going to arrest our people for your Mumbai Drama
find a solution to kashmir and groups such as let etc will vanish
How about you finding a solution to Balochistan and groups such as the Balochistan Liberation Army will vanish!

Check this out too:

KARACHI: The main icon of the independence struggle in Balochistan has said the Baloch people have been pushed to the wall and there is no way out for them but to fight back against the Pakistani occupation of their homeland.

Nawab Khair Bakhsh Marri, 81 – a legend in his lifetime for resolutely calling for independence of Texas-sized Balochistan for almost four decades now – in a wide ranging interview said the Baloch have been left with no choice but to pick up arms in self defense. He said he would ask each and every Baloch to live like a common man during daylight, “but after dusk turn into a lightening thunder against the enemy.”

Alluding to the Pakistani killing of countless freedom leaders and activists, he said blood is flowing like a river across Balochistan and the Baloch have been left with no option but to fight back against their national oppression and slavery.

So what was that about glass houses and stones? Oh...You kinda get the point I presume! :azn:

No compromise over Balochistan independence; blood flowing like a river, says Nawab Marri - News - News - BALOCHWARNA
reading the comments from our friends from pakistan, it seems that the realization of the destruction that they are inflicting upon themselves due to supporting terrorism is yet not dawned upon them. Let us hope that it dawns sooner than later before more mehrans or more abbottabads lest whatever is left is also lost!
I do acknowledge the existence of Indian consulates in Afghanistan. Thats a matter of public record. Isnt it? And I dont see how existence of a country's consulates in another country be a justification of action against them by a 3rd country.

well i have no information about action or involvement of other countries.....all i know is that the consulate was attacked, and i wasnt exactly crying that day because i dont think a military attache would be kept in the dark regarding anti-Pakistani activity emanating from Afghanistan (our neighbour)

About the (late) defence attache, well i can make a similar jibe about the Pakistani soldiers martyred in the Karachi Naval base event or the ones being killed regularly by Pakistani terrorists, but even though I am not a military professional like you, I still respect military men of all countries (even India's enemies) and taking jibes on a military man's martyrdom is well beneath the levels to which I am willing to fall to have a debate.

i fail to see any ''jibes'' but anyyywaz...

Irrelevant to the topic at hand..The issue is not the number of Pakistani fingerprints on the Kashmir situation.. It depends on on how much WE believe that the staged and failed uprising has its roots in Pakistan.

Kashmir Uprising: Do Not Blame Us, Pak Tells India

We, the Kashmiri people - Hindustan Times

interestingly enough -- calls for Azady are not merely by so-called ''Islamists'' but even secular nationalists within the Kashmiri diaspora.

and these are not young, illiterate, uneducated people.....they are also engineers, doctors and merchants as well. :)

If WE believe its true, we will make all attempts to hurt you.. and hurt you real bad. And hurting is not just sending a boat load of people to kill civilians. There are many other ways which our respective country's Foreign and intelligence officers know much more than me.

sure sure, and we say (continue to) bring it on.....tit for tat, really. As i said earlier -- you try to hurt us -- we will not sit idly twiddling our thumbs. We will hurt you right back.

btw, I dont know if people have noticed this... Since the time India has expanding influence in Afghanistan, the Kashmir situation has become pretty docile.. Looks like people on the job know what they are doing ;)

i hate to burst your bubble, but perhaps you forgot about the recent uprising --the one in which the occupational forces (sissies) were firing liberally against kids with stones. A failed strategy --as it brough even more anger and hatred against the occupation. Hatred that is still rife even to this day. Thanks to the internet, it is easier now for these disenchanted people to share (with the world) what is going on in Kashmir.

(a reason, perhaps, why ''democratic'' hindustan banned the use of youtube, twitter and facebook services in the beseiged territory)
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