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Pakistan refuses action against LeT leaders

LeT is a banned outfit, no such group exists or operates in Pakistan though yes there are some off-shoots. Such Kashmir-centric groups, unfortunately, exist as a response to the occupation of Kashmir by indian forces who are known to have committed excesses against Kashmiri Muslims who then get no justice and naturally would resort to militancy.

human response

Zolfiqar bhai, you forgot to mention AJK is not a constitutional part of Pakistan, therefore, Pakistan itself cannot do anything against an outfit operating from AJK legally.
Zolfiqar bhai, you forgot to mention AJK is not a constitutional part of Pakistan, therefore, Pakistan itself cannot do anything against an outfit operating from AJK legally.

Except get the ''elected prime minister'' of ''azad kashmir'' to pledge his allegiance to the cause of accession to Pakistan! Sure!

So do you play this game often, i act ignorant, you act ignorant, and we call each other bhai!

And LET AKA JUD is NOT banned, as per Pakistani media, as per western media and as per indians too. Hey, infact JUD recently printed fund raising ads in mainstream pakistan newspaper, and NO action was taken against it by GOP. So much for 'ban'. Pakistani state is harboring terrorists, but thankfully paying for it too.
LeT is a banned outfit in Pakistan, no such group exists.

JuD has a lot of question marks; though it without a doubt has ''subscribership'' by some people who would support anti-indian occupation militancy in occupied Kashmir, there is not enough evidence against it to effectively have it shut down so far.

it isnt just radical Muslims, but Christian and Hindu Pakistanis who were rallying angrily in support of the organization. My personal views on it are mixed, so i'd rather not delve into it.

one thing is for certain -- in any court of law, whose jurisdiction is either local or international:

No Evidence?

Aaaahhhhh......... Thats silly from India............ Expecting action against LeT leaders.

Best India can do is make its defences strong........so we dont have to complain later.

Such types of groups will continue to come up in Pakistan........you kill one other will stand up........no point of making a fuze out of it
LeT is a banned outfit in Pakistan, no such group exists.

JuD has a lot of question marks; though it without a doubt has ''subscribership'' by some people who would support anti-indian occupation militancy in occupied Kashmir, there is not enough evidence against it to effectively have it shut down so far.

it isnt just radical Muslims, but Christian and Hindu Pakistanis who were rallying angrily in support of the organization. My personal views on it are mixed, so i'd rather not delve into it.

one thing is for certain -- in any court of law, whose jurisdiction is either local or international:

I totally agree. Kind of useless to expect Pakistan to act against an organization that they themselves created to fight India without getting into a full blown war. Indian Foreign office should avoid such demands.. Should simply keep adding RAW offices....oops, I mean consulates in Afghanistan and keep extending POLITICAL and MORAL support to all PEACEFUL insurgent groups in Sindh and Balochistan.

And I guess thats what they have been doing last few years... Just need to keep the momentum and stop wasting time with such illogical demands...
indians and their inferiority complex, Freud would have a field day with these guys, endlessly trawling the internet for news on Pakistan - most of these guys must have no social life, or even know what it means to have a girlfriend.
That is exactly how a terrorist would think. You must be at the last page of your jihadi hand book.

And you and your countrymen are a prime example of self obsessed bozos who think they can do no wrong. Acknowledge the fact of Indian Atrocities being committed in occupied Kashmir. India and Indians are no peace doves or bunch of hippy's wearing rainbow shirts running around sharing tooth brushes.
Before trying to show mirror to Pakistan, please have a look at your self, the faux label of "Biggest Democracy" which is actually dysfunctional hypocrisy is good at one thing and that is Bull$hit. The best PR campaign of the century. By the way get your Terrorist lists right first then run around crying like little girls.
I totally agree. Kind of useless to expect Pakistan to act against an organization that they themselves created to fight India without getting into a full blown war. Indian Foreign office should avoid such demands.. Should simply keep adding RAW offices....oops, I mean consulates in Afghanistan and keep extending POLITICAL and MORAL support to all PEACEFUL insurgent groups in Sindh and Balochistan.

And I guess thats what they have been doing last few years... Just need to keep the momentum and stop wasting time with such illogical demands...

Tall talk from the National of a country whose air was punched out by a mere car radiator malfunction, imagine if that was actually a bomb. :woot:
America is on the verge of puling out of Afghanistan, imagine the vacuum, all those killing, I mean playing fields, settling old scores and the heat being turned on again in the occupied Kashmir. Hell, it's going to be a scorching winter. :whistle:
I totally agree. Kind of useless to expect Pakistan to act against an organization that they themselves created to fight India without getting into a full blown war. Indian Foreign office should avoid such demands.. Should simply keep adding RAW offices....oops, I mean consulates in Afghanistan and keep extending POLITICAL and MORAL support to all PEACEFUL insurgent groups in Sindh and Balochistan

well, that's what's been going on....and while it is indeed a nuissance at times, the people in those areas are still very much an integral and highly esteemed portion of Pakistani society as a whole. We have several members on this very forum, who hail from said regions.

since you acknowledge the existence of those ''consullates'' then perhaps you would also acknowledge that action against them is in fact more than justified......as, i believe, your (late) defence attache in Kabul discovered.....the hard way, unfortunately.

And I guess thats what they have been doing last few years... Just need to keep the momentum and stop wasting time with such illogical demands...

it's a cycle that seems to have continued for several decades now, no new phenomenon. You hurt us, we will hurt you back we can't sit idly. However on the issue of Kashmiri Nation -- the intifada and popular uprising against hindustan has few Pakistani fingerprints on it simply because it is an indigenous movement that holds much sympathy amongst the people of Kashmir (both sides of the LoC)

there is little, almost nothing, we can do about controlling people's popular sentiments --especially those of an occupied and militarized area.
well, that's what's been going on....and while it is indeed a nuissance at times, the people in those areas are still very much an integral and highly esteemed portion of Pakistani society as a whole. We have several members on this very forum, who hail from said regions.

since you acknowledge the existence of those ''consullates'' then perhaps you would also acknowledge that action against them is in fact more than justified......as, i believe, your (late) defence attache in Kabul discovered.....the hard way, unfortunately.

it's a cycle that seems to have continued for several decades now, no new phenomenon. You hurt us, we will hurt you back we can't sit idly. However on the issue of Kashmiri Nation -- the intifada and popular uprising against hindustan has few Pakistani fingerprints on it simply because it is an indigenous movement that holds much sympathy amongst the people of Kashmir (both sides of the LoC)

Exactly right my brother, and I understand that you are a member of the Famous Turi Tribe - who are famed warriors in the Pakistani Armed Forces known for their valor and martial bearing.
Tall talk from the National of a country whose air was punched out by a mere car radiator malfunction, imagine if that was actually a bomb. :woot:
America is on the verge of puling out of Afghanistan, imagine the vacuum, all those killing, I mean playing fields, settling old scores and the heat being turned on again in the occupied Kashmir. Hell, it's going to be a scorching winter. :whistle:

If wishes were horses ;)

Anyway, kind of tall claims about turning the heat on from a national of a country who cant turn the heat on for the terrorists within their own country and cant even protect their Army HQ and Navy bases from those terrorists.. For all you know its the heat being turned on Pakistan at the moment..
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