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Pakistan refuses action against LeT leaders


Jul 19, 2010
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Pakistan refuses call for action against LeT leaders

Prosecution of jihad commanders indicted by U.S. could spark war within Pakistan, authorities say.

Pakistan has rejected calls by the United States to prosecute intelligence officers and top Lashkar-e-Taiba commanders indicted by a federal court for their role in the November, 2008 attack on Mumbai, a highly-placed diplomatic source has told The Hindu.

In meetings last month with Hillary Clinton, the United States Secretary of State, Pakistani officials said that action against the Lashkar could spark off a war within Pakistan.

“They said there were thousands, of trained cadre with the Lashkar who would become impossible to control if their leaders were arrested,” the source said. “Instead, they said they would maintain strict watch over the Lashkar, and slowly work to dismantle its military capabilities.”

Pakistani officials also protested against what they see as increasingly intrusive Central Intelligence Agency operations targeting the Lashkar — operations which, earlier this year, sparked off a showdown that ended with the arrest of an American intelligence contractor Raymond Davis, on charges of murdering two men in Lahore.

David Headley, a Lashkar agent who conducted reconnaissance for the Mumbai attacks, told a Chicago court last week that his operation was funded and facilitated by an intelligence officer he knew as “Major Iqbal.”

Rehman Malik, Pakistan's Interior Minister, however, dismissed Headley's testimony, saying he was a “criminal and a convict.” “This man has no credibility and cannot be trusted,” Mr. Malik said.

Last year, Pakistan had sent India a dossier with 51 questions related to Headley's interrogation by India's National Investigation Agency. Pakistan's Federal Investigation Agency has not, however, sought permission from the United States to question Headley, nor sought his extradition — suggesting the organisation does not intend to pursue his testimony.

Key leaders

Key among the Lashkar commanders indicted by the United States is the organisation's head of transnational operations, Sajid Mir. Long wanted for acts of terrorism involving Australia and France, Mir is the Lashkar's link to dozens of western citizens trained at its camps.

Mir, who trained and tasked Headley, is alleged to have guided the execution of hostages at Chabad House in Mumbai. Last week, The Hindu had revealed that he is still living in his home near the Garrison Golf Club, on the Airport Road in Lahore.

Muzammil Bhat, who holds charge of the Lashkar's armed operations after the 2009 arrest of his immediate superior, Zaki-ur-Rahman Lakhvi, has also been claimed by Pakistan to be evading arrest — but was located by Canadian journalists, Adnan Khan and Michael Petrou, at a safehouse near Muzaffarabad in 2009.

Bhat's immediate subordinate, still known only by the code-name Abu Qahafa and also indicted by the United States for his role in attacks, has also not been located by the FIA.

Legal proceedings against Lakhvi and his subordinate Mazhar Iqbal, the two major Lashkar commanders held for their alleged role in the attacks, has been stalled over procedural issues for several months. The Lahore court where their case is being heard has refused to allow voice samples to be gathered for matching against tapes of intercepted conversations between the Mumbai attackers and their commanders in Karachi.

Pakistan, United States government sources say, has provided assurances that it will rein in the Lashkar, limiting its ability to carry out military operations as it slowly undermines its military capabilities.

Those assurances, though, have been met with scepticism in New Delhi, where intelligence officials say Pakistan has a long record of resiling on similar commitments. Following the December 13, 2001 attack on India's Parliament, Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan's then-president, proscribed the Lashkar and Jaish-e-Mohammad.

Leaders of both groups, however, were released soon after — and the organisations conducted fresh strikes on India.

After the Mumbai train bombings of 2006, Gen. Musharraf personally promised Prime Minister Singh to end terrorism directed at India — but once again failed to act against the Lashkar.
LeT is a banned outfit, no such group exists or operates in Pakistan though yes there are some off-shoots. Such Kashmir-centric groups, unfortunately, exist as a response to the occupation of Kashmir by indian forces who are known to have committed excesses against Kashmiri Muslims who then get no justice and naturally would resort to militancy.

human response
Banned = Vanished ?

Mr. Abu Zolfiqar do not try to fool your self or Indians, Indians are not Americans. We know how things work in Pakistan. Lets not talk politically correct things for sake of feeding international viewers.

The kind of insurgency they have inflicted upon India is not human response but a state response.

LeT is a banned outfit, no such group exists or operates in Pakistan though yes there are some off-shoots. Such Kashmir-centric groups, unfortunately, exist as a response to the occupation of Kashmir by indian forces who are known to have committed excesses against Kashmiri Muslims who then get no justice and naturally would resort to militancy.

human response

I expected this sort of a response from you. Well, it doesn't really change our policy anyway. You continue to do what you're talking now and we will do what we have been doing. After PAF fighters bombing within your country, you should not be talking about these sort of things. Even we don't use fighter jets.
LeT is a banned outfit, no such group exists or operates in Pakistan though yes there are some off-shoots. Such Kashmir-centric groups, unfortunately, exist as a response to the occupation of Kashmir by indian forces who are known to have committed excesses against Kashmiri Muslims who then get no justice and naturally would resort to militancy.

human response
yeah and that human response is seen more in pakistan than in india . simple fact , there are more terrorist's, more bomb blast's, more sucide attacks in pak than in india.
LeT is a banned outfit, no such group exists or operates in Pakistan though yes there are some off-shoots. Such Kashmir-centric groups, unfortunately, exist as a response to the occupation of Kashmir by indian forces who are known to have committed excesses against Kashmiri Muslims who then get no justice and naturally would resort to militancy.

human response

Well considering that fact you already reaping the " human response" from the other groups you trained ..it might bode well , if you clear these humanitarian groups as well coz

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Banned = Vanished ?

Mr. Abu Zolfiqar do not try to fool your self or Indians, Indians are not Americans. We know how things work in Pakistan. Lets not talk politically correct things for sake of feeding international viewers.

The kind of insurgency they have inflicted upon India is not human response but a state response.


oh? you mean like the mukti bahini?
Pakistan think the organisation like LeT or JeM are Kashmir centric and not pointing guns against Pakistan at this moment. May be the government is afraid that action against them provoke them to join with TTP and AQ. But that can happen anyday. Dont forget Ilyas Kashmiri. He was too a Kashmir centric militant but turned out to be an enemy of Pakistan. All these groups are part of a propaganda of pan-Islamic empire. They day they feel Government of Pakistan are not supporting their cause they will not hasitate to join other Islamic groups.
Well this was expected there is no such surprise ... looks like the IA has to actions against them
If there is insufficient evidence = no conviction = nuff said :)
oh? you mean like the mukti bahini?

Mukti Bahini :rofl:

Pakistan has tried for over a few decades to use outfits like LeT to destabilise India. Even your Prime Minister has said that state sponsored terror should be done with. Anyways, Pakistan has achived no ends but to radicalise their own people and US is raining missiles from Drones making Pakistan airspace a joke. Pakistan Government and Army should be ashamed of what they have done for years. Instead they are moving on a path to self destruction. The writing is on the wall. You sow Mumbai, you reap Karachi. Happy journey.
Pakistan, the Granddaddy of State Sponsored Terrorism

Which country has sponsored more terrorism than any other country in the world? Very simple. Pakistan. The traditional suspects that have populated the list kept by the United States (these have been or still are on the list)–Iran, Syria, Libya, Cuba, North Korea, Sudan and Iraq–combined cannot be linked to the number of high profile, high casualty terrorist incidents. As I have written before Pakistan is a complicated policy issue because it simultaneously is our best friend and our worst enemy in dealing with terrorism. When we have identified terrorists hiding in Pakistan the Pakistani government usually has cooperated with us in arresting and deporting them–e.g., Ramsi Yousef, Mir Amal Kansi, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi.

But Pakistan is a Jekyl and Hyde government. The pro-US elements in the Pakistani government and military are counter balanced by radical Islamists in Pakistan’s equivalent of the CIA–the ISI (aka Inter-Services Intelligence)–who have been training, funding, equipping and directing Islamic inspired terrorist groups for more than 30 years. It is not just Al Qaeda. The list includes the Harakat ul-Ansar, the Harakat ul Mujahideen and Lashkar-e-Taiba aka LET. LET, if you don’t recall, carried out the December 2008 terrorist attack in Mumbai, India.

So why do we put up with this crap from Pakistan?

It starts with the cold war. India aligned with the Soviet Union and we, needing an ally in the region, jumped into bed with Pakistan. When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1978 we subsequently turned Pakistan into an aircraft carrier for ops inside Afghanistan. Why did the Paks go along? Their primary objective was always their own national security. And they routinely saw the training and equipping of Islamic terrorists as another arrow in their quiver for pursuing their foreign policy/national security objectives.

Then there is the matter of THE BOMB. It is a nation populated with a significant number of radical Islamists and has nuclear weapons. Swell! Pakistan’s possession of nuclear weapons gives it a seat at the world table. We can’t just ignore them. Unlike Iran, which is the focus of much misplaced worry about nuclear proliferation, Pakistan actually has been a leader in the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Yet we persist in denial. Pretending that Pakistan is a normal country and not guilty of the murder and mayhem that key elements in its military and intelligence services have actively promoted.

It is time to stop enabling Pakistan. We cannot and should not tolerate any longer this kind of behavior. As a first step we should strengthen our ties to India. We also should consider opening talks with Iran with respect to containing the real threat posed by Pakistan. If we are serious about eliminating the threat of terrorism then we need to start with Pakistan. They have more blood on their hands in this arena then all other countries combined. That’s not an opinion, that is a fact.

By Larry Johnson on May 4, 2011 at 11:07 AM in Current Affairs

Pakistan, the Granddaddy of State Sponsored Terrorism : NO QUARTER
LeT is a banned outfit, no such group exists or operates in Pakistan though yes there are some off-shoots. Such Kashmir-centric groups, unfortunately, exist as a response to the occupation of Kashmir by indian forces who are known to have committed excesses against Kashmiri Muslims who then get no justice and naturally would resort to militancy.
How biased can Pakistani mainstream media get? Kashmir, Kashmir, Kashmir. Excesses, excesses and more excesses!!! Why don't you guys turn your gaze inwards and check out what's happening in Baluchistan? The popular movement is being crushed by force.

QUETTA: Chief of Jamhori Watan Party (JWP) Akbar Khan Bugti lambasted and alleged the sitting government has meted out unspeakable excesses to the Balochistan province. Talking to Online from undisclosed location via satellite phone he accused the government for conducting fifth military operation in the province calling it an endeavor to rob the province of its resources.

Regretting the deaths of Baloch youth, he saluted the Baloch men for sacrificing their lives for their ideals and right of sovereignty. They are being killed to clear the way for the oppressors who wish to seize the resources of the land and take away their right of sovereignty. This fifth planned military operation is a way of giving the plan a practical shape. The objective of daily use of long range guns, state-of-the-art weapons and aerial bombing is to make the locals abandon the area and to capture and gain control of the whole area afterwards, he maintained.

People are being slaughtered in bulk to please others.

A senior member of the U.S. House of Representatives has accused Pakistan's military-backed Government of lining its pockets with Balochistan's wealth while making the citizens of that country's largest province suffer at the hands of merciless soldiers. Balochistan's former Chief Minister Sardar Akhtar Mengal had state that the Pakistan Government and especially the Pakistan Army was using chemical weapons to resolve the crisis in the province.

Nuff said. You've got the point. People in glass houses shouldn't be throwing stones, what? :what: But hey! What's worse is that Muslims are killing Muslims in Pakistan. Are Baluchis from Mars?

Musharraf-led Govt meted out unspeakable excesses to Balochistan province: Bugti - News - News - BALOCHWARNA
Pakistan must stop excesses in Balochistan, ranking U.S. Congressman tells Condo - News - News - BALOCHWARNA
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