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Pakistan Records Highest Ever Exports for December

18th amendment have done nothing but bring Pakistan to default every few years. So called smaller provinces have ruined PIA, Railways, steel mills etc Electricity theft is highest in KP.

Ruined federation have not brought any prosperity to KP. See GDP growth rate, real barometer of prosperity.

Lets make electricity even more expensive to punish honest customers. End result? More and more industrialists are investing in their own private power plants. Wapda is losing honest customers.
electricity theft, railway, PIA, steel mills have what to do with 18th amendment??????
the theft was high before and is high after 18th amendment

what 18th amendement has done is created fiscal problems for the center why?
because center still wants to spend high..

center should stop spending on roads, bridges etc and ony do specific projects, though i still say fiannace award should be readdressed and center shouldbe given more money

for example center is going to spend 800b for karachi when the money is already with sindh govt

you would have not imagined amount of work KPK could have done if there was no 18 th amendement

look at south punjab, the poorest part of pakistan

we need more provinces, south punjab, south KPK, interior sindh and karachi as separate provinces os money can be spent there
Actually what’s being talked about is turning the MOUs that were signed earlier into contracts. The thing holding it back is the settlement of receivables of the IPPs (Rs450 billion) for which the plan is as below:

o 1st Installment: 33.3% of outstanding amount (breakup will be; 33.3%: Cash and 66.7%: Floating PIBs) in Jan’21
o 2nd Installment: 33.3% of outstanding to be paid in Jun’21 (breakup will be; 33.3%: Cash and 66.7%: Floating PIBs) and,
o Final amount in Dec’21 (breakup will be; 33.3%: Cash and 66.7%: Floating PIBs)

Once the settlement agreement is in place the IPPs will sign the agreements in line with the MOUs that were signed earlier.

There are whispers of off-shore hydrocarbon reserves again ;)
i hop you are right
but short term gas demand cannot be met by anything apart from LNG or gas pipeline
iran gas pipieline can be buil in 18 months..that is only surest way..

this is golden opptunrity biden will relax things, Iranians are desperate. we should negotiate a low price and get t done
سر یہ آپ کے مرشد ہیں
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electricity theft, railway, PIA, steel mills have what to do with 18th amendment??????
the theft was high before and is high after 18th amendment

what 18th amendement has done is created fiscal problems for the center why?
because center still wants to spend high..

center should stop spending on roads, bridges etc and ony do specific projects, though i still say fiannace award should be readdressed and center shouldbe given more money

for example center is going to spend 800b for karachi when the money is already with sindh govt

you would have not imagined amount of work KPK could have done if there was no 18 th amendement

look at south punjab, the poorest part of pakistan

we need more provinces, south punjab, south KPK, interior sindh and karachi as separate provinces os money can be spent there

i hop you are right
but short term gas demand cannot be met by anything apart from LNG or gas pipeline
iran gas pipieline can be buil in 18 months..that is only surest way..

this is golden opptunrity biden will relax things, Iranians are desperate. we should negotiate a low price and get t done
سر یہ آپ کے مرشد ہیں

Yes, in any case construction of 2 additional LNG terminals and north south pipeline to carry LNG will start this year.
These are the exporters doing their job

what has Imran done for Pakistan, I will believe he is a capable PM when Imran knits a fabric, colors and prints it, cut it to proper international sizing standards, sews and packages, arranges a buyers outside the country and exports it.
These are the exporters doing their job

what has Imran done for Pakistan, I will believe he is a capable PM when Imran knits a fabric, colors and prints it, cut it to proper international sizing standards, sews and packages, arranges a buyers outside the country and exports it.
Your inner Patwari returned. Had PM Imran Khan not provided cheap electricity and other incentives, there would have been no export growth as in previous govt
I now just wish that the donkey patwaris just disappear or are buried alive. There is no time to read or hear nonsense of paindoo khotaas of pml n
Sorry Punjab had too much Khota Biryani consumption between 1985 - 2018
Had we had 5% growth from 2011-2018
Our exports would have been 50b today

It makes me :suicide2::suicide2::suicide2:
When people say 5% is nothing

It seems surreal that just two years ago PML-N left us with a deficit of $20b and now we have a surplus of approximately $2b in the first six months (not confirmed my estimation based on previous five months).

PTI/IK's so many good policies are now coming to fruition.

No thanks. Pls enlist someone else. I was criticising it even before the elections

Maybe I'm wrong but what I'm noticing is that PTI and its supporters are doing what Musharraf, PPP and PML-N supporters before them did... misrepresent facts.

You guys are all looking at this without context. Otherwise people post something like the graphic below outlining the country's GDP growth rate and it doesn't look so good for Khan and the PTI:

From 2000-2018 Pakistan experienced an average yearly export growth of 6.8%. However, from 2009-2018 we experienced a measly ~3% yearly export growth.

There's been an increase in exports since 2019 but according to official GoP data it also grew 5.48% in December 2018 vs December 2017and 14.81% in December 2017 vs December 2016.

Furthermore, a lot of people are comparing Khan and the PTI's "successes" to those of previous governments without actually taking into account the impact oil prices, the rupee devaluation, TTP terrorism and Covid19 have had.

For example the average inflation adjusted oil price from 2008-2018 was ~$73/bbl (~$92/bbl from 2008-2013 under the PPP) whereas in 2019 to the first 3 months of 2020 it was ~$45/bbl. That's a 37% decrease from what the previous governments were paying on average (almost 50% less than the cost for oil during the PPP tenure) and considering those oil prices affect some of our largest imports including mineral products which alone accounted for approximately 25% ($14.9 Billion USD) of our total imports in 2018 that's going to result in big savings for the country that previous governments didn't enjoy.
Historical Crude Oil Prices

Furthermore, those high oil prices and lack of installed capacity to produce electricity on demand also affected the cost of electricity which meant Pakistani's were paying 200-300% more per KWh than other nations regionally like Bangladesh and India which impacted our manufacturers ability to compete:
Electricity shock: ‘Pakistanis paying highest tariffs in region’

Also recall the rolling blackouts that Pakistan experienced, some areas up to 20 hours a day, for years while generation capacity was being installed and kept factories idle for large portions of the day which affected their ability to produce on a market of scale making their products less competitive compared to regional competitors like India, Bangladesh and China and reducing demand:
Pakistan Blackouts Power Frustration At Government

Has everyone just forgotten the almost 32% rupee devaluation that's occurred under Khan and the PTI part of an almost 46% overall devaluation that began in 2018? This immediately made our manufactured goods less expensive and more competitive against those from regional rivals and you need to give this to Khan for allowing the devaluation to occur. Why Nawaz Sharif was insistent on keeping the rupee overvalued, probably to garner support from the country's importers, wasn't just inept it was absolutely insane but this isn't some amazing new initiative undertaken by Khan just common sense which Nawaz Sharif lacked.
Traders’ mixed reaction to cases against Nawaz, workers

Did people also forget about TTP attacks that plagued the nation, thanks to Musharraf dragging us into the US' "war of terror" and subsequent governments keeping us in it, all the way until about 2014? This had a MAJOR impact on both foreign and domestic investment and the economy in general which the GoP, Khan and the PTI included, itself states cost the country $123 Billion USD over 16 years:

No one is even mentioning all the money the PTI government has had to borrow, about $26.2 Billion USD, over the last 2 years:
In FY20: Govt gets over $13b in foreign loans

Admittedly this is to pay off the principal and interest on previous loans but many of those loans were also taken to pay for CPEC projects, higher fuel prices to keep the economy going, etc... Further to those loans Khan has taken new loans to increase the foreign exchange reserves that were dangerously low due to the ineptitude of the PML-N government but Khan, like his predecessors, have failed to fix Pakistan's tax collection woes which he promised to address.

I'm certainly glad that Khan and the PTI implemented the Ehsaas program with the picture of Jinnah on the cards and been proactive in identifying who the recipients are to avoid fraud. However, the way it appears to me is this program is a continuation of the same welfare schemes to buy votes utilized by previous PML-N and PPP governments (ex. Benazir Bhutto Income Support Program, huge fuel subsidies, free farm land, etc...):
Some 4,000 farmers to get land in Sindh
Unbudgeted subsidy ruined economy, says minister

Then there's the impact of Covid19 on the economy which alongside a massive crackdown on pollution in China, resulting in over 10,000 factories being shut down in their country, disturbed the global supply chain affecting exports to nations like Pakistan while reducing demand for imports locally. Furthermore, major competitors like India, Bangladesh and China shutting down their economies and particularly their factories while we kept ours open has attracted business to Pakistan:
Bangladesh imposes total lockdown over COVID-19
Coronavirus India Lockdown day 233 live updates | November 14, 2020
China’s Factories Are Reeling From Forced Coronavirus Closures
China Shuts Down Tens Of Thousands Of Factories In Widespread Pollution Crackdown

I will give it to Khan, I'm thankful he did't shut down the economy something I was also campaigning against doing and the fact that the PML-N and PPP wanted to only highlights how utterly inept and incompetent they are.

However, what happens when India and Bangladesh are open for business once again?

We haven't even delved into so many other problems with Khan and the PTI for example:
  1. Pushing aside and abandoning diehard loyalists for old tired trash from the PPP and PML-N
  2. Standing aside to allow terrorists like PTM's Ali Wazir to run uncontested.
  3. Letting Nawaz Sharif leave the country which Khan admits was a mistake.
  4. Not acting against the Aurut March whose organizers have now been identified by Disinfolab's "India Chronicles" report as India's agents of sabotage in Pakistan.
These weren't mistakes, they were stupid choices which went against the advice of virtually everyone that's voted for or supported the PTI so apparently random civilians have more sense than Khan and the PTI.

We can keep going on and on...

Personally Khan and the PTI are a stepping stone onto something better but imo they are not what Pakistan needs or wants long term.

As long as the majority of the Pak folks don’t support traitors and terrorists like Abdullah, Mujib, AZ, NS, PDM, PTM, TTP, BLA etc. - all slaves of the Hindus - they should be OK....

The problem is that he himself has supported terrorists like the PTM and Ali Wazir who he allowed to run uncontested:

Look at the comments on their twitter post, regular everyday Pakistani's that supported him and his party were vehemently against his move but he didn't listen just like he didn't listen regarding Nawaz Sharif.

This isn't a mistake, it's just sheer stupidity.

That wasn't even the first time he's done this he's sympathized with and even supported BLA terrorists in the past including Hyrbyair Marri who he testified in defence of back in 2009 at his trial in London:
I'd do the same as terror suspects, says Imran Khan

He complains about Indian propaganda against Pakistan but fails to act against the very groups and persons involved in it within Pakistan whether it's the World Sindhi Congress or PTM or organizers of the Aurut March.
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Your favorite Dish Khota Biryani View attachment 702347View attachment 702348

Yes current account is in surplusView attachment 702349

Reza Baqer is doing a fine job.
Maybe I'm wrong but what I'm noticing is that PTI and its supporters are doing what Musharraf, PPP and PML-N supporters before them did... misrepresent facts.

You guys are all looking at this without context. Otherwise people post something like the graphic below outlining the country's GDP growth rate and it doesn't look so good for Khan and the PTI:

From 2000-2018 Pakistan experienced an average yearly export growth of 6.8%. However, from 2009-2018 we experienced a measly ~3% yearly export growth.

There's been an increase in exports since 2019, when Khan was also PM, but on average December export growth over Khan's term has increased on average approximately 3.9% yoy since he became PM in August 2018.

Furthermore, a lot of people are comparing Khan and the PTI's "successes" to those of previous governments without actually taking into account the impact oil prices, the rupee devaluation, TTP terrorism and Covid19 have had.

For example the average inflation adjusted oil price from 2008-2018 was ~$73/bbl (~$92/bbl from 2008-2013 under the PPP) whereas in 2019 to the first 3 months of 2020 it was ~$45/bbl. That's a 37% decrease from what the previous governments were paying on average (almost 50% less than the cost for oil during the PPP tenure) and considering those oil prices affect some of our largest imports including mineral products which alone accounted for approximately 25% ($14.9 Billion USD) of our total imports in 2018 that's going to result in big savings for the country that previous governments didn't enjoy.
Historical Crude Oil Prices

Furthermore, those high oil prices and lack of installed capacity to produce electricity on demand also affected the cost of electricity which meant Pakistani's were paying 200-300% more per KWh than other nations regionally like Bangladesh and India which impacted our manufacturers ability to compete:
Electricity shock: ‘Pakistanis paying highest tariffs in region’

Also recall the rolling blackouts that Pakistan experienced, some areas up to 20 hours a day, for years while generation capacity was being installed and kept factories idle for large portions of the day which affected their ability to produce on a market of scale making their products less competitive compared to regional competitors like India, Bangladesh and China and reducing demand:
Pakistan Blackouts Power Frustration At Government

Has everyone just forgotten the almost 32% rupee devaluation that's occurred under Khan and the PTI part of an almost 46% overall devaluation that began in 2018? This immediately made our manufactured goods less expensive and more competitive against those from regional rivals and you need to give this to Khan for allowing the devaluation to occur. Why Nawaz Sharif was insistent on keeping the rupee overvalued, probably to garner support from the country's importers, wasn't just inept it was absolutely insane but this isn't some amazing new initiative undertaken by Khan.
Traders’ mixed reaction to cases against Nawaz, workers

Did people also forget about TTP attacks that plagued the nation, thanks to Musharraf dragging us into the US' "war of terror" and subsequent governments keeping us in it, all the way until about 2014? This had a MAJOR impact on both foreign and domestic investment and the economy in general which the GoP, Khan and the PTI included, itself states cost the country $123 Billion USD over 16 years:

No one is even mentioning all the money the PTI government has had to borrow, about $26.2 Billion USD, over the last 2 years:
In FY20: Govt gets over $13b in foreign loans

Admittedly this is to pay off the principal and interest on previous loans but many of those loans were also taken to pay for CPEC projects, higher fuel prices to keep the economy going, etc... Further to those loans Khan has taken new loans to increase the foreign exchange reserves that were dangerously low due to the ineptitude of the PML-N government but Khan, like his predecessors, have failed to fix Pakistan's tax collection woes which he promised to address.

I'm certainly glad that Khan and the PTI implemented the Ehsaas program with the picture of Jinnah on the cards and been proactive in identifying who the recipients are to avoid fraud. However, the way it appears to me is this program is a continuation of the same welfare schemes to buy votes utilized by previous PML-N and PPP governments (ex. Benazir Bhutto Income Support Program, huge fuel subsidies, free farm land, etc...):
Some 4,000 farmers to get land in Sindh
Unbudgeted subsidy ruined economy, says minister

Then there's the impact of Covid19 on the economy which alongside a massive crackdown on pollution in China, resulting in over 10,000 factories being shut down in their country, disturbed the global supply chain affecting exports to nations like Pakistan while reducing demand for imports locally. Furthermore, major competitors like India, Bangladesh and China shutting down their economies and particularly their factories while we kept ours open has attracted business to Pakistan:
Bangladesh imposes total lockdown over COVID-19
Coronavirus India Lockdown day 233 live updates | November 14, 2020
China’s Factories Are Reeling From Forced Coronavirus Closures
China Shuts Down Tens Of Thousands Of Factories In Widespread Pollution Crackdown

I will give it to Khan, I'm thankful he did't shut down the economy something I was also campaigning against doing and the fact that the PML-N and PPP wanted to only highlights how utterly inept and incompetent they are.

However, what happens when India and Bangladesh are open for business once again?

We haven't even delved into so many other problems with Khan and the PTI for example:
  1. Pushing aside and abandoning diehard loyalists for old tired trash from the PPP and PML-N
  2. Standing aside to allow terrorists like PTM's Ali Wazir to run uncontested.
  3. Letting Nawaz Sharif leave the country which Khan admits was a mistake.
  4. Not acting against the Aurut March whose organizers have now been identified by Disinfolab's "India Chronicles" report as India's agents of sabotage in Pakistan.
These weren't mistakes, they were stupid choices which went against the advice of virtually everyone that's voted for or supported the PTI so apparently random civilians have more sense than Khan and the PTI.

We can keep going on and on...

Personally Khan and the PTI are a stepping stone onto something better but imo they are not what Pakistan needs or wants long term.

The problem is that he himself has supported terrorists like the PTM and Ali Wazir who he allowed to run uncontested:

Look at the comments on their twitter post, regular everyday Pakistani's that supported him and his party were vehemently against his move but he didn't listen just like he didn't listen regarding Nawaz Sharif.

This isn't a mistake, it's just sheer stupidity.

That wasn't even the first time he's done this he's sympathized with and even supported BLA terrorists in the past including Hyrbyair Marri who he testified in defence of back in 2009 at his trial in London:
I'd do the same as terror suspects, says Imran Khan

He complains about Indian propaganda against Pakistan but fails to act against the very groups and persons involved in it within Pakistan whether it's the World Sindhi Congress or PTM or organizers of the Aurut March.

Did Ajit Doval write this for you?

See where i am going with this? There is not a damn thing one can do about Imran Niazi.

Reap fully what you have sown
Did Ajit Doval write this for you?

See where i am going with this? There is not a damn thing one can do about Imran Niazi.

Reap fully what you have sown

I still support the PTI just not as a long term solution.

The PML-N, PPP, ANP and JUI-F need to go. The aforementioned parties ineptitude, treason, corruption and sheer stupidity is mind boggling and disgusting.

There are some good replacements for Khan in the PTI, possibly men like Murad Saeed.
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I still support Khan and the PTI just not as a long term solution.

The PML-N, PPP, ANP and JUI-F just need to go. The aforementioned parties ineptitude, treason, corruption and sheer stupidity is absolutely disgusting.

There are some good replacements for Khan in the PTI including men like Murad Saeed.

PTI is nothing without PML, PPP, ANP and JUIF.

There is a very simple reason as why these parties have been deliberately strengthened over the past 2 years.

Mr. Niazi need these bogeyman as much as these bogeyman need Mr. Sadiq Niazi and Mr. Amin Khan.

The circus will long continue for the next decade or so. The political stability suits India which has a Chinese decade ahead of her and cannot afford a stable Pakistan. It pays off the political elite in Pakistan whatever needs be.

This is the status quo as of January 1, 2021.
One can disagree and debate on any action or proclaimed achievement of the PTI government but if they pull this one off and decrease the power tariff by even 15 to 20 percent, even then this solves problems on so manyyyy fronts.
We face many problems but I believe the biggest 5 are
- the power tariff and circular debt,
- secure and adequate energy (Electricity + Gas+water ) infrastructure,
- undocumented economy with no tax culture and tax stealing
- Low yield of crops and old agricultural practices producing low revenue products
- no accountability and punishments

This government is progressing on the 1st 2 points which itself is commendable and would secure our future.
You guys are all looking at this without context. Otherwise people post something like the graphic below outlining the country's GDP growth rate and it doesn't look so good for Khan and the PTI:
GDP growth must be sustainable, and not lead to periodic current account crisis

Are you really that stupid?
You want PM Imran Khan to go into exports business himself?
I now just wish that the donkey patwaris just disappear or are buried alive. There is no time to read or hear nonsense of paindoo khotaas of pml n
Yaar tumhain paindoon sy masla kiya hai BC??
PML-N ka sab sy bara vota bank cities mein hain. Subb sy ziada seats cities mein hain.
Shehr waaly ch*** hain to hum kiyaa karein>????

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