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Pakistan received fourth Il-78 refuler

I think the distribution of these 4 tankers will be among both northern & southern commands. The purpose will be to ensure two main things.
1. Timely logistic support
2. On-demand air refueling.

Being a strategic Multirole tanker/transport aircraft, Pak military will utilize IL-78s in both tanker/transport role. For rapid transfer of equipment, soldiers, ration or strategic weapons PAF will rely on their fast speed and greater load carrying capability. Major transport role will be carried out by C-130s but on some special occasions(like a time boxed logistic support scenario) the need of IL-78 will be felt.

The second use will be in 'On demand air refueling', it could be for longer CAP or deep-strike mission. PAF will ensure that Falklands war's Black buck case never arise. Mirages and JF-17 both will be the recipient aircraft and FC-20 in some later stage. The purchase of Block52s with CFTs was a good decision if seen in range & endurance perspective.
PAF shoult buy the transport versions to to replace C130 in paf i think these can be transformed in to transporters:azn:
I have a few questions regaring Air refulers that PAF acquired. Please answer only if you know the FACTS, and they can be disclosed, thanks in advance.

1- How long can these refulers stay airborne?
2- How many jets can they refuel with the fuel onboard?
3- How long does it take to fully refuel a fighter (Mirage, as they are the only ones with AA refueling capability)
4- what is the turnaround time for these refuelers
Major advantage is that the range of the F16 could be extended , the range is already pretty good plus also keeps more plans up in air , in war time , less load on airport runways

I personally would have loved to see 1 Awac platform installed on one of these tanker planes - :agree:


Now since we have these we can probbly doo it if we wanted oh yes we can :oops:
Major advantage is that the range of the F16 could be extended
Ahem, Ahem till now there hasn't been any concrete evidence of PAF-16s being refueled by Drogue System on IL-78 (why did we buy CFTs for)

Now since we have these we can probbly doo it if we wanted oh yes we can :oops:
We would already have 8 of "them" tankers will remain tankers
I wonder how could people even after so many years on this forum post such naive things.
This approach is likely to prevail on both sides of the border. It is relatively easire to sneak in, three to four surface attack accross border to launch the entire sqaudron attack strength.

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