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Pakistan pushed Afghan insurgents to the table: Experts

Because of the peaceful Taliban , you know how much we are loathed that now Taliban are not there :(

ah! the peaceful taliban, the same taliban who blew up the mosques and schools?
Lets not misrepresent - Is Pakistan the broker of the Taliban?? If yes, then it means Pakistan can influence the Talib and yet is fighting the Talib in Pakistan?

Some respond by saying that the Pakistani franchise of the Talib is different, and yet the TTP claim Mullah Omar as it's Emir?

Something here does not add up.

LET sprinters also joined TTP once they said ISI was their amir :)))).

TTP and Afghan Taliban had clash of interests. TTP has damaged cause of Taliban and now left alone. They are now trying to enter the Taliban sphere but its late now.
Not exactly. Buildings and houses are bombed. Just go to FATA where operations have occured. You will see destroyed houses and villages thanks to PAF. In mehsud territory more than 90% of houses of all villages are completely destroyed by PAF bombardments....and i dont want to become sad at the moment to mention details of collateral damages due to PAF bombardments.

So why FATA walay didn't revolt against taliban in first so Army or Airforce wouldn't have to move in?
Afghan revelations: Pakistan-US secret diplomacy created Doha roadmap
By Syed Talat HussainPublished: June 20, 2013

ISLAMABAD: Months-long painstaking and secret negotiations involving Islamabad and Washington have yielded a detailed roadmap for steering negotiations with the Afghan Taliban which will start to unfold with the release of five Afghan prisoners from Guantanamo Bay and the return of the captured US soldier PFC Bowe Bergdahl, at present in Taliban custody.
While the opening of the Taliban office in Doha, Qatar, has captured headlines across the world, wide-ranging interviews with highly-placed diplomatic, military and foreign office sources reveal that this office is but one of the many elements of a complex process, the ultimate aim of which is for all stakeholders in Afghanistan to share power through an inclusive election process under a possibly modified Afghanistan constitution.
“The journey begins now and if all goes well should co-terminate with the exit of the American combat troops and holding of elections in Afghanistan that brings everyone onboard,” says a diplomatic source who has been involved in this process.
Other elements of this process are complete reconciliation with the Taliban led by Mullah Mohammed Omar, multiple-level dialogue between the Taliban and non- Pashtoon groups, agreement on the constitutional framework to govern Afghanistan after safe and trouble-free exit of the US forces from the Afghan soil, gradual cessation of kinetic operations and crucially, dispensing with Hamid Karzai in the political sense in case he tries to subvert peace efforts.
There is little doubt in anyone’s mind that this road is slippery and with no guaranteed success. However, a near-complete and rare alignment of views between the US administration and Pakistan’s policymakers achieved through a robust and out-of-media-glare talks has created space for ‘pulling this one off’, says the source. “There has been some direct dialing between Pakistan and John Kerry, the US secretary of state, working under clear guidelines from president Obama,” says one of Pakistan’s top negotiators.
This direct dialing sometimes bypassed the US embassy in Islamabad while Pakistan’s mission in Washington too stayed pretty much on the margins of what was transpiring between the two capitals.

The main issues that the two sides have had to grapple with all centered around the Taliban’s core leadership led by Mullah Omar.
“The Americans had three solutions for the Taliban problem. First, the Alpha solution, was to beat them into submission and retard their capacity to fight permanently. This failed. The Bravo solution was to fight them hard through a troop surge and force them to accept Afghanistan’s new realities like the presentday Afghan constitution and the leadership of president Karzai. That too did not work. The third, the Charlie solution, was more of a compulsion. Accept Taliban as a legitimate power in Afghanistan, talk to them, accommodate their main demands even it meant abandoning assets like Karzai. I think you are looking at the Charlie solution being played out,” says a military official.
The clearest indication of this radical shift in the US outlook towards the Taliban is in their acceptance that the onceroundly condemned Haqqani Network is essential to peace and deserves to be on the table in Doha. The Haqqanis, who dominate Afghanistan’s troubled and violence-infested eastern provinces, have been Washington hard-liners’ favourite punching bag and recipient of most of the military operations conducted by Isaf and Nato led by the US. Declared as international terrorists their leaders have also been the focus of drone attacks inside Pakistan besides being at the centre of the US accusations of Pakistan being a sanctuary and a safe haven for forces killing American soldiers in Afghanistan.
“The Haqqanis are no longer the bull’s eye of US military operations. They are no longer in the ‘kill or capture and be rewarded’ category. They are part and parcel of the team that would represent Mullah Omar with which Washington is deeply engaged,” says another source at the foreign office.
This ‘deep engagement’ is trilateral and would not have come about without Washington getting exhausted with its stand-alone efforts to cultivate the Taliban minus Islamabad. Pakistani officials say that Washington tried several dialogue processes, in many capitals of the world, some even with low-ranking members of the Haqqani Network, but each time they hit a dead end. No faction could move ahead without the sanction of the Taliban top leadership.
As the costs of war in Afghanistan mounted, and the withdrawal deadline neared, the Obama administration found itself in a bind that could only be circumvented if Mullah Omar agreed to be part of the dialogue.
“The hardliners among the Taliban ranks did not want to give any space to US forces. They had realised that by stalemating international forces they had actually won militarily. They would not concede an inch of diplomatic space to the US who, in their perception, had lost out in the battlefield,” explained a high-ranking foreign office official involved in talking to the Taliban.
“It was then Pakistan’s turn to use its influence even though everyone in Washington had deep doubts about the Taliban showing flexibility. Our pitch to the Taliban was that by becoming part of the dialogue process they could gain international sanction, end conflict peacefully and achieve their goals of foreign forces exiting their country much more swiftly than through perpetual conflict that offered total victory to nobody.
“We also had to argue long and hard with Washington to change the sequence of its demands and instead of asking for the Taliban to straightway accept the Afghan constitution and abjure violence let confidence-building measures take place that would start the process of reconciliation,” says the foreign office official. The same sources also said that the real breakthrough in these negotiations came through personal diplomacy between John Kerry and Pakistan’s Army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.
“With the election fever gripping the country the (outgoing) government in Pakistan had lost all interest in even looking at the notes of some of these important meetings much less taking active interest in spearheading the country’s role in this regard. Kerry-Kayani duo was the centerpiece of this heightened diplomacy. The two had an excellent equation even before Kerry became the secretary of state. Now they talk more frequently than anyone in the press gets to report on,” said the foreign office source.
What transpires in these frequent calls is anybody’s guess, but this interaction did yield a crucial breakthrough a few weeks ago when the Taliban shared a draft of their statement with Washington which was seen and appreciated by everyone at the State Department and the White House.
“The Taliban in that statement had shown an unequivocal commitment to peace and the constitutional process achieved through dialogue besides reiterating the stance that they would not let their soil be used for attacking the US. The same statement also included a critical element of the Taliban distancing themselves from al Qaeda,” says a diplomatic source who worked closely with Pakistan’s embassy in Kabul and claims to have seen several drafts of that letter. This statement was to be followed by statements of approval from Qatar, Pakistan and of course Washington, joined in by other western powers.
“This was much more than Washington was hoping to get out of the Taliban. Frankly, the situation that the US was in, they could have simply settled for the Taliban becoming part of the electoral process,” said a foreign office source. Washington’s glee was reflected in a string of congratulatory calls and messages senior diplomatic and military officers started to receive upon getting the final draft of the Taliban statement.
“This showed what a big deal it was for them (in Washington),” said the same source.
Prior to this engagement with Washington Pakistan also facilitated a quiet and effective dialogue process between the non-Pashtoon forces (the Northern Alliance) and the Taliban in which the two sides at a senior level agreed to bury the hatchet and work jointly for stabilising Afghanistan.
“This was a big breakthrough because this made our peace efforts truly all-inclusive and curtailed the voices of discord and divisiveness that could have raised questions about our motives”, said a senior military source.
One such voice was and continues to be that of Afghanistan’s maverick president Hamid Karzai, who according to Pakistani officials, tried his level best to somehow prevent a direct interface between the Americans and the Taliban and create an impression that he and not Islamabad holds the key to the Afghan endgame.
“Even in opening the office of the Taliban in Doha his concern was that this should be done through his offices in Kabul, an effort that had no takers from any other quarter and therefore fell flat,” says a senior foreign office official.
Karzai’s increasing isolation was proven yet again when Washington, his main backer, stopped counting on him and accepted direct dialogue with the Taliban as the mainstay of their diplomatic push in Afghanistan. This fulfilled a major demand of the Taliban leadership that does not recognise the government in Kabul and wants to have no truck with Karzai.
The beleaguered Afghan president got squeezed on the other fronts as well. As non- Pasthoons began to open up to the Taliban even the High Peace Council, headed distanced itself from the daily barrage of Karzai’s brutal criticism of Pakistan.

A diplomatic source shared with this scribe some contents of recent meetings between Pakistani officials and members of the High Peace Council which clearly indicate a gaping chasm between them and Karzai. He is variously described as ‘unstable’, ‘a threat to Afghan peace’ and even as a ‘poisonous roadblock’.
Unfortunately for Karzai Washington increasingly finds itself in agreement with these assessments, some of which echo those done by senior US officials themselves of the man. That is why when day before yesterday the Afghanistan president raised hell over the Taliban’s office in Doha styling itself as a mission of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Washington calmed him down and itself downplayed this characterisation to dilute his accusation that the Taliban were ‘rogues only he could handle’, said a foreign diplomat.
However, the Afghan president’s retribution has been swift. His suspension of talks with the United States on a new security deal, to protest the way his government was being left out of initial peace negotiations with the Taliban, is his most vocal statement of anger of so far.
“In view of the contradiction between acts and the statements made by the United States of America in regard to the peace process, the Afghan government suspended the negotiations, currently under way in Kabul between Afghan and US delegations on the bilateral security agreement,” Karzai’s statement said.
But that might backfire because Washington is about the only international player willing to put up with Karzai. Pakistan has not pulled any punches against Karzai. Islamabad’s military negotiators have curtly told Washington that they “can either save their man (Karzai) or Afghan peace”. Pakistan has shared volumes of evidence with Washington of the Afghan president’s deliberate encouragement of forces operating against Pakistan from across the border including, more recently, the directions that came for Kandahar for the attackers of the Quaid’s residency in Ziarat. “We do not rule out the possibility of Kabul-sponsored elements making a last-ditch effort to inflict damage on Pakistan with the approval of President Karzai, whose recent conduct borders on strange behaviour, to say the least,” says a senior government official posted in Balochistan.
Pakistan’s more subtle message to Washington about its aversion to Karzai has been just as firm. Last week’s trilateral meeting involving Afghan and Isaf commanders was supposed to take place in Afghanistan. Pakistan insisted that it should be relocated to Pakistan because Gen Kayani did not want to go to Afghanistan and pay even a courtesy call on Karzai.
“We have left Karzai’s handling to the Americans. He is their man. They invested in him. They should tackle him. We are not pulling any stops for him,” said a high-ranking foreign office source.
The newly-elected prime minister, Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif, who is now in charge of the country’s foreign and defence policies, got an early indication of how complex the Afghanistan peace process has become and how central is the role that the country he leads is playing in taking it forward. He dropped the idea of visiting Kabul any time soon immediately after this proposal was floated in the media. Since then he has been holding regular meetings with the army chief in the presence of Sartaj Aziz, special advisor on national security and foreign affairs, and key members of his core team including Punjab chief minister Shahbaz Sharif.
“Most of these meetings have been about the big events happening around us including the Afghan peace process,” said a federal cabinet minister.
The prime minister’s briefings on Afghanistan have been detailed and a full extent of the background has been given to him. According to foreign office sources the prime minister is ‘fully clued up’ and on the day of the opening of the Doha office he was informed of all the developments on practically ‘minute-to-minute basis’. Pakistan Muslim League sources confirm that the first visitor to call on premier Sharif after he was sworn in was General Kayani and the major portion of this meet-up was ‘developments in Afghanistan’.

Looks like its 1991 all over again...Islamabad Accord- PM Nawaz Sharif

@Hyperion @muse @Secur @Pak-one @Armstrong @nuclearpak
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In short, US has lost. They are being forced to accept the demands of the Taliban. Anybody can twist it anyway, but at the end of the day, US didn't achieve it's objectives.

As for Karzai, he is in one big mess. The US is slowly discarding him because it wants to get out of A-Stan, Taliban don't recognize him and we hate him. He will sooner or later be kicked out of that place. His recent drift with the US is evident since he has discarded the Taliban peace talks in Doha. Can't feel sorry for the guy though, he had this coming. Little sucker.

As muse said yesterday, something doesn't add up, if Pakistan was part of the reconciliation, then there are 2 things:

1- Pakistan wants peace with the TTP as well.

2- It only wants peace with the Afghan Taliban and wants to keep on fighting the TTP.

In the first scenario, the US drone strike on Waliur Rehman doesn't fit in. If Pakistan was involved in Afghan Taliban peace, and also wanted peace with TTP, why would the US then attack Wali-ur-Rehman? Pakistan would then cease to play it's role in Afghan Taliban peace deal.

In the second scenario, Pakistan wants to keep Afghanistan stable and not as a launching ground of TTP attacks. So Pakistan still wants to keep on fighting the TTP while ensuring that Afghanistan isn't a launch pad. This makes more sense to me.
So why FATA walay didn't revolt against taliban in first so Army or Airforce wouldn't have to move in?

Good question.

Go back to 2001, Pakistan shamefully gave up on Afghan taliban and joined hands with America in invasion of Afghanistan...at that time entire pashtun belt of Pakistan was burning with rage, some analysts were even saying that pakhtuns might revolt against musharaf regime if Taliban are able to hold kabul against american strikes in ramadan month....i myself participated in protests and we burnt musharaf putla..
After that on america contineous pressure, musharraf finally agreed on military operation in waziristan in 2004.....the entire pakhtun belt saw this as aggression on behalf of America...they didnt consider arabs , chechens etc as terrorists.....nek mohamad was never considered terrorists by us.
After nek mohammad death, the resistance against pak army turned violent...
Lal masjid operation, in which more than hundred female students (majority of them were from swat and FATA) got killed......sparked new waves of Anti-army sentiments....TTP came into being and from this point story becomes messy and violent....we saw TTP blasts against civilians in KPK which divided opinion about them......infact people became confused about them....

For us pakhtuns TTP is effect, pak army and America is cause.

If some of us are fighting against TTP then its not out of love for pak army but against TTP aggression. In the same way many of us are attacking pak army for their aggression and for their partnership with america.
We pakhtuns hate pak army as much as america....some of them are gone mad in this hate and are turned terrorists aka TTP. We have not forgetton who turned them into madness.
Good question.

Go back to 2001, Pakistan shamefully gave up on Afghan taliban and joined hands with America in invasion of Afghanistan...at that time entire pashtun belt of Pakistan was burning with rage, some analysts were even saying that pakhtuns might revolt against musharaf regime if Taliban are able to hold kabul against american strikes in ramadan month....i myself participated in protests and we burnt musharaf putla..
After that on america contineous pressure, musharraf finally agreed on military operation in waziristan in 2004.....the entire pakhtun belt saw this as aggression on behalf of America...they didnt consider arabs , chechens etc as terrorists.....nek mohamad was never considered terrorists by us.
After nek mohammad death, the resistance against pak army turned violent...
Lal masjid operation, in which more than hundred female students (majority of them were from swat and FATA) got killed......sparked new waves of Anti-army sentiments....TTP came into being and from this point story becomes messy and violent....we saw TTP blasts against civilians in KPK which divided opinion about them......infact people became confused about them....

For us pakhtuns TTP is effect, pak army and America is cause.

If some of us are fighting against TTP then its not out of love for pak army but against TTP aggression. In the same way many of us are attacking pak army for their aggression and for their partnership with america.
We pakhtuns hate pak army as much as america....some of them are gone mad in this hate and are turned terrorists aka TTP. We have not forgetton who turned them into madness.

There, Propoganda war of TTP has effectively poisoned all pashtun minds. Same old gibberish of 100 women killed in Lal Masjid? where is proof?

Your whole post reflects the mentality that Talibs have turned your mind against Army. If Talibs have not provided hospitality to foreigners, If nek mohammad would have stick to his words, Pak Army would not have started their operation. Dhoka Nek mohammad ki taraf sai shuru howa aur blame Pak Army Wah!

So Tell me, If Pak Army wouldn't have moved in FATA, would it be acceptable for you guys to be bombed by Americans then, because if Pak Army refused to go to FATA then, Americans would have taken matters in their own hands

But as they say, Pakhtoon mind rarely thinks first, they fire first and then think later
There, Propoganda war of TTP has effectively poisoned all pashtun minds. Same old gibberish of 100 women killed in Lal Masjid? where is proof?

Your whole post reflects the mentality that Talibs have turned your mind against Army. If Talibs have not provided hospitality to foreigners, If nek mohammad would have stick to his words, Pak Army would not have started their operation. Dhoka Nek mohammad ki taraf sai shuru howa aur blame Pak Army Wah!

So Tell me, If Pak Army wouldn't have moved in FATA, would it be acceptable for you guys to be bombed by Americans then, because if Pak Army refused to go to FATA then, Americans would have taken matters in their own hands

But as they say, Pakhtoon mind rarely thinks first, they fire first and then think later

Yes, it should have been better if America has bombed FATA instead of PAF....it should have been better if mehsuds, wazirs, afridis etc were fighting american soldiers in their areas instead of pak faujis....it pains us that our own countrymen are bombing us.
Yes, it should have been better if America has bombed FATA instead of PAF....it should have been better if mehsuds, wazirs, afridis etc were fighting american soldiers in their areas instead of pak faujis....it pains us that our own countrymen are bombing us.

Who betrayed Pakistan Army? Our own mehsuds, wazirs, afridis. Just a day after agreement, I think it was not nek mohammad, it was Pakistan Army who was boasting to BBC that agreement was just a hogwash, and we will not cooperate with Pak Army and will continue to harbour Foreign militants and a week before agreement was revoked, It was not nek mohammad men, rather Pak Army killed it's own soldiers (30+) to blame nek mohammad and to destroy peace settlement.

Yeah, Fata walay are saints.!
Who betrayed Pakistan Army? Our own mehsuds, wazirs, afridis. Just a day after agreement, I think it was not nek mohammad, it was Pakistan Army who was boasting to BBC that agreement was just a hogwash, and we will not cooperate with Pak Army and will continue to harbour Foreign militants and a week before agreement was revoked, It was not nek mohammad men, rather Pak Army killed it's own soldiers (30 ) to blame nek mohammad and to destroy peace settlement.

Yeah, Fata walay are saints.!

You were asking them to turn over their arab and other foriegner guests with whom they had made rishtadari through marraiges...you were doing so on american orders.
Instead of making drone contracts with america, doing operations in their behalf.....pak army should have allowed America to conduct both air and ground operations by itself in FATA.....In this way tribals would have been in war with america instead of pakistan and no taliban phenomena would have emerged.
There, Propoganda war of TTP has effectively poisoned all pashtun minds. Same old gibberish of 100 women killed in Lal Masjid? where is proof?

Your whole post reflects the mentality that Talibs have turned your mind against Army. If Talibs have not provided hospitality to foreigners, If nek mohammad would have stick to his words, Pak Army would not have started their operation. Dhoka Nek mohammad ki taraf sai shuru howa aur blame Pak Army Wah!

So Tell me, If Pak Army wouldn't have moved in FATA, would it be acceptable for you guys to be bombed by Americans then, because if Pak Army refused to go to FATA then, Americans would have taken matters in their own hands

But as they say, Pakhtoon mind rarely thinks first, they fire first and then think later

Sir it is not Talibans which have turned people against Army its Army actions which have turned people against Army it is Army alliance with USA which has turned people against USA Sir and women were killed in Lal Masjid their bodies were destroyed by using most horrible kind of chemicals

Who betrayed Pakistan Army? Our own mehsuds, wazirs, afridis. Just a day after agreement, I think it was not nek mohammad, it was Pakistan Army who was boasting to BBC that agreement was just a hogwash, and we will not cooperate with Pak Army and will continue to harbour Foreign militants and a week before agreement was revoked, It was not nek mohammad men, rather Pak Army killed it's own soldiers (30+) to blame nek mohammad and to destroy peace settlement.

Yeah, Fata walay are saints.!
FATA people never attacked you instead they always fought for you until your Army under the command of Musharraf attacked them and than they got pissed off and went on rampage Sir
You were asking them to turn over their arab and other foriegner guests with whom they had made rishtadari through marraiges...you were doing so on american orders.
Instead of making drone contracts with america, doing operations in their behalf.....pak army should have allowed America to conduct both air and ground operations by itself in FATA.....In this way tribals would have been in war with america instead of pakistan and no taliban phenomena would have emerged.

Arab and foriegn guests who were plotting attacks in America and europe. Spain attacks, London attacks, American foiled attacks, all these attacks traced back to these honorable guests.

Are Fata walay so naive that they would let these honorable guests harm the image of Pakistan by creating a preception Pakistan is backing those guests? and when action is taken against those guests, same Fata walay would take offence and would turn against of our own People?

Why didn't Fata walay took a stand and reign in those foreign guests, why did they allowed their guests to use Pakistani Sarzameen to launch attacks on others.

Have you ever fought a war when you are weak? Haven't' FATA walay not took a lesson from Hamas and palestinian resistance, for every one israeli they killed in sucide attack, 100 of theirs own died in Israeli bombings?

Great warriors are those who use brain in battle not emotions.

Why waziris then turned against those uzbeks afterwards? Did we see any Ops in Waziri area then? Pakistan Army successfully hold their word and pact they made with Waziris and Waziris honored the pact as well. But did mehsuds stop creating Fitna?

So Why Blame Pakistan Army, If Pakhtun could not control their own?

Sir it is not Talibans which have turned people against Army its Army actions which have turned people against Army it is Army alliance with USA which has turned people against USA Sir and women were killed in Lal Masjid their bodies were destroyed by using most horrible kind of chemicals

FATA people never attacked you instead they always fought for you until your Army under the command of Musharraf attacked them and than they got pissed off and went on rampage Sir

yar stop parroting same thing again and again. And talk to me with a time line. who did what. Pakistan Started Military ops in 2004, before 2004 they were keeping check on people who were crossing borders. Why did they started operation in 2004 because nek mohammad broke a pact with Army.

So next time come in debate by taking extensive history lessons from 2001-2012. Who did what first and stop parroting same bs again and again, that our Army did first everything
Arab and foriegn guests who were plotting attacks in America and europe. Spain attacks, London attacks, American foiled attacks, all these attacks traced back to these honorable guests.

Are Fata walay so naive that they would let these honorable guests harm the image of Pakistan by creating a preception Pakistan is backing those guests? and when action is taken against those guests, same Fata walay would take offence and would turn against of our own People?

Why didn't Fata walay took a stand and reign in those foreign guests, why did they allowed their guests to use Pakistani Sarzameen to launch attacks on others.

Have you ever fought a war when you are week? Haven't' FATA walay didn't took a lesson from Hamas and palestinian resistance, for every one isralei they killed in sucide attack, 100 of theirs own died in Israeli bombings?

Great warriors are those who use brain in battle not emotions.

Sir if you wouldn't have attacked them this wouldn't had happened you attacked them gave them the chance pushed them to Militancy you ignited the fire and now are facing the fire yourself Sir and those foreigners were now part of that society instead of bringing them into mainstream you attacked them to please USA and same USA is talking to those guys so they can run away leaving you behind to face trouble and hell

Arab and foriegn guests who were plotting attacks in America and europe. Spain attacks, London attacks, American foiled attacks, all these attacks traced back to these honorable guests.

Are Fata walay so naive that they would let these honorable guests harm the image of Pakistan by creating a preception Pakistan is backing those guests? and when action is taken against those guests, same Fata walay would take offence and would turn against of our own People?

Why didn't Fata walay took a stand and reign in those foreign guests, why did they allowed their guests to use Pakistani Sarzameen to launch attacks on others.

Have you ever fought a war when you are week? Haven't' FATA walay didn't took a lesson from Hamas and palestinian resistance, for every one isralei they killed in sucide attack, 100 of theirs own died in Israeli bombings?

Great warriors are those who use brain in battle not emotions.

yar stop parroting same thing again and again. And talk to me with a time line. who did what. Pakistan Started Military ops in 2004, before 2004 they were keeping check on people who were crossing borders. Why did they started operation in 2004 because nek mohammad broke a pact with Army.

So next time come in debate by taking extensive history lessons from 2001-2012. Who did what first and stop parroting same bs again and again, that our Army did first everything
Naik Muhammad didn't broke any accord Sir it was USA pressure Army entered tribal areas and they entered in 2003 for few months fought and than tried to make peace with Naik Muhammad and your ally USA killed him and than you again started operation and in 2006 they formed TTP to take revenge and from that day on Pakistanis have forgotten the meaning of peace so if you think you can win against them by force do it you will fail again and again and again
Arab and foriegn guests who were plotting attacks in America and europe. Spain attacks, London attacks, American foiled attacks, all these attacks traced back to these honorable guests.

Are Fata walay so naive that they would let these honorable guests harm the image of Pakistan by creating a preception Pakistan is backing those guests? and when action is taken against those guests, same Fata walay would take offence and would turn against of our own People?

Why didn't Fata walay took a stand and reign in those foreign guests, why did they allowed their guests to use Pakistani Sarzameen to launch attacks on others.

Have you ever fought a war when you are week? Haven't' FATA walay didn't took a lesson from Hamas and palestinian resistance, for every one isralei they killed in sucide attack, 100 of theirs own died in Israeli bombings?

Great warriors are those who use brain in battle not emotions.

O.k these stupid tribals should have been sorted out by America itself. Dont you agree that if America has directly conducted air and ground operations in FATA with secret permission of pak army then tribals would have been engaged in war with americans instead of pak army and their focus would have been american bases in afghanistan not GHQ

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