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Pakistan provided sanctuary to Mullah Omar, knew of Osama bin Laden hideout: Abdullah Abdullah

Dec 5, 2014
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WASHINGTON: Pakistan knew about Osama bin Laden's hideout and provided sanctuary to elusive one-eyed Taliban chief Mullah Omar, Afghan CEO Abdullah Abdullah today said as he criticised the country for using the terror outfit as an "asset".

Abdullah alleged that Pakistani authorities fooled the world Omar and peace talks with the Taliban as he warned Pakistan that using terrorism as a means of achieving foreign policy objective does not work.

"In Pakistan authorities will say that these people represent Mullah Omar. We know how to get message to Mullah Omar and how to give the message, which was a sham altogether.

"Because he was dead and because, later on, they had been cheated against and also some members of Taliban and senior leaders in Taliban banks, in Taliban leadership, they thought that they were cheated. That's why there is division now amongst the Taliban leadership," he told PBS news.

When asked if the Pakistanis and the leadership of Pakistan knew that Osama bin Laden was there inside their country, he said: "Osama bin Laden, absolutely, yes."

"He was in the military containment, near their military containment in Abottabad...(if Pakistan) doesn't know about him having a residence near a military containment, that poses even a bigger question," he said.

"From one side he (Gen Musharraf) was acting in the front line of the war against terror. From the other side, he was the one providing sanctuary to Mullah Omar," he said.

"They didn't believe that Afghanistan would be able to stand on its own feet. Secondly, the cruel policy there has been, unfortunately, to use terrorism and extremism as a means of achieving foreign policy objectives. And in Taliban they consider that an asset rather than a liability. That was also an important factor," Abdullah added.

Abdullah warned Pakistan that using terrorism as a means of achieving foreign policy objective has not worked for any state.

"If there is one lesson from Afghanistan or from the misadventures of the terrorist groups elsewhere, that using terrorism as a means of achieving foreign policy objective doesn't work. It has not worked for any state.

"The reason that I am so sure about it, it is a lesson from the history that strengthened these own terrorist groups to have their own agendas and they will turn against those estates and groups which Pakistan had created now are fighting against Pakistan. Those were created for other purposes. But the minute they find the opportunity they turn against the states," the top Afghan leader said.

He asserted that it is important for states to not allow these extremist radical non-state actors to use the opportunities for "short-term gains" which look like gains but anybody in that position is in a losing position.

Read more at:
Pakistan provided sanctuary to Mullah Omar, knew of Osama bin Laden hideout: Abdullah Abdullah - The Economic Times
OK fine, we knew about both of them.

At least ISI knows about things, unlike the NDS which is always clueless, even when one of its major cities is about to be taken over by a band of militia fighters.
OK fine, we knew about both of them.

At least ISI knows about things, unlike the NDS which is always clueless, even when one of its major cities is about to be taken over by a band of militia fighters.

Are you declaring pakistan as a terrorist state ?
Even if every single accusation against Pakistan is true, what now? Where is your blame game gonna take you? The world may condemn Pakistan, and sympathize with Afghanistan, but in the end, the world will abandon Afghanistan and back Pakistan.

Abdullah Abdullah is a fool.
Pakistan does not care what world thinks, they are willing to face it. Officially they can lie on face.
apparently..... so does Abdulla Abdulla.
BTW... why wasn't he asked before?
So what ? Egypt hosted Nazi officers and gave them sanctuary adn even Egyptian ID .. like Johann Applear or (nazi Dr Death :Arbert Heim)... does that make Egypt a terrorist state? everyone has the right to do what is good for him.

Abdullah Abdullah...hold kid you use to live in Rawalpindi during there rule and civil war...namak haram
The fact is, in geopolitics and international relations, there are no permanent friends, only permanent interests.

The Pakistan Establishment is acting to further it's own interests in the region. All countries do it, whether it is by means of using its 'proxy assets' or by diplomacy and financial clout to achieve its objectives.

The US has been a past master in this strategy by arming and training 'rebels' (terrorists) for their aim of regime changes in the Middle East and the Central Asian Republics. The latest example being the initial arming of the ISIS and later the myriad rebel groups to bring down the Assad regime to suit American interests - to create a NWO (New World Order) of sycophantic regimes that will kow-tow to American diktats.

For furthering its national interests, a country will do what it thinks is best for it. Period!
So what ? Egypt hosted Nazi officers and gave them sanctuary adn even Egyptian ID .. like Johann Applear or (nazi Dr Death :Arbert Heim)... does that make Egypt a terrorist state? everyone has the right to do what is good for him.


No that made Egyptian government, Nazi sympathisers.

Similarly Pakistani sheltering worlds most wanted terrorists makes them terrorist sympathisers.
We also hosted Karzai and Ghani along with 6 million more back stabbing afghans

WASHINGTON: Pakistan knew about Osama bin Laden's hideout and provided sanctuary to elusive one-eyed Taliban chief Mullah Omar, Afghan CEO Abdullah Abdullah today said as he criticised the country for using the terror outfit as an "asset".

Abdullah alleged that Pakistani authorities fooled the world Omar and peace talks with the Taliban as he warned Pakistan that using terrorism as a means of achieving foreign policy objective does not work.

"In Pakistan authorities will say that these people represent Mullah Omar. We know how to get message to Mullah Omar and how to give the message, which was a sham altogether.

"Because he was dead and because, later on, they had been cheated against and also some members of Taliban and senior leaders in Taliban banks, in Taliban leadership, they thought that they were cheated. That's why there is division now amongst the Taliban leadership," he told PBS news.

When asked if the Pakistanis and the leadership of Pakistan knew that Osama bin Laden was there inside their country, he said: "Osama bin Laden, absolutely, yes."

"He was in the military containment, near their military containment in Abottabad...(if Pakistan) doesn't know about him having a residence near a military containment, that poses even a bigger question," he said.

"From one side he (Gen Musharraf) was acting in the front line of the war against terror. From the other side, he was the one providing sanctuary to Mullah Omar," he said.

"They didn't believe that Afghanistan would be able to stand on its own feet. Secondly, the cruel policy there has been, unfortunately, to use terrorism and extremism as a means of achieving foreign policy objectives. And in Taliban they consider that an asset rather than a liability. That was also an important factor," Abdullah added.

Abdullah warned Pakistan that using terrorism as a means of achieving foreign policy objective has not worked for any state.

"If there is one lesson from Afghanistan or from the misadventures of the terrorist groups elsewhere, that using terrorism as a means of achieving foreign policy objective doesn't work. It has not worked for any state.

"The reason that I am so sure about it, it is a lesson from the history that strengthened these own terrorist groups to have their own agendas and they will turn against those estates and groups which Pakistan had created now are fighting against Pakistan. Those were created for other purposes. But the minute they find the opportunity they turn against the states," the top Afghan leader said.

He asserted that it is important for states to not allow these extremist radical non-state actors to use the opportunities for "short-term gains" which look like gains but anybody in that position is in a losing position.

Read more at:
Pakistan provided sanctuary to Mullah Omar, knew of Osama bin Laden hideout: Abdullah Abdullah - The Economic Times
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