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Pakistan possible answer against india nuclear submarine

why are you acting like a stupid burden donkey on the middle of the road! what dont you understand! cut the chatter and fallow the simple rule! dont go off topic...

Oh comeon, Digest the fact..... Stik to the topic ...:cheers:
IMHO, the Indian N-sub would be tactically useless against Pakistan.

The main benefit of a N-sub is that it can stay under water for long periods (years) and remain undetected while it conducts survelience or acts as a deterrent. It would most likely be directed against countries with large blue water navies like the Chinese an to protect Indian interests in the ASEAN region.

So Pakistan would'nt need to do anything to counter this. Just my 2 cents
Nuke sub will provide india its most reliable second strike capabilityfor its unlimited indurance ...keeping in the fact that india has no first strike policy.

INS Arihant is SSBN unlike a nuclear attack sub whose primary task would be to remain undetected and lob nuclear war heads incase india is attacked with nuke missiles.

With its 3000k missiles its main targets ofcourse be pakistan and china.For more far off targets it'll need icbm.
I think you are missing the point that N-sub does not mean nuclear missile capability only. India already has capability to launch nuclear missiles (balistic missiles specifically) from submarines such as the sagarika.

The N-sub means that this submarine runs on a nuclear reactor. So it doesn't need to refuel for long periods of time. So yes it can fire nuke missiles, but you don't need N-subs to do that. N-subs provide a wholly different capability.
Guys the Nuke is an overkill for Pakistan -- in case of a Nuclear exchange it would not really matter if India has 2nd strike capability --Pakistan would have been finished as a place fit to live for human beings and so would be the case with India.

In case of conventional exchange the nuke can lob cruise missiles and remain undetected - but not for long if Pakistan goes for a strong Airborne ASW Platforms like the later versions of Orion or the new Posiedon.

My take on this!!!

BTW -- it will take years for the boat to be full on stream for operational use. We should build our long range air ASW element as a counter.
but i still think N submarine is not a big threat yes it is a threat but the bigger threat is indian Aircraft carrier which is supposed to be ships likes of delhi class destroyer which can fire cruise missile which carry nukes i think pakistan and china incraese submarines china already have enough but pakistan should get more state of art subs like U 214 which is hard to detect and also can destroy air targets like anti sub helicopters and aircrafts with missiles from underwater
Yeah, what did we have,which you dint? We had a good labour force.And moreover jinnah dint ask for anything more. Technically,Both India and Pakistan Started from scrap
i think you are not a good history here is a small chunk of only idsutrial sector in Pakistan at independence
compare it with India at that time
furthermore here is an extract from an article about defence industry
During the colonial rule, sixteen ordnance factories were established in the sub-continent. After the creation of Pakistan in 1947, all those sixteen factories fell to Indian share since none of them were located in Muslim majority areas forming Pakistan.1 The newly-created Pakistan emerged with a fragile state apparatus and rudimentary Armed Forces headed by three British Chiefs for its respective forces, and scarcely had any infrastructure or equipment and no ammunition manufacturing facility, to meet the security challenges confronting its sovereignty, national security and territorial integrity. By October 1947, just two and half months after its creation, in such dire conditions the fledgling state of Pakistan already faced its first major externally-launched security threat – namely the Indian aggression against and its occupation of two-thirds of the Jammu and Kashmir State.

After independence, India provided Pakistan with only 6,000 tons of munitions out of 1700,000 tons in its possession, when it was proportionately entitled to more. The subsequent war in Kashmir pushed Pakistan’s army into a state of actual imbalance.2 On the economic front, Pakistan faced the same situation. Of its total dues Pakistan received only 147 million pounds sterling, representing 17% of the total balance held by India.3 On an immediate basis, Pakistan had to use almost 70% of that amount in arms purchases to redress this imbalance.
all other financial and administration issue aside
looking for your response
Babur cruise missile as you state has a maximum operational range of 700kms. with a speed of MACH 0.8. By the time it reaches here, we can launch either shourya missile with a speed of more than MACH 4.Or Interceptor missile.Or sagarika from Arihant. :cheers:
logically idiotic post!
first see the modus operandi of Babur Crusie Missile
The Babur's guidance system uses a combination of inertial navigation systems, terrain contour matching (TERCOM) and satellite guidance. The satellite guidance is believed to be compatible with both the USA's Global Positioning System satellites and the Chinese COMPASS navigation satellite system. The guidance system reportedly gives the missile pinpoint accuracy.[1]

The missile has a high degree of manoeuvrability, allowing it to "hug" the terrain. Terrain hugging ability helps the missile avoid enemy radar detection by utilising "terrain masking", giving Babur the capability to penetrate enemy air defence systems undetected and survive until reaching the target.[1] The missile's design features can be compared with the American BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missile.[4]

More advanced versions of the Babur are under development. Later versions are planned to have a range of 1000 km [4][8] and be capable of being launched from submarines such as the Pakistan Navy's Agosta 90B class submarine and Type 214 submarine
then see the nature of missiles that you have posted to be the likely interceptors
The Shaurya missile (Sanskrit: Valour) is a canister launched hypersonic surface-to-surface tactical missile developed by the Indian Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) for use by the Indian Armed Forces. It has a range of between 600-700 km and is capable of carrying a payload of one-tonne conventional or nuclear warhead.[3] It can hit targets deep inside Pakistan and China, both nations having unsettled disputes with India
and about sagrika
is a nuclear-capable submarine-launched ballistic missile with a range of 750 kilometres (466 mi).
Are you pitting an SSM and SLBMs rather than a SAM or SLAM to counter a trrain hugging Crusie missile?
It happens only in India!
logically idiotic post!
first see the modus operandi of Babur Crusie Missile

then see the nature of missiles that you have posted to be the likely interceptors

and about sagrika
Are you pitting an SSM and SLBMs rather than a SAM or SLAM to counter a trrain hugging Crusie missile?


absolutely wrong, i consider.:what: tell me what can the babur cruise missile do?:pdf:

this might be good answer to indian nuke submarine and aircraft battle group
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