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Pakistan PM Imran Khan claims PM Modi apologised for lockdown, Pak media corrects him

Base on the evidence if anyone was doing intentionally then gov should punish them under the law without 2nd thoughts
Totally agree- "to Err is Human"- Be it Christian-Muslim-Hindu-Buddhist-Sikh-etc- If anyone found guilty of spreading this virus should be treated on a "Attempt to Murder Charge".

Neutralize the threat to contain it from spreading
Can you elaborate more-"What do you mean by neutralize the threat"- (For example-Seclusion/Kill)- You do know how many are infected with Covid19 in India right? - Neutralize all of them and how?
Totally agree- "to Err is Human"- Be it Christian-Muslim-Hindu-Buddhist-Sikh-etc- If anyone found guilty of spreading this virus should be treated on a "Attempt to Murder Charge".

Can you elaborate more-"What do you mean by neutralize the threat"- (For example-Seclusion/Kill)- You do know how many are infected with Covid19 in India right? - Neutralize all of them and how?

"Attempt to Murder Charge" - Yes

"What do you mean by neutralize the threat" - create a isolated place from where these virus will never spread or can escape eg; just like British created A&N jail.
"Attempt to Murder Charge" - Yes

"What do you mean by neutralize the threat" - create a isolated place from where these virus will never spread or can escape eg; just like British created A&N jail.
Yes- Agree with you on both- Thats a solution that should be tried.
Yes- Agree with you on both- Thats a solution that should be tried.

Otherwise Thar Desert - near Pakistan border, thereby we can give chance of border crossing if they doesn't like health care from GoI.

Army can prepare a isolation center of 9,000 beds

Or Indian Railway can park their refurbished coaches

Pakistan PM Imran Khan claims PM Modi apologised for lockdown, Pak media corrects him
Times Fact Check | Updated: Mar 31, 2020, 16:25 IST

  • Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan claimed PM Narendra Modi apologised to the people of India for the nationwide lockdown to combat the spread of Covid-19.
  • Prime Minister Modi apologised for the 'hardships' the lockdown has caused, but said it's a necessary step.
  • A Pakistan TV channel called out PM Khan for making a false claim about Modi's apology.

PM Khan addressed the people of Pakistan on Monday, talking about why he thinks a nationwide lockdown in Pakistan is a bad idea.

PM Modi announced a complete lockdown in India a few days ago but had to apologise to the people for imposing a lockdown without giving it much thought.

Here is the video of Khan's speech:


The truth is that PM Modi, who had on March 24, 2020, announced a 'complete lockdown' of the nation for a period of three weeks, starting March 25, 2020, apologised to the people of India for the inconvenience and hardship the lockdown caused them and not for the lockdown itself.

PM Modi, while addressing the nation in his monthly radio address 'Mann Ki Baat' last Sunday, reiterated that the lockdown was a necessary step to control the spread of Covid-19, and that there is no alternative. Modi said that in a country like India, with a population of over 130 crore, there is no other way to fight Covid-19 other than imposing a lockdown.

Nowhere in his address did Modi apologise to the people for imposing the lockdown itself. He did not say it was not a thoughtful decision either.

Pakistan media house

News called out Khan's false claim about Modi's apology. In a show they aired, Geo News fact-checked PM Khan's false claim and said Modi apologised for the inconvenience and hardship caused due to the lockdown, and not for the lockdown itself, and that Modi never said the lockdown imposition was not a thoughtful decision.

Lolz. Implying that GEO media is representative of "Pakistani media".

Our media is extremely diverse and some are opinionated to the point of treason. Some media groups are in financial collusion with specific political parties. I don't expect you to get this. GEO is notoriously anti-Khan. Had Khan failed to point out Modi's apology, the first media house to criticize Khan would have been GEO - why didn't Khan highlight Modi's blunder?...they would bark.

Regarding Modi's blunder, it is a clear blunder, despite your verbal and mental undulations.

He apologised and therefore placed himself in a position of culpability, whether that refers to the lockdown per se, the ramifications of the lockdown, or both. Let us assume he has only apologised for the repercussions and the outcome of his decision (not for the act of lockdown itself), does this make chest beaters like you somehow sleep easy?? Modi-jee knows now he messed up and his actions led to a debacle but it's okay because he apologised for part of it and not the other?

A sensible statesman would never apologise for any element of a necessary decision, or at least one that he can reliably defend as "necessary" based on what was known at the time. This is basic leadership and statecraft that politicians should know. Modi should have held firm on his convictions but now that he has uttered the word "sorry", he has admitted some degree of culpability and so has shot himself in the foot, or spilled the chai on his walla.
Lolz. Implying that GEO media is representative of "Pakistani media".

Our media is extremely diverse and some are opinionated to the point of treason. Some media groups are in financial collusion with specific political parties. I don't expect you to get this. GEO is notoriously anti-Khan. Had Khan failed to point out Modi's apology, the first media house to criticize Khan would have been GEO - why didn't Khan highlight Modi's blunder?...they would bark.

Regarding Modi's blunder, it is a clear blunder, despite your verbal and mental undulations.

He apologised and therefore placed himself in a position of culpability, whether that refers to the lockdown per se, the ramifications of the lockdown, or both. Let us assume he has only apologised for the repercussions and the outcome of his decision (not for the act of lockdown itself), does this make chest beaters like you somehow sleep easy?? Modi-jee knows now he messed up and his actions led to a debacle but it's okay because he apologised for part of it and not the other?

A sensible statesman would never apologise for any element of a necessary decision, or at least one that he can reliably defend as "necessary" based on what was known at the time. This is basic leadership and statecraft that politicians should know. Modi should have held firm on his convictions but now that he has uttered the word "sorry", he has admitted some degree of culpability and so has shot himself in the foot, or spilled the chai on his walla.
Ok janab. Maybe Imran can also announce and conduct a crash course on "Statecraft" which world leaders can attend and learn from.

Lolz. Implying that GEO media is representative of "Pakistani media".

Our media is extremely diverse and some are opinionated to the point of treason. Some media groups are in financial collusion with specific political parties. I don't expect you to get this. GEO is notoriously anti-Khan. Had Khan failed to point out Modi's apology, the first media house to criticize Khan would have been GEO - why didn't Khan highlight Modi's blunder?...they would bark.

Regarding Modi's blunder, it is a clear blunder, despite your verbal and mental undulations.

He apologised and therefore placed himself in a position of culpability, whether that refers to the lockdown per se, the ramifications of the lockdown, or both. Let us assume he has only apologised for the repercussions and the outcome of his decision (not for the act of lockdown itself), does this make chest beaters like you somehow sleep easy?? Modi-jee knows now he messed up and his actions led to a debacle but it's okay because he apologised for part of it and not the other?

A sensible statesman would never apologise for any element of a necessary decision, or at least one that he can reliably defend as "necessary" based on what was known at the time. This is basic leadership and statecraft that politicians should know. Modi should have held firm on his convictions but now that he has uttered the word "sorry", he has admitted some degree of culpability and so has shot himself in the foot, or spilled the chai on his walla.

Yaar, forget about imran.

I do not blindy follow to modi or any other. But, I strongly support to complete Lockdown because as of now social distancing is best solution to fight against virus. Being a 2nd populated country in the world, it would be disaster if virus will spread and situation will like USA, Italy, China etc...

India does not have capability to manage such as situation. If gov will not act timely then who will take responsibility of killing thousands of people?

Yes, I agreed that many poor people are facing problems and more challenges at economy level.

I would say that Modi is taken the decision at stage 2 but other hand, imran has denied due to confusion between economy situation human life. What if situation will be like USA, will imran take responsible responsibility for not declared complete lockdown at stage 2?

I completely support to modi and hope that poor people will face such challenges with help from other people. All Indians should support to them during the human crises..
Imran Khan gets corrected all the time on his misquotations or blatant lies may i say, but there must be strong reason for Indian media to kept quite on Imran's fake claim about Modi, until someone from Pakistan media unearthed the un-holy nexus.
Imran Khan stand disqualified under article 62-63 but apparently law is not applicable on Hypocrite Khan.

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