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Pakistan Paramilitary Forces


Sep 8, 2009
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Pakistan Paramilitary Forces

The Paramilitary forces are under the various ministerial departments, and appointments are directly made from the armed forces. In rough estimate made in 2010, Pakistan's paramilitary personnel are approximated at ~420,000

Pakistan National Guard 185,000
Pakistan Rangers 100,000
Frontier Corps 80,000
Gilgit Baltistan Scouts 2,481
Frontier Constabulary 30,000
Airport Security Force 8,930
Pakistan Coast Guard Classified
Maritime Security Agency 2,500
Anti Terrorist Elite Force Classified
Total 420,000

Mujahid Force


  • Pakistan Rangers: The Rangers are headquartered in Lahore, Punjab and in Karachi, Sindh. This force has a border security role on the international borders of Punjab and Sindh and perform internal security duties as an extension of the Army. This force is organised on a provincial level but are subordinate to the Ministry of the Interior and are commanded by seconded army generals.
    • Mehran Force: The Mehran Force, based in the Sindh province, performed the same function as the Punjab-based Rangers. The Mehran Force became the Pakistan Rangers (Sindh) in 1995.[4] It was a force of 25,000 men divided into "wings" of approximately 800 men each.



Never mess with Rangers


  • Maritime Security Agency: The 2,500-strong Maritime Security Agency, headquartered in Karachi, is a coast guard and is responsible for patrolling Pakistan's territorial waters. The MSA is equipped with a former Pakistan Navy destroyer, two coastal patrol craft and four oceanic patrol craft.


Airport Security Force
: Safeguarding and protecting airports in Pakistan
How does the training differs for Paramilitary forces vs Army

Are there limitations on equipment in training and criteria

Can paramilitary members move to military if decide after few years in service

How do these troops react during war ?

I thought it would be good to discuss these forces as they maintain law and order in cities and various critical areas
How does the training differs for Paramilitary forces vs Army

Are there limitations on equipment in training and criteria

Can paramilitary members move to military if decide after few years in service

How do these troops react during war ?

I thought it would be good to discuss these forces as they maintain law and order in cities and various critical areas
Pakistan needs to increase size of Rangers and Frontier Corps and give them Anti Tank Vehicles and Truck mounted SP Artillery and IFV and Anti Tank weapons like Baktar Shikan or TOW.
Pakistan needs to increase size of Rangers and Frontier Corps and give them Anti Tank Vehicles and Truck mounted SP Artillery and IFV and Anti Tank weapons like Baktar Shikan or TOW.

Dafuq zarvan.
Lets just keep those things in the army instead..

But I do agree about giving more equipment to the FC since they are in more danger compared to the rangers.
Pakistan needs to increase size of Rangers and Frontier Corps and give them Anti Tank Vehicles and Truck mounted SP Artillery and IFV and Anti Tank weapons like Baktar Shikan or TOW.

I think you are going overboard, there is no need to give them Anti-Tank vehicles or Heavy artillery.
They need IFVs ,Armoured Vehicles ,Small Mortars and Drones
By the way who are these National Guards I haven't seen them ever ?
Pakistan needs to increase size of Rangers and Frontier Corps and give them Anti Tank Vehicles and Truck mounted SP Artillery and IFV and Anti Tank weapons like Baktar Shikan or TOW.

Now Pak regular Army troops are deployed much nearer to border so perhaps heavy tech not required by Paramilitary forces. They may be used effectively in anti terrorism role and as light infantry roles. Further we may create specialised commando battalions in rangers, to be especially trained to provide some time to regualr troops for full deployment in case of any immediate aggression by enemy. At best they should be provided Anza SAMS, some anti aircraft guns, may be limited APCs , IFVs having installed mortars , SAMS and antitank missiles.
Rangers are the Best.... The fittest force ... They are very choosey in Height and weight .... I did'nt see a single *Kamzoor* aur *Choota* personal in rangers.
Rangers are the Best.... The fittest force ... They are very choosey in Height and weight .... I did'nt see a single *Kamzoor* aur *Choota* personal in rangers.
I think they are all good in their regard. Very few here know about GB scouts, it's role is quite important too. It played an important role along with the army to stabilize Gilgit when Sectarian killings were on the high. It's because of such efforts that we don't hear of anything like we used to. Same goes for other forces, they are all playing a key role.
From physical fitness level , they appear to have been well trained almost all have no out of shape bodies every single one is fit , and have appropriate height and stature for soldier

I was just curious to know the difference in training of the Paramilitary vs the Normal troops that are part of military

From equipment perspective, I would say would be nice to see

Armored Trucks for Rangers, since they operate in cities , the vehicle is not to drastic as a APC

When cleanup is needed of dirt bag elements

Perhaps few specialized weapons for Rangers


And a light weight head set for communication and protection

But I would imagine once they are on border duties and protecting borders they should have access to heavier weapons or equipment

Which is where I was wondering what can / or what are they trained to operate in city vs border crisis
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I think they are all good in their regard. Very few here know about GB scouts, it's role is quite important too. It played an important role along with the army to stabilize Gilgit when Sectarian killings were on the high. It's because of such efforts that we don't hear of anything like we used to. Same goes for other forces, they are all playing a key role.

I was not talking about their work rate... I am sure they all are upto the mark and raising bar high .... I was only talking about physical attributes.
For many including myself some confusion exists between the definition of Militia, Paramilitary Forces & the regular Defence forces. Years ago I put this question to a retired British Colonel who was father of a class mate and the explanation was;

‘Militia’ is a force of citizens volunteers trained to fight. Militias normally have far less training & inferior equipment. For example British Home Guard during WW2. Some militias such as the US National Guard & the UK Territorials are in essence ‘Militias ‘but act as Army Reserve in practice.

‘Paramilitary’ forces on the other hand are fully trained and armed. Their fighting capability is generally at par with the ‘Light Infantry’. However these forces; instead of reporting to the Ministry of Defence; report to the Ministry of Interior and employed in helping civil administration. Indian BSF, Spanish Guardia Civil & the French Gendarmerie are essentially paramilitary forces.

Nevertheless distinction between ‘Militia’ & ‘Paramilitary’ is still blurred in my mind. I would welcome an ex-Army Forum Member for additional clarification.
Pakistan Paramilitary Forces

The Paramilitary forces are under the various ministerial departments, and appointments are directly made from the armed forces. In rough estimate made in 2010, Pakistan's paramilitary personnel are approximated at ~420,000

Pakistan National Guard 185,000
Pakistan Rangers 100,000
Frontier Corps 80,000
Gilgit Baltistan Scouts 2,481
Frontier Constabulary 30,000
Airport Security Force 8,930
Pakistan Coast Guard Classified
Maritime Security Agency 2,500
Anti Terrorist Elite Force Classified
Total 420,000

Mujahid Force


  • Pakistan Rangers: The Rangers are headquartered in Lahore, Punjab and in Karachi, Sindh. This force has a border security role on the international borders of Punjab and Sindh and perform internal security duties as an extension of the Army. This force is organised on a provincial level but are subordinate to the Ministry of the Interior and are commanded by seconded army generals.
    • Mehran Force: The Mehran Force, based in the Sindh province, performed the same function as the Punjab-based Rangers. The Mehran Force became the Pakistan Rangers (Sindh) in 1995.[4] It was a force of 25,000 men divided into "wings" of approximately 800 men each.



Never mess with Rangers


  • Maritime Security Agency: The 2,500-strong Maritime Security Agency, headquartered in Karachi, is a coast guard and is responsible for patrolling Pakistan's territorial waters. The MSA is equipped with a former Pakistan Navy destroyer, two coastal patrol craft and four oceanic patrol craft.


Airport Security Force
: Safeguarding and protecting airports in Pakistan
I would love to see this kind of machine with Para Military forces
FC needs more protection Gears as they are Operating in circumstances where Traps and Ambushes are Bigger Threats and as for Rangers I would Recommend Tactical Weapons like Corner Shot Gun like POF eye for them as their Activity in Urban Areas require them to be more PRECISE on their Targets to avoid Civilian Casualties.
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