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Pakistan opens its arms to 67 Kashmiri students charged with sedition in India.

Such a dumb thing to say, can you send entire population of Kashmir because everyone of them loves Pakistan.
Of course if everyone is willing to migrate and Pakistan is ready to accept them.
Such a dumb thing to say, can you send entire population of Kashmir because everyone of them loves Pakistan.

If we wish we can send them like how you people are forcing your Hindus to migrate to India...

But that is not the Indian way & we will never support that....
If we wish we can send them like how you people are forcing your Hindus to migrate to India...

But that is not the Indian way & we will never support that....

if you do that then you are admitting Kashmiris wants to join Pakistan, the atoot-ang theory goes in the gutter
Its their free choice.

yes, they are free to choose.. But if they accept it, it will be a solid proof that they are TRAITORS..
If they reject it, Pakistan govt will be LOSERS..
That means anyway your govt will suffer if you interfere in our internal matters.. Our students,our university, our state, our matterr.. We have govt, courts, law.. If they feel injustice done to them, they can approach our authorities, courts etc.. What you feel if our govt officialy indulge in your internal matters?? Shame..
Yeah cause no Indian bombed and exploded your people.
you shoot at them and do everything but they over power you.
just stop before i start posting videos

you can say india zindabad as well in pakistan. it makes no difference to us
Yeah tell this thing when hundreds of your people gets exploded by an Indian and then if any Pakistani says India zindabad. This is where the difference lies between people of both countries.

come on it was just a match which da intolerant Admins n indians of dat city cudnt take it...n hence da reaction from poor kashmiries
What is so stupid in this??

once you admit you will expel everyone who support Paksitan, and entire kashmir decides to go with it, dont you think you prove it to the world that kashmiri want to go with Pakistan. I wish you can do that stupid move and then go defend it in the security council "Kashmir is our atoot-patoot."

This news about expelling Kashmiri student is already helping Pakistan cause, its being played on all international news. The world is finding our where kashmiri wants to go.. :pakistan::welcome:
once you admit you will expel everyone who support Paksitan, and entire kashmir decides to go with it, dont you think you prove it to the world that kashmiri want to go with Pakistan. I wish you can do that stupid move and then go defend it in the security council "Kashmir is our atoot-patoot."

This news about expelling Kashmiri student is already helping Pakistan cause, its being played on all international news. The world is finding our where kashmiri wants to go.. :pakistan::welcome:
Haha nice try.......

Please read my post again.
Where i said that we will expel anyone who supports Pakistan??.
No because there are a lot of IF's and BUT'S in my statement.
Each and every media person has got their own story, one channel even raised it to 150:o:

No Marsha...initially even I was taken aback by this news. Because I do cheer for Afiridi.
But some media is giving the wrong impression.These students actually provoked others.They were not just cheering for Pakistani players (which I think is fine) but they were celebrating India's loss( which I think is not done at all).They faced flak for being anti-India.And not because they were pro-Pakistan.
They kinda asked for it.
Imagine what would have happened if the same had happened in Pakistan?

Every thing's fine.But I think media is adding fuel to fire.
The numbers were exaggerated by some media to 130,when the actual number of students expelled were just 67.
The police had escorted these students to the station for their protection,because Meerat is a sensitive area.
But then you do know media luvs to grab attention and they would stoop to any level for their own selfish motives.And hence the skewed version....
technically IOK is disputed territory, so Indian nationalism dont apply on Kashmirs !
Haha nice try.......

Please read my post again.
Where i said that we will expel anyone who supports Pakistan??.
No because there are a lot of IF's and BUT'S in my statement.

anyway, now Kashmiris figured out another outlet to show to the world where they want to go, expect more of this happening in the future
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