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Pakistan on growth momentum continues as PKR reaches to 168 against dollar.

So you have opened a thread just on the Dollar rate which fluctuates on daily basis... with an exaggerated title....
Don't have to live up to your username.
fluctuates means both sides. The growth of Imran Khan has made PKR to go only one side ,which down only. Since 4 months PKR has devalued 16 rupee against dollar due IMF mistakenly delayed IMF program, trapped into Shaukat Tarin bluff.
fluctuates means both sides. The growth of Imran Khan has made PKR to go only one side ,which down only. Since 4 months PKR has devalued 16 rupee against dollar due IMF mistakenly delayed IMF program, trapped into Shaukat Tarin bluff.
Pay your taxes and force the Patwaris to give up their Polo playing lifestyles instead of opening random threads.
Pay your taxes and force the Patwaris to give up their Polo playing lifestyles instead of opening random threads.
This not due to that. It is due misconceptions of devaluation control CAD and imports, which made PMLN right neither devaluation stops CAD or increase export.

PTI just made 4.2 billion trade deficit in just month of August alone even devaluaing currency mindlessly. It did not had any kind of effect on exports, CAD or Imports , in fact import increase more than it was when rupee was at 100 and export are at the level. Since 3 years PTI is the reason for inflation in Pakistan.
This not due to that. It is due misconceptions of devaluation control CAD and imports, which made PMLN right neither devaluation stops CAD or increase export.

PTI just made 4.2 billion trade deficit in just month of August alone even devaluaing currency mindlessly. It did not had any kind of effect on exports, CAD or Imports , in fact import increase more than it was when rupee was at 100 and export are at the level. Since 3 years PTI is the reason for inflation in Pakistan.

If you see last 1 year the dollar has risen from 166.45 to 168.04 that is only 1.6 RS (approx 1%). Now tell what are your harping about?


And 8 Rs difference that is 5% in the last 1.5years after the government corrected the forced reduction of dollar


The problems are there but it is not as bleak as you portray. Market will correct itself. I have seen so many post from you writing the doom and bankruptcy of pakistan, please try and follow some better sources, that rapid correction from 166 to 152 was not praised by you that was also during the same tenure. It was soft term injection and it was bound to erase in due course of time.

We have endured the Garbage and filth for long enough. There is purpose and effort this time around. From economy to foreign policy, not like the earlier times when private jets would just land in your airspace for a photo op and payee with a prime minister and security advisor of another country.

Where the GI rights were not contested so as to appease the private investments.
The devaluation of PKR is not done deliberately by PTI. PTI is not pumping dollars in local market to artificially boost the PKR unlike PML N who took the country on the verge of bankruptcy. The dollar was 125 PKR in early 2018 but country was about to declare Bankrupt with $20 billion dollar CAD. This is CAD not trade deficit.

PTI has discouraged imports from 2018 to June 2021 to control the CAD and this policy is abandoned by ST in June 2021 budget after 3 years so imports will naturally be higher for next few months before it gets stabilized and PKR will keep loosing unless PTI goes back to old policy of reducing imports at the cost of GDP growth or bleeds US $ to boost the PKR and then gets bankrupted.
The devaluation of PKR is not done deliberately by PTI. PTI is not pumping dollars in local market to artificially boost the PKR unlike PML N who took the country on the verge of bankruptcy. The dollar was 125 PKR in early 2018 but country was about to declare Bankrupt with $20 billion dollar CAD. This is CAD not trade deficit.

PTI has discouraged imports from 2018 to June 2021 to control the CAD and this policy is abandoned by ST in June 2021 budget after 3 years so imports will naturally be higher for next few months before it gets stabilized and PKR will keep loosing unless PTI goes back to old policy of reducing imports at the cost of GDP growth or bleeds US $ to boost the PKR and then gets bankrupted.

We have far more room to sustain higher imports now than in 2018. Both exports and remittances are better. We had issues in August ( will have to look at cause after breakdown of imports comes) but still our CAD will be less than 2018. We are in the midst of a global inflationary cycle along with roll out of TERF ( pure machinery imports to improve capacity in export sector) and on top of that vaccine imports etc.

The beauty of policy is our reserves have not budged in August, just a 100m drop on account of debt and interest repayments gap in financing.
RDA has crossed 2b mark and is supporting other forms of inflows to roll over our maturing debt and interest payments.

We are using currency tool excellently and without SBP direct intervention.

He is most likely a desperate paid account who does not understand what is going on.

His previous thread of stock market crash was a joke as well.
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The construction sector has had growing number of hurdles to invest in specially those with black money specially when the relaxation given by government expired / finished. Now that money is going into buying USD.

Also.,the black money involved in buying 25 000 and 40 000 bonds is coming out because these bonds are going to be finished / expired soon.


There needs to be strict checking on who is purchasing how much dollars.
Just mere getting the CNIC of people buying USD and recording it is NOT GOING TO HELP.


The inflation resulting from high USD is really getting on the nerves of a common man be it electricity or food.

State bank should increase the interest rates upto minimum 12 - 14 percent to cool inflation immediately.

The speed from 152 to 169 is truly SHOCKING and at this rate, 200 is INEVITABLE.

USD should only be bought by finger print scanner LINKED TO NADRA AND FBR, and which confirms the authenticity of CNIC and the buyer himself and his dollar buying activity AUTOMATICALLY updated in his Tax ID / Profile.

Similar approach for critical industries of CEMENT, STEEL, ALUMINUM, COPPER, SUGAR, WHEAT, PULSES, RICE etc
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Ena shoq hai, ask Saqa Munshi to sell Pandu Nawaz's properties so we can get $$$ to float the PKR better
As Imran Khan growth Momentum is in a swing Pakistan witnessed 60 million dollar outflow in a single day through SCRA highest ever this year. SCRA Account, which is related to foreign investment in local market like equities, stock and PSX witness highest outflow in this year.

Since PTI came there is only outflows from SCRA and low FDI and it has been totally negative due to PTI forced policies, market base currency negative performance in exports and controlling CAD. This what happens when PTI can only fool local investor in the market but with devaluing currency you cannot fool foreigners with massive devaluation. No will invest in country where downgrade becomes a blessing, twitter becomes reality, and devaluation becomes a joy and only a person who no meaning in of life will takes this as a blessing.

India Stock exchange market is 3000 billion dollar and our now? 39 billion dollar after downgrade and devaluation.

Remember foreign investor never buys BS or excuse. Never take joy in devaluation or downgrade and it is a lesson.
Some where there is a flaw , either in Banking where the foreign money / dollar is exiting
foreign investor who put money in PSX , cashes profit in PKR and then has to buy USD at an expensive rate to send it back ?

i dont how devaluation is good for overall economic picture - except for PTI fan boys
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