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Pakistan offers to help train Libyan Army

Unfortunately, this increasingly seems to be the case.

We've offered nothing but our love, respect and brotherhood to them but they've assisted in laundering money for our criminals and reports are suggesting they've even been aiding radical secular/liberal terrorists like the BLA:
MPs told Russia, India and UAE involved in Baloch insurgency
UAE Needs To Make “Major” Reforms To Tackle Money Laundering, Says Global Watchdog

This move with Libya is in no way shape or form against our brothers and sisters in Saudi Arabia and the UAE just an attempt by one Muslim nation to reach out and help another on security and defense against a terrorist warlord.

We would hope that the UAE and other GCC nations would see reason like Qatar has and not pursue policies that inflict harm on fellow Muslims.
They've been doing this for long while being aware of our capabilities and what we can do to them.
Its now time to show them this.
If anyone had any doubts, this is basically Pakistan's official entry into Libyan civil war without saying it.
Not really - we don’t have the resources to actively enter any conflict that doesn’t have a direct impact on Pakistan’s national security.

Will Pakistan offer (sell) training, weapons, military equipment and supplies?


Will Pakistan deploy forces on the ground in support of a faction in the Libyan conflict?


Is providing training, equipment, supplies etc considered ‘an entry into a conflict’?

Possibly, depending on how you define ‘involvement’.
why not if they pay for it?
if we start being so selective in defense deals we will probable end up dealing with no one
isnt Libyan govt officially recognized by UN?
ask these questions to those whom involved in that mess. jumping in arab civil war is last thing one should do . do you want our dirty hands in that mess sir for few bucks ???????
ask these questions to those whom involved in that mess. jumping in arab civil war is last thing one should do . do you want our dirty hands in that mess sir for few bucks ???????
Noone asking to jump into civil war
Pakistan has jumped under UN umbrella multiple times before

The UN couldnt pass a peacekeeper here simply because of france oil interests..

Current govt has UN support and will help pakistan in long run for securing energy security

Noone is asking to send army or fire a bullet we are talking about training
Wishing the best of Luck to Pakistan and our Pakistani brothers and sisters.

Also, i see what you are saying and yes , Pakistan will benefit from returning over-sees professional Pakistanis (Doctors , scientists and artists) However, what will these professionals benefit from their own country ? Does Pakistan have the capability and infrastructure to nourish and accommodate such skill and help them flourish further ? or will it douse the fire and eventually smother them into ordinary 8 to 4 employees ?

They will always be welcome in the UAE. they will be granted 10 year visas on arrival ;) and i am sure they can flourish here.
They will build the capability and infrastructure so accommodate such skill and to help themselves flourish further.
If this is our entry into the Libyan civil war, then I'm definitely not for it. Let's stay out, pointless draining our coffers on this effort. Plus the significant political fallout.
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Ek tw hamari army ko sb ka abba bn nay ka bara shoq hai. Middle East is a mess, better to stay away. We have enough problems of our own to deal with.
hamain shoq nai balky hum waqai inn sab k abba g hain! abb koi shaq nai raha! besides thats in our interests to get involved in libya to get a share of oil there too in cheap payments.
This is likely in response to all the anti-Pakistan moves the UAE has been making. It's probably a warning to the Arabs that Pakistan can get involved in Arab affairs, and make things very difficult for the Emiraties.
and in bonus, we maybe able to secure some cheap oil for ourselves as these arabs of GCC cant be trusted anymore.....Finally Pak has started to play according to her strengths ie Defence and military.
hamain shoq nai balky hum waqai inn sab k abba g hain! abb koi shaq nai raha! besides thats in our interests to get involved in libya to get a share of oil there too in cheap payments.
Hhaahahha id love to know how we'll get that cheap oil as prices are not controlled by lybia?.
Hhaahahha id love to know how we'll get that cheap oil as prices are not controlled by lybia?.
kakay! look it in long term......we helped Azeris, secured our cheap oil after they got their territory back.......same can be done in libya too. Help em, and secure our oil for future.

khel khatam paisa hazam!
I feel no need to get involved in Middle East. I don't know what's the establishment's long term strategy.

Its time that Pakistan focuses on domestic situation. Dealing with India and Afghanistan (post US) along with timely completion of CPEC should be the priority rather than getting involved in unnecessary far from home enemies/friends.
time have changed! Pakistan must now play the game according to her strength. This is not only a message to UAE, KSA but that move will secure our oil too.

Along with a punishment for Egypt for ditching the cause of Islam with radical countries like France! after the charlie Hebdo saga!
Which Arabs ? and what have they done to Pakistan to warrant an invasion ?
thats a message to UAE and KSA and to even France.......

Pakistan is a major power! if you will make relations with india and israel and support terrorism in balochistan then you will face our wrath! and compromise our stand on Kashmir then there is gonna be high prize to pay!

As we all already know yr nothing without Pakistan example; Yemen.
While both Afghan wars and Nagorno karabakh conflict serves as a great example of what Pakistan is capable of if we get involved in a conflict!

Now same thing is going to happen in Libya, a long and bloody war for which neither UAE has manpower nor egypt has stomach for! just like in Afghanistan/Yemen.
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Pakistan should start training Indian Army too.
:rofl: that would be epic!


Modi's reaction after reading yr comment!
Pakistan should stay clear of this Libyan mess.
nope! we need to fight our wars beyond our border! this is a great message to GCC countries like UAE and KSA, who r into the indian-israeli camp and their stance on kashmir!
Antagonizing a power like Pakistan has a dear and harsh prize to pay and now they are gonna realize this!

And given their performance in Yemen, they dont have either manpower nor the stomach for a long, bloody war! just like in Afghanistan!
Not really - we don’t have the resources to actively enter any conflict that doesn’t have a direct impact on Pakistan’s national security.

Will Pakistan offer (sell) training, weapons, military equipment and supplies?


Will Pakistan deploy forces on the ground in support of a faction in the Libyan conflict?


Is providing training, equipment, supplies etc considered ‘an entry into a conflict’?

Possibly, depending on how you define ‘involvement’.
in any case we need to fight our wars beyond our borders! This will be a message to UAE and KSA!
their relations with israel and india along with their stance on Kashmir will cost them HARD!
Besides this, UAE is involved in the balochistan insurgency too!

that baloch terrorist that was killed in austria recently had received 34 million from Israel too for spreading terrorism in Pakistan!

Now connect the dots of KSA-UAE-Israeli-Indian nexus relationship and its impacts on Pakistan!
You have to understand that Muslim Ummah's interests are by and large not manifested in the interests of the 50 odd Muslim majority States and regimes. If anyone is manifesting the Ummah's interests today it is the United States of America and Great Britain.

I'm sure there are good people in the UK, like Princess Diana was, who genuinely want to foster better relations with us but overall the British presence/rule of South Asia was overwhelmingly destructive and disruptive and they still harbor these racist genocidal tendencies which we're not going to tolerate.

Can you really say the US has ever been a "great" country?

I guess it depends on your definition of great because from the perspective of being fair, honest and champions of rights and freedoms they haven't.

The American Empire is vast and hypocritical where they'll accuse China of things the US is itself guilty of and has neither come to grips with or made up for. For example the US likes to admonish and vilify China for their build up of ports and man made islands globally which they see as a play to project their military power but don't mention that's EXACTLY what the US has been doing for decades already EXCEPT the Chinese aren't forcibly occupying anyone's homeland to do it (ex. Hawaii, Guam, Philippines, etc...).

Despite all of the US' transgressions Pakistan wanted to be the US' ally but when they betrayed us in 1962, 1965, 1971 and then placed sanctions on us in the 90s after we literally just worked together to end the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan only a year or two earlier then go on to offer India NSG membership while deny it to us, support them for UNSC membership and attack each and every one of our allies and interests you can only come to the conclusion they aren't interested in friendship and cooperation.

If the US wants to be Pakistan's friend we're more than happy to be theirs but they need to show us not talk:
  • We're concerned by hegemonic Hindu terrorism, the US' continued material and diplomatic support to them
  • India's continued occupation of our lands and those of our allies China are totally unacceptable.
  • We are concerned by India's threats and attempts to murder our men, women and children whether through military strikes on Balakot or promises to break the Indus Water Treaty and starve us of water.
If you think pushing for Muslim bans, arming the UAE and Saudi monarchies to indiscriminately bomb and starve Yemeni women and children or how their 10 years of sanctions on Iraq resulted in the deaths of over 500,000 children under the age of 5 let alone the hundreds of thousands more that have died in their bombing campaign during the 2nd gulf war and invasion of Afghanistan represents the "Ummah's interests" may Allah (swt) help you.

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