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Pakistan nuclear bogey shows lack of faith in its Army: General Bipin Rawat

Aug 29, 2018
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Pakistan nuclear bogey shows lack of faith in its Army: General Bipin Rawat

“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said about Pakistan.

By Manu Pubby & Shaurya Karanbir Gurung, ET Bureau | Updated: Sep 06, 2019, 10.12 AM IST

NEW DELHI: The Pakistan nuclear bogey in retaliation to the withdrawal of Article 370 is a sign that there is a lack of conviction in its conventional forces, Army chief General Bipin Rawat told ET, adding it’s time to give peace a chance in Jammu and Kashmir.

General Rawat also said Pakistan has made fresh deployments along the Line of Control (LoC) as a 'precautionary' step, as it fears a strong retaliation in the event of any terror attack in India.

The Army chief said India has noted the emerging threats from Pakistan and is more-than-prepared to meet any challenge. On nuclear threats by Islamabad, General Rawat said that this was a sign of Pakistan losing confidence in it's conventional forces.

“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said, adding there have been signs that Pakistan has made additional deployments along the LoC even as it has given a free run to terror organisation operating from its soil.

“Pakistan appears to have made precautionary deployments because there could be attempts of a terror attack. Terrorists are getting a loose rope on their soil, they are getting emboldened. And should they succeed in carrying out a terror attack—though we are fully prepared—they would expect retaliation from us. If you perpetrate violence, you cannot get away," the Army chief said.

The security forces are on the guard in the Kashmir Valley as restrictions are slowly being lifted – land lines were activated in most parts of the state on Thursday – but are cautious that Pakistani elements would attempt to instigate violence. “There will be attempts to instigate violence in J&K once restrictions are lifted. Pakistan realises that it is good for it to instigate violence. We are ready to handle it,” he said.
The officer also came down hard on what he said was a ‘wrong perception’ that there is a big clampdown in the valley and people are being held ‘hostage’ in their homes for the past month. General Rawat said that there have been clear signs that work has not stopped and people are freely moving around for necessary work, adding that there is a motivated campaign to project a clampdown.

“Brick kilns are functioning, houses are under construction and hundreds of trucks of apples have crossed the Jawahar tunnel. If there was a clampdown, would these be possible?” Who are the elements who are trying to close shops These are the people whose survival depends on terrorism,” the Army chief said.


yeah we know these people, keep working on your planned plot of a fake terror attack. few more statements like this and then bang somewhere around.

i wish they could take care of the loop holes this time otherwise world is clever.
Pakistan nuclear bogey shows lack of faith in its Army: General Bipin Rawat

“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said about Pakistan.

By Manu Pubby & Shaurya Karanbir Gurung, ET Bureau | Updated: Sep 06, 2019, 10.12 AM IST

NEW DELHI: The Pakistan nuclear bogey in retaliation to the withdrawal of Article 370 is a sign that there is a lack of conviction in its conventional forces, Army chief General Bipin Rawat told ET, adding it’s time to give peace a chance in Jammu and Kashmir.

General Rawat also said Pakistan has made fresh deployments along the Line of Control (LoC) as a 'precautionary' step, as it fears a strong retaliation in the event of any terror attack in India.

The Army chief said India has noted the emerging threats from Pakistan and is more-than-prepared to meet any challenge. On nuclear threats by Islamabad, General Rawat said that this was a sign of Pakistan losing confidence in it's conventional forces.

“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said, adding there have been signs that Pakistan has made additional deployments along the LoC even as it has given a free run to terror organisation operating from its soil.

“Pakistan appears to have made precautionary deployments because there could be attempts of a terror attack. Terrorists are getting a loose rope on their soil, they are getting emboldened. And should they succeed in carrying out a terror attack—though we are fully prepared—they would expect retaliation from us. If you perpetrate violence, you cannot get away," the Army chief said.

The security forces are on the guard in the Kashmir Valley as restrictions are slowly being lifted – land lines were activated in most parts of the state on Thursday – but are cautious that Pakistani elements would attempt to instigate violence. “There will be attempts to instigate violence in J&K once restrictions are lifted. Pakistan realises that it is good for it to instigate violence. We are ready to handle it,” he said.
The officer also came down hard on what he said was a ‘wrong perception’ that there is a big clampdown in the valley and people are being held ‘hostage’ in their homes for the past month. General Rawat said that there have been clear signs that work has not stopped and people are freely moving around for necessary work, adding that there is a motivated campaign to project a clampdown.

“Brick kilns are functioning, houses are under construction and hundreds of trucks of apples have crossed the Jawahar tunnel. If there was a clampdown, would these be possible?” Who are the elements who are trying to close shops These are the people whose survival depends on terrorism,” the Army chief said.



That explains why india all of a sudden is going back on "No first use" policy. After humiliation and beat down of 27th Feb, indian conventional forces got to know their real lack of ability to confront a far superior and organized Pakistan military...
“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said about Pakistan.
Exactly. There is a reason why Rajnath was telling that we lie when we say we believe in NFU !
Modi didn't shy away from using Nuke threat after 27th Feb.
That statement by Def min on 'No First use' was directed at China & Not Pakistan.

That line of face saving won't be enough. He was asked question in context of Pakistan's rhetoric on Kashmir in the aftermath of 370 repeal.

Pakistan never took NFU policy of india seriously anyways, precisely because we know that when Pakistan military will start landing pain in india's arsehole, they will resort to nuclear option to survive.

You military is in total junk---they lost jets, got bombed by PAF, ended up shooting their own helicopter and killing iaf officers, and in the months after----bunch of indian jets "crashed" due to bad maintenance. Your large size and nuclear deterrence is the only thing keep india away from being eaten alive by Pakistan's military machine!

Imagine if Pakistan was the size of india....all else the same. We would have ran through you like a hot knife through warm butter :lol:
Pakistan nuclear bogey shows lack of faith in its Army: General Bipin Rawat

“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said about Pakistan.

By Manu Pubby & Shaurya Karanbir Gurung, ET Bureau | Updated: Sep 06, 2019, 10.12 AM IST

NEW DELHI: The Pakistan nuclear bogey in retaliation to the withdrawal of Article 370 is a sign that there is a lack of conviction in its conventional forces, Army chief General Bipin Rawat told ET, adding it’s time to give peace a chance in Jammu and Kashmir.

General Rawat also said Pakistan has made fresh deployments along the Line of Control (LoC) as a 'precautionary' step, as it fears a strong retaliation in the event of any terror attack in India.

The Army chief said India has noted the emerging threats from Pakistan and is more-than-prepared to meet any challenge. On nuclear threats by Islamabad, General Rawat said that this was a sign of Pakistan losing confidence in it's conventional forces.

“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said, adding there have been signs that Pakistan has made additional deployments along the LoC even as it has given a free run to terror organisation operating from its soil.

“Pakistan appears to have made precautionary deployments because there could be attempts of a terror attack. Terrorists are getting a loose rope on their soil, they are getting emboldened. And should they succeed in carrying out a terror attack—though we are fully prepared—they would expect retaliation from us. If you perpetrate violence, you cannot get away," the Army chief said.

The security forces are on the guard in the Kashmir Valley as restrictions are slowly being lifted – land lines were activated in most parts of the state on Thursday – but are cautious that Pakistani elements would attempt to instigate violence. “There will be attempts to instigate violence in J&K once restrictions are lifted. Pakistan realises that it is good for it to instigate violence. We are ready to handle it,” he said.
The officer also came down hard on what he said was a ‘wrong perception’ that there is a big clampdown in the valley and people are being held ‘hostage’ in their homes for the past month. General Rawat said that there have been clear signs that work has not stopped and people are freely moving around for necessary work, adding that there is a motivated campaign to project a clampdown.

“Brick kilns are functioning, houses are under construction and hundreds of trucks of apples have crossed the Jawahar tunnel. If there was a clampdown, would these be possible?” Who are the elements who are trying to close shops These are the people whose survival depends on terrorism,” the Army chief said.

Lol so I was right when Rajnath Singh said that.
“When you don’t have confidence in the abilities of your conventional forces to deter the adversary, you start using the nuclear bogey," the Army chief said about Pakistan.

Deter what forces? who is attacking Pakistan??
we are threatening of attacking India and India seems to be on back foot.
maybe Bipin had a small attack of amnesia and forgot his demise on Feb 27th, who attacked who with Conventional forces and who later was threatening of nuclear attack LOLOLOL
Deter what forces? who is attacking Pakistan??
we are threatening of attacking India and India seems to be on back foot.
maybe Bipin had a small attack of amnesia and forgot his demise on Feb 27th, who attacked who with Conventional forces and who later was threatening of nuclear attack LOLOLOL

They called our response as an act of war. than they went back into their hole.

It was Indian which quickly ran for its missiles after what happened on 27 Feb.

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