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'Pakistan never learns': Rajnath apprises Indian parliament of Saarc meet

That's only in your imagination brother.
Than it means we are at dead lock

Just don't think as Indian and me as Pakistani

Let Kashmiris choose their fate what harm in it if you claim it is your land let them decide

If you play enforcement role in someone's land than it shows you are wrong

At same time you criticise China for occupying south China Sea which is not even a land and you cry over it all day if suppose China is wrong you are doing same in Kashmir even worst killing people of land makes you crimnal and you have no right to criticise China either

Rajnath Singh is bhagora don't have tongue to justify and one would can't

Easy to open poison mouth in India

Bhai I visit Kashmir every year and stay in Srinagar for 3 days and then move towards Ladakh. I have never seen anyone in last 10 years telling me that they want freedom. It never happened that people whom I met ever called me and Indian and them self just Kashmiris. They proudly call them self Indian Kashmiris.
If can believe me then let me tell you guys this. I work for an MNC in Delhi. I am part of Operations team and its usually me who takes the Operations round. I am with this organization for last 4-5 years but for last 1 year I have seen a major foot fall from Kashmir. Aprox 30-40 Kashmiri Muslims come for an interview. I ask every one this question "Why do you want to work here in a concrete Jungle when Kashmir itself has a lot of opportunities in tourism" ?

Do you know what they say? They say that "we are sick and tired of this violence. The politics are using is telling the world that are not happy and we want freedom where as the truth is that we want employment, peace and happiness".
Don't think we are stupid you go for 3 days for your work not interviewing people and why would they tell you they need freedom from you

Kashmiris are not stupid to tell you they need freedom from India you might be raw agent

Does India has the same reputation as Pakistan?...if no, then "The kettle calling the pot black" is not the apt description of the situation. You have to understand...the attitude of Pakistan was unwarranted and did no good to your reputation.
What is Indian reputation world knows

Killing of non Hindu people are common more than dozen freedom fighter groups are fighting to you bezels are at top and raping the woman is the record of india

Before speaking of reputation look into your collar first
Than it means we are at dead lock

Just don't think as Indian and me as Pakistani

Let Kashmiris choose their fate what harm in it if you claim it is your land let them decide

If you play enforcement role in someone's land than it shows you are wrong

At same time you criticise China for occupying south China Sea which is not even a land and you cry over it all day if suppose China is wrong you are doing same in Kashmir even worst killing people of land makes you crimnal and you have no right to criticise China either

Rajnath Singh is bhagora don't have tongue to justify and one would can't

Easy to open poison mouth in India

Don't think we are stupid you go for 3 days for your work not interviewing people and why would they tell you they need freedom from you

Kashmiris are not stupid to tell you they need freedom from India you might be raw agent

Brother, too much water has flowed under the bridge of a potential referendum. Starting with your attack to forcibly occupy Kashmir started by Jinnah.

Too much blood of our soldiers has flowed.

Too much bad blood has developed in India towards your country over decades now.

Opinions and emotions and sentiments have hardened. Except the Arundhatis and Barkhas and JNU types, no Indian will be ready to compromise on Kashmir.

We are a thriving democracy. The power lies vested in the people. And sadly for you, the people have decided a long long time ago.

The people of India. Of which Kashmir is a small part.
Sister I agree. But I will not lie. Most Indians see you guys as having now gone past the tipping point of a functional state. Now the thin parda of charade is also gone. International terrorists with armed mobs are patrolling streets of metropolis cities. Who knows who is carrying a stinger shoulder fired launcher or some such? And so close to where he was. He actually was evacuated in a helicopter. Years ago you remember the Sri Lankan cricketers? Can you imagine the implications if he had been assassinated while there? Mere rongte khade ho jaate hain soch ke. I am afraid for you guys. Common Pakistanis. Friends on PDF. Insaan hain. Bhai bolte hain aap logon ko. Sattar saal baad bhi. I am damn disturbed to be honest sister. It is tragic what has happened to you since partition.

There are better chances of you lot (Indian Muslims) seeking refuge in Pakistan once your Hindu brothers turn on Gujarat 2.0 mode. We here in Pakistan are really afraid for your security. Humarey rongtay kharey ho jaatey hain. Insaan hain, bhai boltay hain aap logon ko. Sattar saal baad bhi. I am damn disturbed brother. Its tragic what can happen to you guys any time and you have to live in a constant state of fear.
There are better chances of you lot (Indian Muslims) seeking refuge in Pakistan once your Hindu brothers turn on Gujarat 2.0 mode. We here in Pakistan are really afraid for your security. Humarey rongtay kharey ho jaatey hain. Insaan hain, bhai boltay hain aap logon ko. Sattar saal baad bhi. I am damn disturbed brother. Its tragic what can happen to you guys any time and you have to live in a constant state of fear.

Brother, sattar saal mein kisne kisko maara hai, aur kitnon ko maara hai, what do you think?? Who's going to be coming to whom?
Brother, sattar saal mein kisne kisko maara hai, aur kitnon ko maara hai, what do you think?? Who's going to be coming to whom?

The problem with you Indian Muslims is your house slave mentality. Many Muslims during partition were also very confident about being safe in India, until they had to run for their lives without even a shirt on their backs.
The problem with you Indian Muslims is your house slave mentality. Many Muslims during partition were also very confident about being safe in India, until they had to run for their lives without even a shirt on their backs.

Brother who is the slave? You are being ironic here maybe?

Most like you have left the first chance they got. Cause the mess they created got too much to handle. I ask a bunch of Pakistanis who is a Pakistani, and I do not get a clear answer. Why?

Because 70 years on you don't have a clue.

Simply put, in 1947, only one group of people got freedom and independence.

And it wasn't you brother.
Brother who is the slave? You are being ironic here maybe?

Most like you have left the first chance they got. Cause the mess they created got too much to handle. I ask a bunch of Pakistanis who is a Pakistani, and I do not get a clear answer. Why?

Because 70 years on you don't have a clue.

Simply put, in 1947, only one group of people got freedom and independence.

And it wasn't you brother.

First off, my family for the majority has always been in the land that we reside in now. And speaking of freedoms, we are not the ones getting harassed for eating beef or playing Azan on loud speakers.

To answer you honestly, we can only feel sorry for you guys for so long. You did get the raw end of the deal and are trying to make due with what you got. It was your ancestors choice. The Kashmiri people on the other hand are a different case. They never wanted to live under oppression and they still do not.

So If you and fellow Indian Muslims such as yourself want to be house slave boy scouts, all the power to you, but again you shouldn't speak for the Kashmiris, let alone us Pakistanis.

The Mazhab or Deen may not mean to you what it means to us.
Perhaps you should visit Pakistan instead of making such grandiose assumptions based off of the Indian media and bollywood? You may be in for a shock.

I do not deny Pakistan must be a nice place. Pretty developed in the cities. Beautiful people. Well dressed. Good food.

Till the bomb blast that takes off your legs. Or cleaves your torso. Or the bullet that shatters your skull. Or the knock at night. The market. The masjid. The school. On the road. In the bus. Which bike guy riding past your car is the one who is going to snuff out your life. Are you even going to be remembered? Or the bike guy garlanded? Is it worth being mohfat on PDF? Is the ISI listening and reading? Do you want to join a long list of slain intellectuals and free thinkers? Or do you want to be a sheep and sit quietly and go about your life? Or have you had enough and finally got your papers for Australia or Canada or the UK. Or USA.

Who is the slave brother? In your own house. Or the one you left behind.
Brother, sattar saal mein kisne kisko maara hai, aur kitnon ko maara hai, what do you think?? Who's going to be coming to whom?

I do not deny Pakistan must be a nice place. Pretty developed in the cities. Beautiful people. Well dressed. Good food.

Till the bomb blast that takes off your legs. Or cleaves your torso. Or the bullet that shatters your skull. Or the knock at night. The market. The masjid. The school. On the road. In the bus. Which bike guy riding past your car is the one who is going to snuff out your life. Are you even going to be remembered? Or the bike guy garlanded? Is it worth being mohfat on PDF? Is the ISI listening and reading? Do you want to join a long list of slain intellectuals and free thinkers? Or do you want to be a sheep and sit quietly and go about your life? Or have you had enough and finally got your papers for Australia or Canada or the UK. Or USA.

Who is the slave brother? In your own house. Or the one you left behind.

The picture for Indian Muslims is not too rosy. Atleast we here in Pakistan dont have to worry about pleasing those pagans everyday.

Also, how do you feel living in constant fear? When will the hindu mob attack you? for eating beef. for giving Azan. Love Jihad. Asking for rights. Own a flat in Mumbai.
You lot are second class citizens and have to suck up to those pagans and like to give us lectures. :lol:
Don't worry we are still much more civilised and hospitable than you guys.

Brother the guy who sent those 10 civilized and hospitable guys over to India was leading parades on your city streets.

Please allow me to be relieved.

The picture for Indian Muslims is not too rosy. Atleast we here in Pakistan dont have to worry about pleasing those pagans everyday.

Also, how do you feel living in constant fear? When will the hindu mob attack you? for eating beef. for giving Azan. Love Jihad. Asking for rights. Own a flat in Mumbai.
You lot are second class citizens and have to suck up to those pagans and like to give us lectures. :lol:

Brother India is my watan. I am grateful to Allah that our people made the right choice.

Every day I watch TV, I become one shade more grateful.

Pakistan is both an embarrassment to Muslim Indians. As well as a warning. And a feel good totem. All rolled into one.
Brother the guy who sent those 10 civilized and hospitable guys over to India was leading parades on your city streets.

Please allow me to be relieved.

Brother India is my watan. I am grateful to Allah that our people made the right choice.

Every day I watch TV, I become one shade more grateful.

Pakistan is both an embarrassment to Muslim Indians. As well as a warning. And a feel good totem. All rolled into one.

Brother We also are grateful to Allah to have Pakistan. You guys are disgrace to Muslims and live like slaves to those idolaters. But you probably deserve what you get by the Hindus. now dont waste my time.
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