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Pakistan Needs to Deploy a Battle Group In Saudi Arabia & Emirates


Dec 26, 2005
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United States

Pakistan needs to get pro-actively involved in the issues of middle east now----. Just because it is trying to keep itself aloof is not going to help the issues at hand---and the coming problems.

For that it needs to have a committed alliance with the gulf nations and Saudi arabia. With the funding provided by these nations----Pakistan should look forward to deploy around 100000 troops in the region---a support of at least 4 sqdrn's of air force---- 4 to 6 sqdrn strength of helicopters----2 armor divisions---artillery----surface to air and surface to surface missile battalions---naval frigates and complimentary vessels.

A funding pool of 50 --- 100 billion dollars would be needed to make the commitment----a part of it to be invested in building the infra structure of industry of Pakistan, railways, road network, hospitals, colleges, schools and universities.

The funds would also be used to fence the Afghan Pakistan border---and tighten up the security to higher levels on Pakistan Iran border as well.

The Gwadar project will not be compromised and it will progress at a faster pace than it is now,

This battle group may be complimented by the Turkish and Egyptian forces as well---but being the majority stakeholder of troops, the command would stay with a Pakistani General at all times for all operational considerations.

Pakistani military has very good experience in fighting insurgency----and maintaining and managing control of hostile areas. Its training thru UN missions have given it the capacity and ability to start welfare projects in the areas under its control----and being a third party force----it would bring peace at a faster pace by communicating with both the parties.

The influence of Iran needs to e neutralized from yemen---it should have been nipped in the bud right from day one.
I think reasonble , approach is

20,000 Troops commitment , as done

Pakistan - 20,000 Troops , 20 JF 17 Thunder, 10 Tanks, 5 Attack gunships
Saudia -5,000 Troops , 20 -F15, 200 Tanks, 10 Attack gun ships
UAE - 5,000 Troops, 70 Mirage 2000 , 10 Attack gun ships
Iran - 20,000 Troops, 40 Attack helicopter Gunships, 20 Tanks
Turkey - 20,000 Troops, 30 F16 , 20 Tanks , 10 Attack gunships
Egypt - 20,000 Troops 30 F16 , 20 Tanks , 10 Attack gunships
Indonesia -20,000 Troops 2 Migs , 10 Tanks , 2 Helicopters
Bangladesh -20,000 Troops 2 Jets of any kind , 10 Tanks , 2 Helicopters

End of day
Summary: 120,000 Troops 222 Fighter Jets , and 280 Tanks , 60 Attack Helicopters

VS What 10,000 ISIS on Toyota pickups and ak-47

a) Pakistan , send in Additional 20,000 Troops in Afghanistan , assimilates it as Province.
b) Pakistan also sends in Troops in Syria border/Iraq along with alliance forces.
c) Government in Syria remains in power, with future elections announced in country.
(Amnesty is given to Asad family in Russia)
d) 70 Billion International Debt is (forgiven for Pakistan) by international community

Reasonable Approach

e) Formation of Palestine state (seperate entity) as agreed in previous charters and discussions while the alliance force is present in Syria and later the forces move and make permenent barracks in Palestine so no more shananigans of bombing civilian buildings

f) Amnesty program for ISIS , defaulters and reintegration program for defectors
and guidance / education program. No torture or killing

We resolve all major issues in region while the force is there ! Once and for all
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Why would those countries trust Pakistan? With 100,000 troops, weapons and aircraft, what guarantee can exist that the next nutjob general of Pakistan will not decide to take over Saudi Arabia in a coup in a coup of sorts? they have done it repeatedly so the rapsheet exists.

Nah, the sheiks are never ever gonna trust Pakistan. kapput.
I agree. This is best opportunity for us to enhance our influence and test our cruise missiles, tanks on houthis rodents.
We are already isolated now.
Let test our jets there. This alliance is also our need with K.S.A, U.A.E and other arab countries. We can't live here as isolated country.
K.S.A , U.A.E are very stronger against houthis. This is not 1970s , 1980s. They are bound to win. We should include our participation in this easy war. In longterm there are many benefits of this alliance.
K.S.A enjoys in top 5 powerful airforce in the world . They got training from best pilots from every corner from U.S.A till Pakistan, and K.S.A enjoys top tier jets like Typhoons, F15s, and top tanks in the world.
We should include our participation there. We are bound to win.
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Don't we already have stationed troops there?

Troops already in Saudi Arabia, says minister - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

I am not exactly sure of the number. Anyway the number in the opening post is a lot. That's basically a fully equipped invasion army. No need to send more if we already have a contingent.
Not enough dude. ... Whole nation will support Pakistan if we officially send our military hardware there like jets, missiles etc.
We can also ask f18s from uncle SAM, and enhance our trust on uncle Sam and this alliance Has multiple benefits if we play smart and put smart conditions unlike we did it in 2001, we didn't play smart and ask for all expenses to cover the expense of war.
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Pakistan had deployed 40k troops in KSA in the 80's.

This govt should stay on their words,i remember ganju nawazu said that we will defend once the threat reaches inside KSA and this has already happened but ganju is still silent
Pakistan had deployed 40k troops in KSA in the 80's.

This govt should stay on their words,i remember ganju nawazu said that we will defend once the threat reaches inside KSA and this has already happened but ganju is still silent
Ganja was ready to include our participation but emotional imran khan stopped him ,he packed the dharna, and came in the Parliment to stop doing this .
Why would those countries trust Pakistan? With 100,000 troops, weapons and aircraft, what guarantee can exist that the next nutjob general of Pakistan will not decide to take over Saudi Arabia in a coup in a coup of sorts? they have done it repeatedly so the rapsheet exists.

Nah, the sheiks are never ever gonna trust Pakistan. kapput.


I guess you have missed a few rotations that the earth went thru a few months ago---. The troops have already been asked for by these countries---.

I think reasonble , approach

Iran - 20,000 Troops



That is the whole purpose of sending troops to keep iran out of it----.

Iran is a death sentence to any peace and progress----.

It does not work like that----. We don't want to cook a KHICHRI---it is not a free for all. We need to do something that we have total control over----we need to do something that resonates our commitment to the cause---and we are the one to get the rewards.

Our issue needs to be focused on the border regions of the gulf primarily----.

Palestine is not our problem-----.
Yes if Iran can negotiate peace with Europe and USA , why can't it negotiate peace with Saudia , for greater good for region I think people need to come to table
Why would those countries trust Pakistan? With 100,000 troops, weapons and aircraft, what guarantee can exist that the next nutjob general of Pakistan will not decide to take over Saudi Arabia in a coup in a coup of sorts? they have done it repeatedly so the rapsheet exists.

Nah, the sheiks are never ever gonna trust Pakistan. kapput.

Please name the first FOUR Air Chiefs of the UAE Air Force. Thanks!
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I think reasonble , approach is

Pakistan - 20,000 Troops , 20 JF 17 Thunder, 10 Tanks, 5 Attack gunships
Saudia -5,000 Troops , 20 -F15, 200 Tanks, 10 Attack gun ships
UAE - 5,000 Troops, 70 Mirage 2000 , 10 Attack gun ships
Iran - 20,000 Troops, 40 Attack helicopter Gunships, 20 Tanks
Turkey - 20,000 Troops, 30 F16 , 20 Tanks , 10 Attack gunships
Egypt - 20,000 Troops 30 F16 , 20 Tanks , 10 Attack gunships
Indonesia -20,000 Troops 2 Migs , 10 Tanks , 2 Helicopters
Bangladesh -20,000 Troops 2 Jets of any kind , 10 Tanks , 2 Helicopters

End of day
Summary: 120,000 Troops 222 Fighter Jets , and 280 Tanks , 60 Attack Helicopters

VS What 10,000 ISIS on Toyota pickups and ak-47

a) Pakistan , send in Additional 20,000 Troops in Afghanistan , assimilates it as Province.
b) Pakistan also sends in Troops in Syria border/Iraq along with alliance forces.
c) Government in Syria remains in power, with future elections announced in country.
(Amnesty is given to Asad family in Russia/China/Saudia)

d) 70 Billion International Debt is (forgiven for Pakistan) by international community

Reasonable Approach

e) Formation of Palestine state (separate entity) as agreed in previous charters and discussions while the alliance force is present in Syria and later the forces move and make permenent barracks in Palestine so no more shananigans of bombing civilian buildings using F16 , and diablement of Hizbollah and formation of Palestine Military

f) Amnesty program for ISIS , defaulters and reintegration program for defectors
and guidance / education program. No torture or killing

We resolve all major issues in region while the force is there ! Once and for all

How other powers will view problem:

Russia: Asad will be given way out of Syria to live in Russia under amnesty.
New elections will be held (China will mediate elections)

Iran: Iran would be ok with formation of Palestinian state. They already have negotiated peace with Europe and USA

Saudia / UAE : Would be fine with end of ISIS the bigger picture

Pakistan/Turkey/Egypt: Would have played a responsible leadership role

Bangladesh/Indonesia/Malasia : Would have played a role in peaceful international mission
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Pakistan needs to get pro-actively involved in the issues of middle east now----. Just because it is trying to keep itself aloof is not going to help the issues at hand---and the coming problems.

For that it needs to have a committed alliance with the gulf nations and Saudi arabia. With the funding provided by these nations----Pakistan should look forward to deploy around 100000 troops in the region---a support of at least 4 sqdrn's of air force---- 4 to 6 sqdrn strength of helicopters----2 armor divisions---artillery----surface to air and surface to surface missile battalions---naval frigates and complimentary vessels.

A funding pool of 50 --- 100 billion dollars would be needed to make the commitment----a part of it to be invested in building the infra structure of industry of Pakistan, railways, road network, hospitals, colleges, schools and universities.

The funds would also be used to fence the Afghan Pakistan border---and tighten up the security to higher levels on Pakistan Iran border as well.

The Gwadar project will not be compromised and it will progress at a faster pace than it is now,

This battle group may be complimented by the Turkish and Egyptian forces as well---but being the majority stakeholder of troops, the command would stay with a Pakistani General at all times for all operational considerations.

Pakistani military has very good experience in fighting insurgency----and maintaining and managing control of hostile areas. Its training thru UN missions have given it the capacity and ability to start welfare projects in the areas under its control----and being a third party force----it would bring peace at a faster pace by communicating with both the parties.

The influence of Iran needs to e neutralized from yemen---it should have been nipped in the bud right from day one.

1) When was the last time Pakistan was Pro-active? 1947?

2) The figure you have stated $100bn is very doable, over 5 years. $20bn per Annum, split between not two, but three. Qatar, KSA and UAE. $6.66Bn per partner. Strictly for Infrastructure work and job creation. Very realistic figure!

3)Secondly, there can be an additional $30bn over 5 years. $6bn per Annum. $2bn per partner as investments into Agriculture, Textile etc.

4) What you have stated is a very good idea. Only problem is, we don't have the guts or foresight to do it.

It's the thought that counts. Thanks you get a +ve rating from me :enjoy:
Yes if Iran can negotiate peace with Europe and USA , why can't it negotiate peace with Saudia , for greater good for region I think people need to come to table

Yeah---after 25-30 years of death and destruction of the Palestinians--Lebanese---now Iraq and Syria----indeed Ira is a great lover of peace---only on the dead bodies of others.

That is the whole purpose of sending troops to keep iran out of it----.

Iran is a death sentence to any peace and progress----.

It does not work like that----. We don't want to cook a KHICHRI---it is not a free for all. We need to do something that we have total control over----we need to do something that resonates our commitment to the cause---and we are the one to get the rewards.

Our issue needs to be focused on the border regions of the gulf primarily----.

Palestine is not our problem-----.

I don't think our Irani friends would agree on bold part. Look at population of Iran and GCC countries , Iran alone has greater human resource than all GCC countries combined.To say it modestly,Iran is a superpower in Gulf region.

@Serpentine @2800 @haman10 @The Last of us
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