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Featured Pakistan Navy Type 054AP Frigates - Update, News & Discussion

However, its engine, gun, radars, missiles are imported from Europe and therefore vulnerable to Western sanction.

Every thing that aint local is prone to sanctions which is why diversification is very important. Radar is license built by turkey, gun and missile are Italian. As for engines they are also of western origin. FYI engienes on F22P frigates were also western origin not chinese. Although not declared but my guess is same goes for F-54A/P Frigates. We learnt the hard way that putting all eggs in one basket is a foolish erand. That is also why Jinnah class frigates will be our first very own frigate. Localisation will increase with time.
Looks like
The three task forces will have combination of 054a/p, f22, babar and it’s own complement of opv and subs so basically eastern fleet /task force at Karachi, western task force at gawadar and central at Omara, three bases covering 1000 or 900 mile coast plus sea along its aor

pn version of ballastic ssm may be based on cm-401 and with additional range more than 290 to overcome the limit from
Imported ones

but seldom mentioned capability of 054 is Asroc with 50-100 km anti sub capability so not all 32 Vls may have hq-18 but 8 or so Asroc plus remainder sams
I don't think so.. tonnage of Babur seems too light to be an all rounder. Not much space left for VLS and anti sub torpedo are lacking.

The VLS of Type 054A are quite advance. It can fit HQ-16 SAM or anti sub VLS rocket torpedo. Making it true multi purpose VLS.
Except HQ-16A is old (HQ-16C isn’t in service), the Type 054A cannot guide them all at once properly due to old illuminators, it has old radars and actually has the same amount of VLS as Babur because Babur can pack them better. The CAMM-ER on Babur is a lot more advanced than HQ-16.

It’s size is smaller because it’s a more modern design according to PNs specific requirements.
The 054A isn’t the best because it doesn’t need to be, the 054A is perfect for Chinas doctrine as it fits in with their highly capable destroyers (which imo are some of the best in the world). But on its own it’s not a standout ship, just a lower-cost, general purpose frigate.

If not being able to fire ARSOCS is the only demerit you can find, then I’m afraid the demerits of the 054A outweigh the ones on the Babur. They’re both good for different things.

However, its engine, gun, radars, missiles are imported from Europe and therefore vulnerable to Western sanction.
Pakistan has no threat of sanction from Italy, which is where the guns and missiles are from. The radars and sensors are Turkish and not “western”.
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CM-401 missile of PNS TUGHRIL. 😁
The state-owned China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) publicly unveiled the new missile, called the CM-401, at the biennial Zhuhai Airshow, which officially kicked off on Nov. 6, 2018, and also serves as a general arms expo. CASIC had two launch platforms on display at the event, an 8x8 truck-mounted type with two missiles inside self-contained launch canisters and what appeared to be a deck launcher for ships, also with two self-contained missiles.

Same day (08th Nov) First episode of new Turkish drama series Alp Arslan released on Air, in which Actor of Noyan (From famous drama dirilis Ertugrul) is performing as Tugrul Bey (founder of Seljuk Dynasty)
Pakistan commissioned his latest and most deadliest frigate to date named as PNS Tugril.


The naming of the Ship is interesting , the name sounds very Turkish , on a Chinese ships
many more good news to emerge soon Inshallah, perhaps a subliminal message to what comes next

My knowledge is bit limited on the background of "Tugrul" the person

Possible Collaboration between Pakistan-Turkey-China on some project very tempting prospect what can it be? if it happens , it all starts with name
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First Type 054AP FFG "PNS Tughril" has been commissioned in Pakistan Navy.

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Sir can you please enlighten us; the uninitiated, as to what options a sub-100km range air defense ship has against 150 km class air launched anti-ship missiles?

After all, our solution to Indian destroyers includes Jf-17 with 150 km class C-802AK
Actually, the name was Abu Talib Muhammad Tughril ibn Mikail better known as Tugrul bey and he is the founder of the Seljuk empire and the uncle of alp Arslan who defeated the Byzantines in the battle of Manzikert, on 26 August 1071.
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New photos released today of the PNS Tugril (F-261), the 1st Tughril class guided missile & air defence frigate, during its commissioning ceremony indicate that the warship is armed with the CM-401




The new frigate, PNS Tughril, was commissioned in Shanghai on Monday. Photo: Weibo

China delivers new warship to Pakistan Navy in ‘important milestone’
  • It’s the largest and most advanced Chinese warship to be exported so far, according to the shipbuilder
  • Type 054A/P frigate was commissioned in Shanghai and is the first of four being built under a 2017 deal
Amber Wang
Amber Wang
in Beijing
Published: 8:00pm, 9 Nov, 2021

China delivered the first Type 054A/P frigate to the Pakistan Navy on Monday, the largest and most advanced warship the country has exported, according to the shipbuilder.

The frigate, designed and built by the China State Shipbuilding Corporation, was commissioned in Shanghai on Monday. Named the PNS Tughril, it is the first of four frigates that China is building for the Pakistan Navy under a deal signed in 2017.

It is equipped with a new combat management system developed by the CSSC, advanced sensors and weapons, the shipbuilder said in a statement, adding that it had managed to deliver the warship on time despite difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Its design and construction reflect the tremendous progress of China’s frigate technology,” the shipbuilder said, calling the contract an “important milestone” for the sale of Chinese warships.

The Pakistan Navy tweeted that the new frigate had enormous firepower and surveillance potential, and its construction in China was “testimony of Pak-China all-weather friendship”.

Pakistan’s embassy in Beijing said the new warship was technologically advanced and could take on multiple missions. The embassy said on Twitter that Pakistan was “aligned to protect global sea lines of communication”, or maritime routes, and contribute to strategic stability.

The Type 054A/P is a multirole warship and has a displacement of more than 4,000 tonnes. Photo: Weibo

The Type 054A/P is a multirole warship and has a displacement of more than 4,000 tonnes. Photo: Weibo

“This type of frigate is mainly responsible for anti-submarine or command tasks. It can attack surface ships and submarines alone or in coordination with other naval forces, and has strong long-range alert and combat capabilities,” Yin said.

In addition to the Type 054A/P frigates, the Pakistan Navy, as part of efforts to modernise its fleet, also has submarines and drones on order from China, its close strategic ally.

Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi told Chinese state tabloid Global Times in February that China was building eight Hangor-class submarines for the Pakistan Navy. There was also a deal for medium-altitude, long-endurance unmanned combat aerial vehicles, he said, without giving further details.

Four Chinese-built frigates were previously delivered to the Pakistan Navy in 2013.

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