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Pakistan Navy test fire indigenously developed Cruise Missile with anti-ship/land attack capability

What is new in this missile as compared to the previous tests? It can Target land right?

If I remember correctly, the initial trajectory with the high alpha maneuver is very different. I don't remember seeing that previously. There could be other changes internally. If it at all has a radar seeker, then algorithms for detection are different between land and see. Navigation on land can use terrain matching so there may be logic to detect land and turn on terrain matching.
If I remember correctly, the initial trajectory with the high alpha maneuver is very different. I don't remember seeing that previously. There could be other changes internally. If it at all has a radar seeker, then algorithms for detection are different between land and see. Navigation on land can use terrain matching so there may be logic to detect land and turn on terrain matching.

initial trajectory looks very different as compared to previous versions.they add algorithms.it is different from others,looks more deadly xd.
There are many ways to extend the range. One way could be wrapping it in an outer body which simply dumps it out at a later stage. But this will require larger tubes and a structural change to the ship. Another option is using the boost phase to go vertical and then convert P.E. to K.E.

I see what you are saying, and the objective is to extend the range without exposing it to enemy radar or missile defence systems. Launching it from a height will compromise this aspect.

But expect Babur's range would be 1000-1200km at least as Tomahawk range is 1500km. This 1000-1200 Km range is enough for Pakistan to do everything which the missile is designed to do and that is to evasively destroy all strategic assets India would've deployed against Pakistan. For deeper strikes, striker fighters with air-launched Babur and 2700 KM range ballistic missiles would do.
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This is the Harbah cruise missile based on the Babur CM.

It is basically an Anti-Ship Missile with a "Land Attack Capability", with a 500 kg warhead(Conv/nuclear), which was demonstrated and tested earlier in 2018. The software and hardware update includes the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System. Range is 450 km+.

At launch it employs the booster, which gives it the initial thrust and speed until booster separation. After which the jet engine takes over and deploys wings for sustained flight . This terrain hugging missile uses various guidance systems ensuring its accuracy during flight and impact at the pre-designated target.

The idea of installing it on a small FAC with a small RCS, was to ensure that it cannot be detected from ranges it can release this weapon. A 600 Ton FACM is stealthy and fast and if positioned effectively, can create havoc with its 6 cruise missiles.


Why navy is using a separate twitter handle? What happened to ispr?

PN has it's own DGPR, which is specifically used for PN related news.

It is an old Pic

I know.

?? why are they always using arabic names vs farsi/urdu names - harbah etc etc.

We use names related to our Islamic history.


  • ship-pns-himmat.aspx.jpg
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The related Navigational Warning came out a couple days ago, didn't post it because lately nothing was being announced.

https://www.paknavy.gov.pk/securite/20190417SEC 124.txt
View attachment 555597
View attachment 555598

This is not ground-breaking or something. Harbah is Babur-1B/2's Ship-launched version, already tested with a radar seeker.

Typical fanboyism. Pay your taxes and get all the 1000s of kilometers you want.

Harbah is Babur-1B/2 derivative AShM/LACM. Zarb is C-602 coastal AShM.

You just gave rajfortyseven enough ammunition to rant for the next entire month on how this missile is fake.

Cruise missiles have wings. We have had this since 2005, nothing new.
I am pretty sure even the current range is 700 KM not 450 KM. Just need to increase to 1000 KM. Induct more missile boats and unleash hell on Indian cities like GOA and Mumbai and Bangaluru in case India goes ahead with Missile strike plans.
I see what you are saying, and the objective is to extend the range without exposing it to enemy radar or missile defence systems. Launching it from a height will compromise this aspect.

But expect Babur's range would be 1000-1200km at least as Tomahawk range is 1500km. This 1000-1200 Km range is enough for Pakistan to do everything which the missile is designed to do and that is to evasively destroy all strategic assets India would've deployed against Pakistan. For deeper strikes, striker fighters with air-laughed Babur and 2700 range ballistic missiles would do.
Babur was once successfully tested from Submarine & the target range was 1000 NM long ago
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The Target was on land. Finally at least one thing which I was saying is being done now. We need to increase the Missile Range to 1000 KM. Missile Boats cost a lot less that is why even lot of Missile Boats with 1000 KM range Missiles which can hit targets on land and sea with same accuracy would be night mare for our beloved neighbors.

Why do they need to be fired from missile boats and not from land?
Babur was once successfully tested from Submarine & the target range was 1000 NM 8 years ago, ISPR taken 6 years more to reveal that we have a working SLCM babur.. This is how works done in Pakistan.. I still remember when i posted here on pdf about thst test.. Many senior members laughed at me at that time...

The 2009 test was a different one. It was land to ship or vice versa. I vaguely remember that as one of my teachers worked on that project at the time.
@Bilal Khan (Quwa) since you like analyzing picture frames, this video has ample opportunities. Take a look at this frame which clearly shows the missile's shape:

View attachment 555452

Some points to note:

1. That halo of light is interesting. Each frame in the camera is the result of collecting light over an interval called 'exposure time'. When the camera started collecting the light from this frame, the missile was in flight, but before the next frame starts, the missile has exploded and preliminary light from the explosion has been collected. In my humble opinion, this is a fuel air mixture that started ignition at the boundaries and the camera has captured this initial reaction. The very next frame looks like this:

View attachment 555455

2. My eyeball approximation gives 60 ft as the diameter of the fireball. That's total incineration in a circle of diameter 60 ft, and then there would be the backlash of air.

3. The missile shows wings in the terminal phase, whereas the initial firing shows a simple cylinderical missile. This shows the level of sophistication of Pakistani missile program. We have retractable fins which can unfold in-flight. This implies maneuverability of the missile, and possibly the ability to change position based on GPS and mid-flight course correction signals.

4. In a sea to land mode, the missile would wreak havoc upon missile batteries, radar installations, fuel dumps, ammo dumps etc. A single ship carrying 6 missile can cause approx. 17000 sq ft of destruction which is about 1/3rd of an American football field based on my internet search. We need to increase both the range of the missile and the number of ships so Indian coastline can be bombarded from further away by FAC crafts.

@Rashid Mahmood @Bilal Khan 777

This is an evolved 3rd generation Babur Cruise missile, with improved aerodynamics, indigenous engines and material modification. This is a truly modified weapon suited for naval service, and an evolution of the initial weapons that were based on found US Tomahawk. These weapons are now fully accepted in Naval service for sub-surface and surface warfare, and open various engagement options for Pakistan Navy, from conventional to other. You see a video with heavy frame editing so you cannot see the penetration, or guess the fusing system, which is highly classified. This particular weapon is designed to engage multiple sea and land targets with a conventional payload. Congratulations to NESCOM and Pakistan Navy on the demonstrated achievements, from designing of the FACM 3, to development of the indigenous command system, fire control system, data link system and multi-purpose multi-platform Navalized Cruise Missile. Hats Off.

Why do they need to be fired from missile boats and not from land?

the land tests are not public. The platform test validates the capability and delivers the message on weapon readiness.

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