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Cruise Missiles are not effective?
They are, it's an issue of diversifying how we engage ships.

So, ideally, we should have:
  • Subsonic, sea-skimming cruise missiles (Harbah, C-802)
  • Supersonic, sea-skimming cruise missiles (similar to HD-1A)
  • Ballistic
  • Heavyweight torpedoes (via submarines)
  • AUVs that can double as heavyweight torpedoes
IMHO and I have elaborated this in my post on other threads, the optimum for PN is:

1 16 x Ship Major Surface Combatant Fleet made up multi mission frigates (Mix of Milgem, 54A & B with UVLS or the Jinnah Class). We will be four short when all the planned surface combatants join and the rest are retired.
2. Fast Attack craft (M) x 12. We are way short of this min figure.
3. Minesweepers (MCMIV) x 6. We are 50% short of the target. We have four major ports to clear in the event of hostilities. PQA, KPT, JNB, & Gawader.
3. Fast Fleet Replenishment Vessels x 3. We are one short and I believe another one will be ordered soon.
4. A 12 Boat Sub fleet. We are one short of the optimum.
5. A 12 plane LRMP fleet
6. Atleast four dedicated AWACS to keep an eye on the sea coat and EEZ.

Do away with Coast Guard and beef up MSA to become a real coast guard. Coast guard is not needed now after formation of so many permanent coastal stations and beefing up of naval presence along the coast. ANF can look inwards and let MSA handle the seaward patrolling.

The Commercial Grade OPV's should be given to MSA and make it a real sea going organization with the duty of patrolling and keeping our EEZ safe, Rescue and relief ops. Anti Smuggling & piracy sweeps, and safe navigation duties.

Navy should be left to prep up for a war and not indulge in police duties. Or we shut these huge agencies and leave it all to Navy.

Btw Customs marine wing should also be discontinued and port security should be under MSA as well. Streamline the whole structure now before it becomes too cumbersome and too difficult to dismantle.

The real Achilles heel for PN is the deep air strike and shipboard helicopter. I don't think PN should fly fighter jets as fighter flying is an acquired skill that requires a lot of man hours fine tuning and honing that skill. PN does not have the budget nor the skill set or the training structure to keep their fighter pilots up there with the best.

Bro, very well put also i wanted to point out isn't there going to be 2 more f-22p ships ? i thought the total number of 6 were to be with PN please advise ? thanks.
We should look at developing newer BM technology. Basically, get more compact designs that can fly farther than our current BMs. There's a way, e.g., working with Ukraine (under the table).

I think we are moving in that direction in evolutionary steps. Case in point Shaheen Ia(tested 8 years ago) almost double initial Shaheen’s range also if we look at the third stage of Shaheen III which has better stage separation setup and reported composite casing for weight reduction.

@the-deterent had eluded that we are in process of developing our own quasi ballistic missile.
4 F-22P need to be upgraded. They have lots of stuff that needs to upgraded and i am not talking about armament related things.
In a recent interview the CNS said that the PN will upgrade the subsystems/electronics of older ships. I'm guessing this was in reference to the F-22P. I think the PN will fit the F-22Ps along similar lines to the OPV 1900 and MILGEM-J -- i.e., Aselsan SMART-SMk2, Aselsan ARES ESM, Havelsan CMS, etc. But in terms of armaments, I hope they opt to swap-out the HQ-7. It could be that the SAM for the MILGEM-J would end-up being the same for the F-22P (albeit if they're non-Chinese, should be compact enough to fit in both).
In a recent interview the CNS said that the PN will upgrade the subsystems/electronics of older ships. I'm guessing this was in reference to the F-22P. I think the PN will fit the F-22Ps along similar lines to the OPV 1900 and MILGEM-J -- i.e., Aselsan SMART-SMk2, Aselsan ARES ESM, Havelsan CMS, etc. But in terms of armaments, I hope they opt to swap-out the HQ-7. It could be that the SAM for the MILGEM-J would end-up being the same for the F-22P (albeit if they're non-Chinese, should be compact enough to fit in both).

Agreed buying new warships is great

but upgrading the old ones is just as crucial

I hope those F22P are modernised and those TV style aerials are replaced and done with

a fully comprehensive overhaul is due on them
The PN should have opted for VLS for the AShM/LACM cells rather than the slanted triple cells in the MILGEM-J, which could have allowed a larger number of cruise missiles to be carried, rather like the Russian Buyan-M-class corvette (project 21631).
13th July 2020

Induction ceremony of state of the art Corvette, Pakistan Navy Ship YARMOOK was held at Pakistan Navy Dockyard, Karachi. Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi graced the occasion as Chief Guest.
Speaking at the occasion, the Chief Guest termed the induction event as important milestone for Pakistan Navy. He added that PNS YARMOOK in Pakistan Navy Fleet will significantly act as force multiplier to safeguard maritime interests of Pakistan. The Admiral further underscored that the ship will contribute towards achieving sustained maritime order through Pakistan Navy Regional Maritime Security Patrols (RMSP) initiatives. While highlighting the plight of Kashmiris in Indian Occupied Kashmir (Iok), the Chief Guest paid tribute to their exemplary struggle of self-determination against Indian oppression. He also paid rich tribute to the medical and paramedical staff of the country to fight COVID-19 pandemic.

PNS YARMOOK is latest warship with an effective amalgam of weapons & sensors possessing cutting edge self-protection and terminal defence systems constructed at M/S DAMEN Shipyards, Romania. The ship is capable to perform variety of naval operations and transport helicopter & Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) simultaneously. The second Corvette PNS TABUK is expected to join Pakistan Navy Fleet towards end of this year.

Later, the Chief Guest lauded professional competence of M/s DAMEN Shipyards (Romania) and cooperation for delivering high quality platforms to Pakistan Navy. The induction ceremony was attended by Senior Naval Officers.

pns 2.jpg

pns 1.jpg

PNS 3.jpg

### ((( Many in comments ask about PNS YARMOOK and PNS TABUK Radar , well it was announced last year that it will be a Turkish Radar :pakistan::turkey:

LPI Radar was confirmed by some Turkish media as well )))
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Let me rephrase my question, did arabs pay for this? -
No . These ships are not v expensive . Contract was signed in June 2017 . So its amount was payed in almost 3 or even four years . Roughly estimate of one ship is between $65m - $95m . Alhamdulillah Pakistan can pay this much amount very easily .
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