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Pakistan Navy receives second ATR-72 MPA


The Pakistan Navy received in late June the second of two ATR-72 twin-engine turboprops converted into MPAs (seen here). Source: Rheinland Air Service

The Pakistan Navy (PN) has received the second of two ATR-72 twin-engine turboprops converted into maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) under a contract signed in 2015.

In a 10 July press release Germany-based company Rheinland Air Service (RAS) said that it handed over the second example of the type, which is now known as the RAS 72 Sea Eagle, during a ceremony held at RAS headquarters in Mönchengladbach shortly after the platform was introduced to the general public at the Paris Air Show 2019, which was held from 17 to 23 June.

The first aircraft, which was handed over by RAS in June 2018, re-entered service with the PN on 12 December 2018 in a ceremony held at naval air station PNS Mehran in Karachi (both ATR-72s had previously been in service with the PN as transports).

The RAS 72 Sea Eagle is equipped with a long-range, active electronically scanned array (AESA) multimode radar, as well as electro-optic/infrared (EO/IR) sensors to deliver aerial, maritime, and ground surveillance, according to RAS.

The platform also features an acoustic processing system, sonobuoy launchers, a broadband satellite communications system, an electronic support measures suite, a self-protection suite, and two weapon hard-points, enabling anti-submarine warfare (ASW) and maritime patrol capabilities. The PN's two RAS 72 Sea Eagles also feature Aerodata's mission management system, called AeroMission, for ASW.

"The variety of state-of-the-art on-board sensors enable operators and decision makers to detect and identify sensitive targets above or below the surface of the ocean, while transmitting all the information captured on-board in real-time to the dedicated command centre," said the company, adding that the RAS 72 Sea Eagle offers operational flexibility as it can be used not only for ASW and maritime patrol missions but also for search-and-rescue and other humanitarian operations.

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How good are they compared to the P.3C's.
how much Maritime Patrol Aircraft are under the arsenal of PN now?

9. 7 P-3C Orions and 2 RAS 72 Sea Eagles

the optimum number PN was aiming for at one point was 12 A/c

Correction here:-

Total 10 in service now, 7 P-3C Orions + 1 repaired by PAC Engineers + 2 RAS 72 Sea Eagles. Plus contract with the German firm has a clause of 2 more ATR's conversion. So plan is eventually to reach optimum 12 MPAs.

any news of the one's which were recently acquired from UK ? are in service already ?

They are not ASW capable. I think 3 are in service. Sir, I think I should ask such questions from you :wave::wave:

Are Fokker grounded? So far as I remember Fokkers were also used.

Good addition, but still we have approximately 7 Fokkers which are need to be replace

ATRs are to replace Fokkers, 2 inducted ATRs means 2 Fokkers are going to be grounded soon. More to come.
Sensors/ mission management/Communication gear/radar = ATR is may have slight edge.

Payload/presence of a MAD sensor, acoustics and sonobuoys = P3C wins hands down.
Then why did we went for them if they brought no other capability. We brought them just to replace fokker?
Then why did we went for them if they brought no other capability. We brought them just to replace fokker?


From your comments---I understand that you do not have any concept of " more units " being placed in service---.

Meaning---you do not seem to understand what the change in power positioning is when the number went from 7 to a 9

From your comments---I understand that you do not have any concept of " more units " being placed in service---.

Meaning---you do not seem to understand what the change in power positioning is when the number went from 7 to a 9
Hi MK couple of Q if you can please give your input
1 how many PN need at one time in the air to cover their territory
2 & how many PN need to keep in air for 24/7 coverage
If possible for you to give some info on this
Thank you
Were not some PC 3 Orion damaged in the Mehran Base Attack?

At one time there were Atlantic’s too. Is the PC 3 Orion quantity 7 or Atlantic’s are being counted in that number?

Read post # 18

Atlantic is no more active now.

Hi MK couple of Q if you can please give your input
1 how many PN need at one time in the air to cover their territory
2 & how many PN need to keep in air for 24/7 coverage
If possible for you to give some info on this
Thank you
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