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Pakistan needs to acquire at least another OHP....and depute the two to the Gwader region.
Also they need to make good use of it's hull.....i.e. mount some SAMs on it.
sometime i think OHP is superior to even the f-22p with the genesis upgrade.
Hello friend'z i have question here! Are we getting Milgem corvettes from turkey or not?? n Qing clas subs ???:raise:
Milgem-class corvette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to a CNN Türk news report on September 27, 2008, the navies of Canada, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ukraine and a number of South American countries have expressed interest in acquiring MİLGEM class warships.[19] The Pakistan Navy shows interest in acquiring four MİLGEM class corvettes over a 10-year program, of which three to be manufactured in local shipyards.[citation needed] On the 6th of April 2011, Indonesia and Turkey signed cooperation agreement on defense industry including the construction of two MİLGEM class corvettes for the Indonesian Navy.[20]
Milgem-class corvette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
According to a CNN Türk news report on September 27, 2008, the navies of Canada, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ukraine and a number of South American countries have expressed interest in acquiring MİLGEM class warships.[19] The Pakistan Navy shows interest in acquiring four MİLGEM class corvettes over a 10-year program, of which three to be manufactured in local shipyards.[citation needed] On the 6th of April 2011, Indonesia and Turkey signed cooperation agreement on defense industry including the construction of two MİLGEM class corvettes for the Indonesian Navy.[20]

That based on a newsvideo from 2008 (i.e. 5 years ago : half way a 10 year period).

Turkey’s efforts were showcased at Pakistan’s biannual defense fair, the Nov. 7-11 International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS).

Turkish defense software and systems integration firm Havelsan secured orders for its shipboard Genesis C4I combat management system, and is negotiating a memorandum of understanding with the Pakistani military to further co-develop simulators for JF-17, F-16, C-130 and MFI-17 Mushak/Super Mushak aircraft.

But completion of large-scale deals remains elusive.

At IDEAS 2008, Havelsan project management firm STM and defense electronics company Aselsan promoted a Pakistani-specific corvette based on Turkey’s MILGEM/Ada program, which also sought to maximize the participation of Pakistan’s private industry based on Turkey’s defense industrial experience.

This stalled due to a lack of Pakistani financial resources, but at IDEAS 2012, a Havelsan spokesman said there had been “some progress in the right direction.”

An official linked to Pakistan’s naval industry said he thought the “opportunity has passed” and both parties had “gone their separate ways and are working on their own.”

Pakistan does not have the required indigenous design experience, so this may be a ruse to lower the price of a Turkish proposal. Turkey might propose a more affordable alternative, the SSM official said.

“Turkey would do its ultimate to boost cooperation in the field of naval vessels,” he said, and these may include the type of ships produced by Turkey’s Yonca Onuk yard, which promoted its MRTP-24 and MRTP-44 concepts at IDEAS 2012.
Pakistan Navy War College holds graduation ceremony


LAHORE - The graduation ceremony of the 42nd Pakistan Navy Staff Course was held at Pakistan Navy War College, Lahore on Saturday.

Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Asif Sandila was the chief guest on the occasion.

Sandila said that Pakistan Navy was a technology and capital-intensive service which required an equally competent and proficient manpower taking sound decisions.

Alluding to the recently-implemented vision and core values of the Pakistan Navy, the chief urged the graduating officers to maintain highest standards of ethical and moral values.

The admiral congratulated graduating officers, particularly allied officers, and wished them the best in their future pursuits. He also praised the college command and faculty for encountering the challenges and meeting all requirements.

Earlier, the chief of the naval staff, on behalf of the National Defence University Islamabad, conferred master’s in science (maritime) degrees upon the graduating students. In his inaugural address, Pakistan Navy War College Commandant Rear Admiral Kaleem Shaukat gave an overview of the 41-week long curriculum of studies. He further detailed a summary of various ongoing projects and those already completed by Pakistan Navy War College.

A total of 78 officers, including 55 from Pakistan Navy, two each from Pakistan Army and Pakistan Air Force and 19 officers from allied navies of Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Libya, Malaysia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Sri-Lanka and United Arab Emirates joined the ranks of the alumni of the Pakistan Navy War College.
Wikipedia is suggesting that PN is looking in to 2 more F-22P to replace all of the 6 Type-21 Frigates from PN. But I think that PN is looking in to a newer version of it which might be more heavier like of 3500 tons F-22P Block-IIs and it will surely be produced in greater numbers like 6-7 in order to replace and scrap the older frigates we have...
Sunday, June 30, 2013

137 Naval officers including 16 int’l midshipmen pass out

Staff Report

KARACHI: A total of 137 Naval officers graduated on Saturday at an impressive ceremony held at Pakistan Naval Academy.

Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Muhammad Asif Sandila, was the chief guest on the occasion. The graduating class comprised 104 midshipmen including 16 midshipmen from allied countries, and 33 Short Service Commission officers including 10 female officers.

Addressing the ceremony, Admiral Sandila said that today as a nation we are cautiously navigating through myriad of challenges and Pakistan Navy is no exception to it. He said that we have to be mindful of the growing maritime capability in our region.

We have to be geared up and ever ready to counter piracy, terrorism and extremism within our maritime boundary for maintenance of global peace on the high seas.

Most importantly, he continued, we must guard against the internal threat, which perhaps is the most challenging. Admiral Sandila reaffirmed that we would not let a weakness creep in our resolve to defend our motherland. He was of the view that art and science of warfare are easily taught and learnt but donning the mantle of leadership is not a classroom subject.

“There may be born leaders, but there is none amongst you who lacks the essential makeup of a leader. The inherent prerequisite of your brand of leadership mandates that those who follow you need to trust you to the extent of putting their lives at risk. Your calling is leading from the front and this implies wearing an invisible badge of honour that is all too visible to your followers through the prism of your confidence, calmness and competence,” he added.

The chief guest urged the passing out officers to keep abreast of the emerging technologies, new-age weapons and concepts of technology driven warfare. He also extended his felicitations to the officers and their parents.

Earlier in his welcome address, Commandant Pakistan Naval Academy apprised the audience of salient features of training the officers had gone through. He added that young cadets of brotherly countries of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Nigeria, Palestine, Sudan and Yemen are also being trained at Pakistan Naval Academy.

Later, the chief guest awarded prizes to the cadets who displayed outstanding performances and earned distinctions.

Commandant gold medal was awarded to cadet Ayesha Bint-e-Rafique, whereas cadet Roheel Shahzad received the Chairman Joint Chief of Staff Committee gold medal. For the best overall performance, Midshipmen Muhammad Sayyaf Pasha was presented the coveted Sword of Honour. PNA Dirk was accorded to midshipmen Hassan Noor. Allied cadet Ahmed Nazwan grabbed CNS Gold Medal. Fox’l squadron received proficiency banner for its overall best performance. The ceremony was attended by a large number of senior naval officers, ambassadors, officers from sister services, civil dignitaries and parents and relatives of the passing out officers.
Pakistan marine expansion linked to air defence:

Last posted:

The Pakistan Navy is expanding its contingent of marines, with the established regiment-plus strength of around 1,500 perhaps rising to become a brigade-level formation.

The marines are focused on two main missions: ground-based air defence covering naval shore facilities; and security along the Indus delta creeks. There is also a commando group charged with special operations.

The marines saw their capabilities enhanced with the acquisition of four hovercrafts from the UK and several assault boats, both delivered last year. Details are unclear as neither has been announced, but the assault boats are known to be fitted with a machine gun and can carry 12 fully armed troops.

The planned expansion is rooted in new responsibilities arising in air defence with the continuing development of Jinnah Naval Base at Ormara and the civilian port at Gwadar.

Pakistan's air defence is centralized through the Air Defence Committee and this body is currently considering future development. “This will be decided centrally. Then responsibilities will be dished out and other aspects concerning weapons and sensors will be considered," said Admiral M Afzal Tahir, Pakistan's chief of naval staff.

Adm Tahir further noted that force expansion has already been launched with the induction of additional personnel and the marines are expected to reach full operational strength in about two years.

PN, Royal Saudi Naval Force to hold 11-day joint exercise;

Online Sunday, 13 Jan 2013

Karachi - Pakistan Navy (PN) and Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RNSF) will conduct a joint exercise Naseem-Al-Bahr – X, which is scheduled to take place between January 12 to 22 off Makran coast. This was said by Commander Pakistan Fleet Rear Admiral M Zakaullah in a press briefing here on Saturday. He said that it was also a milestone in the history of PN in which the complete exercise would be conducted from Jinnah Naval Base, Ormara. Naseem Al Bahr series of exercises was indeed a concerted effort from Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to promote maritime security awareness for collaborative maritime security in the region.

He told the journalists that the aim of the exercise was to foster friendship, develop common understanding and increase interoperability with RSNF in the domains of traditional as well as non-traditional warfare in order to maintain peace and stability for the larger good of the region. In the traditional warfare domain, the objective was to share and refine tactics, techniques and doctrines through jointly undertaking anti-surface, anti-submarine and anti-air operations with RSNF units. In the non-traditional domain, the exercise would mainly focus to improve inter-operability and tactical proficiency in the execution of combined maritime security operations against asymmetric threats like piracy, counter terrorism and defence of port infrastructure to mention a few.

Four RSNF ships which included frigate (HMS MAKKAH) embarked with Dauphin helicopter, a guided missile equipped patrol craft (HMS TABUK), Mine Counter Measures Vessel (HMS SHAQRA) and a tanker (HMS BORAIDA) to participate in this exercise. In addition, one platoon of RSNF Marines and one Special Operations Force team along with Explosive Ordnance Disposal elements had also arrived in Pakistan for various exercises. Three PN destroyers/ frigates, missile boats, mine hunters, submarine, PN Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft, Helicopters, elements of Pak Marines, Special Services Group (Navy) and PAF fighters were representing Pakistan in this exercise.

PN had regularly conducted bilateral and multilateral exercises with regional and extra regional navies to improve its interoperability with international navies. These exercises were a clear manifestation of Pakistan’s commitment towards maintaining peace and stability in the region. Naseem-Al-Bahr was one such bilateral maritime exercise. Pakistan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia had not only enjoyed deep-rooted fraternal ties, but had also shared historic maritime traditions.

Naseem-Al-Bahar was a biennial exercise, which was evolved as manifestation of the unique Pak-Saudi interpersonal relationship and mutual resolve to enhance bilateral cooperation in facing the common challenges. Participation of RSNF ships in this exercise would further strengthen existing bilateral relations between the two brotherly navies.

After arrival of RSNF ships, the exercise would progress through phased activities in harbour and at sea for gradual improvement and coordination in all professional realms. The exercise would culminate with Live Weapons Firing by RSNF and PN units. The activities in harbour include professional seminars on information security, counter piracy, mine counter measures and host of other events which would provide opportunity to share experiences and knowledge. Sea phase of the exercise was planned between January 13 to 20, in which RSNF and PN units would operate together and would exercise all facets of modern warfare.

In order to draw pertinent lessons based on exercise interactions, detailed analysis of all phases of exercise would be conducted jointly by the PN and RSNF sea training teams on January 20-21. It would be followed by debrief of the exercise on January 22.

The good thing about Naseem-Al-Bahr series exercise was that each series was refined and improved based on lessons learnt from previous editions.

Saturday, June 08, 2013

Transfer of commands in Pakistan Navy

KARACHI: Two change-of-command ceremonies for Pakistan Navy (PN) Coastal Command and Logistics Command were held at PNS Qasim and PN Dockyard respectively, here on Friday. Rear Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi assumed the Logistics Command of PN and Rear Admiral Syed Arifullah Hussaini has taken over PN Coastal Command. In capacity of Commander Logistics, Abbasi would be in charge of logistic support to all PN units, ships and establishments. He would be in command of the entire PN stores and depots and would also head all logistic support/construction units, and repair/maintenance facilities of PN. Hussaini as Commander Coast is now in charge of all units and establishments of PN along the coastal belt and creek areas. staff report
PN agrees to vacate land at Gwadar Port


KARACHI - In a major breakthrough, the Pakistan Navy has agreed to vacate hundreds of acres of land at Gwadar Port to be used for the development of backup area, an old stumbling block in complete operationality of the country’s deepest seaport.
Also, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are inching towards a bilateral agreement envisaging cooperation in the shipping industry. Under the agreement, the Sir Lankan side would be chartering Pakistan’s fleet, comprising seven bulk cargo vessels and three oil tankers, for shipping its goods worldwide.

Further, the Ports and Shipping Ministry has decided to upgrade the Pakistan Maritime Academy (PMA) as a university.
“Negotiations with navy are underway. They have agreed to vacate and hand over the required land to Gwadar Port Authority. We would soon bring it in a written shape,” he was briefing reporters here at a local hotel Saturday.

Over 500 acres of land at Gwadar is under the occupation of Pakistan Navy and Coast Guards to be used for strategic purpose. This occupation, till date, has kept the past federal governments from building a backup area, essential to make the deep-sea port fully operational.

Flanked by Sri Lankan High Commissioner Air Chief Marshal (r) Jayalath Weerakkody and PML-N leaders Nihal Hashmi, MPA Humayun Khan and others, the federal minister said he would soon lead a delegation to China for renegotiating certain clauses of the Concession Agreement with the new operators of Gwadar Port.

The Chinese would be asked to undertake the marketing job to bring business to the port, the minister explained. “The port would be marketed in the neighboring countries which would be invited to Gwadar,” the federal minister said.

He said Chinese were greatly interested in Gwadar Port through which they would be bringing home a strategic pipeline from Iran. Also, he said the Chinese had a plan to build at the port oil refineries.

Kamran said the government had allocated in the new budget Rs 31 billion for constructing Gwadar-Kashgar road network to provide the port with the long-awaited hinterland connectivity. Also sanctioned, he said, were Rs 1 billion for undertaking maintenance dredging at Gwadar port which was lacking the same for last three years.

Also, Kamran said the Ambassador of Holland accompanied him in a recent visit to Gwadar where seeing the fish harbor had expressed his desire to enhance mutual cooperation in the fishing sector.

He said the Dutch envoy too had offered Pakistan fiber boats at a rate cheaper than market.

Kamran also declared to have formed a core committee to revive the once leading but now dead shipbuilding industry in Pakistan.
The federal minister said in a meeting at PNSC Sri Lankan High Commissioner Air Chief Marshal (Retd) Jayalath Weerakkody had expressed a keen interest to enhance bilateral cooperation in shipping sector. “They would give us business by hiring our vessels for cargo shipment,” he said.

On the occasion, the Sri Lankan High Commissioner told reporters that given the huge potential available in the shipping sector initial-level talks for looking for ways to enhance mutual cooperation were being held.

The minister told a questioner that Interior Minister Chawdhry Nisar Ali Khan would soon be visiting violence-hit Karachi to meet the Sindh governor and CM in line with the improvement in law and order situation.

He said laws about terrorism existed and were to be enforced by the provincial governments. The federal government, however, was ready to help the provinces in areas like “intelligence sharing” etc.

He said the federal government was working on a new policy to deal with the menace of terrorism which has plagued the country.

Also allow Chinese navy to park their aircraft carrier at Gwadar Port and let them take care of the that waters! It an opportunity with no added cost and besides that China would be more than happy to do so! Report.
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