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Pakistan Navy Ship ALAMGIR with embarked Alouette helicopter, visited Port Jeddah, Saudi Arabia as part of Overseas Deployment for Regional Maritime Security Patrols (RMSP); aimed to ensure safety and security of international shipping along critical choke points. PNS ALAMGIR is fitted with state of the art weapons and sensors; capable of undertaking wide range of maritime operations in a multi-threat environment.


Why PN has not even put in a main gun on the ship ? I don't get it.
I did notice that however isn't it a bit strange ? why not in the front of the ship ?
• FFG 8 Ex USS MCINERNEY, an Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate, was built in Bath Iron Works and later commissioned into US Navy in Dec 1979. It was second of the series of total 51 OHPs commissioned into US Navy. Apart from US Navy, Australia, Spain, Poland, Bahrain, Egypt, Taiwan, Turkey and now Pakistan are operating this class/ or ships constructed taking OHPs design. A total of 59 OHPs are active in various navies today. FFG 8 was handed over to Pakistan Navy on 31 Aug 10 and was subsequently commissioned on the same day as PNS ALAMGIR into Pakistan Navy at Naval Station Mayport, Jacksonville, Florida. PNS ALAMGIR is 453 feet long and displaces 4100 tons. It is propelled by 2 Gas turbines on a single shaft and can achieve speeds in excess of 30 kts in 100 secs. Ship is well equipped for various national and multinational taskings. PNS ALAMGIR can carry two helicopters for multiple tasks.
• PNS ALAMGIR during its maiden voyage from USA to Pakistan conducted PASSEXes with Spanish Navy, Turkish Navy and Royal Saudi Naval Forces.

• FFG 8 Ex USS MCINERNEY, an Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate, was built in Bath Iron Works and later commissioned into US Navy in Dec 1979. It was second of the series of total 51 OHPs commissioned into US Navy. Apart from US Navy, Australia, Spain, Poland, Bahrain, Egypt, Taiwan, Turkey and now Pakistan are operating this class/ or ships constructed taking OHPs design. A total of 59 OHPs are active in various navies today. FFG 8 was handed over to Pakistan Navy on 31 Aug 10 and was subsequently commissioned on the same day as PNS ALAMGIR into Pakistan Navy at Naval Station Mayport, Jacksonville, Florida. PNS ALAMGIR is 453 feet long and displaces 4100 tons. It is propelled by 2 Gas turbines on a single shaft and can achieve speeds in excess of 30 kts in 100 secs. Ship is well equipped for various national and multinational taskings. PNS ALAMGIR can carry two helicopters for multiple tasks.
• PNS ALAMGIR during its maiden voyage from USA to Pakistan conducted PASSEXes with Spanish Navy, Turkish Navy and Royal Saudi Naval Forces.


Khafee bhai, I appreciate the info but I do know the history of the ship but still leaves one in wonder why no main gun in the front or is it that I am overworked today as it is Monday uff …

Ship enters navy, Pak-bound ship being built
Turkish president attends ceremony commissioning new Turkish naval corvette and starting construction of ship for Pakistan
Dilara Hamit, Zehra Nur Duz |29.09.2019

Turkey’s president on Sunday attended a dual ceremony commissioning a new Turkish naval ship while starting construction of a ship set to be sold to Pakistan’s navy.

Turkey is one of 10 countries worldwide able to build, design, and maintain warships using its own national capabilities, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told the ceremony for the TCG Kinaliada, commissioned today for the Turkish navy, and a MILGEM (Turkish national warship program)-class ship being built for Pakistan.

In his speech, Erdogan said he hopes the Kinaliad, an Ada-class corvette, will benefit the Turkish nation and its sailors and further hopes Pakistan, a friendly sister nation to Turkey, will also benefit from the ship whose construction started today.

In July 2018 Pakistan’s navy signed a contract for the acquisition of four MILGEM-class ships from Turkey.

"Our navy, rich with glorious victories, is carrying this legacy into the future by further strengthening it,” said Erdogan.

Its top-class “equipment, discipline, qualified personnel and all the accomplishments it undertakes" make Turkey proud, he said.

Erdogan said recent events globally and especially in the Mediterranean point to the need to strengthen Turkey at sea, as in all other areas.

Greece and Greek Cyprus have recently challenged Turkey’s right to use the energy resources of the Eastern Mediterranean, but Turkey has not backed down, and continues to send drill ships to the region with military escorts.

Turkey is resolved to reach heights domestically in all areas including shipbuilding, artillery, missiles, torpedoes, and electronic systems, Erdogan said.

Pakistan and Turkey cut first metal plate of MILGEM Ada class corvette

Pakistan Navy Commander Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi and Erdogan cut the first metal plate of the first of the four MILGEM Ada class corvette during the ceremony.

Erdogan told the audience that Pakistan-Turkey relations had great potential for cooperation in the field of defense production.

Referring to the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, Erdogan said the world should know the sufferings of Kashmir.

He likened the situation of Kashmir to Palestine and added that more than 8 million Kashmiris are braving Indian atrocities in an open-air prison on their territory.

Erdogan declared that he would continue to raise the Kashmir issue and the sufferings of the Kashmiri people.

Admiral Abbasi in his speech, described the project as another proof of Pakistan-Turkey brotherhood.

He briefed the guests on the latest situation in Jammu and Kashmir that is under Indian administration.

Abbasi talked about the toxic Hinduvta ideology in India and its threats to regional and international peace.

He emphasized that Indian cruelty has risen to new levels after the Indian government's decisions on Aug. 5, 2019, which are against the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and international law.

The admiral expressed his sincere thanks to the Turkish president for raising the Kashmir issue in the UN General Assembly and added that the people of Pakistan and Kashmir owed unwavering support to Turkey.

MILGEM anti-submarine combat frigates, which can be hidden from the radar, will join the Pakistan Navy, which will further enhance the defense capability of the Pakistan Navy.

While two corvettes will be built in Turkey, the next two will be built in Pakistan through technology transfer.

- Turkey making more and more defense equipment

Erdogan said the time is also close for Turkey to build its own fighter jets, just as it has built its own manned and unmanned aerial vehicles and satellites.

"We have not forgotten the time when we could not buy ships, planes and tools that we wanted, even when we wanted to pay for them," he said.

Erdogan stressed that the corvettes that have been put into service to date have successfully fulfilled their duties by taking part in numerous national and international exercises.

"We have many more projects to strengthen our navy, and work on the diesel-electric submarine project, which will meet the needs of both our country and friendly states, is ongoing," Erdogan said.

Erdogan stressed that Turkey’s dependence on foreign trade in the defense industry has dropped from 80% to 30%.

"Today, we have five firms among the world’s top 100 defense companies, and hopefully this number will continue to climb

"Our goal is to eliminate our dependence on the foreign defense industry completely by 2023," Turkey’s centennial, he said.

MILGEM vessels are 99 meters long, have a displacement capacity of 24,00 tons and have a speed of 29 nautical miles.

Turning to the ongoing problems in Jammu and Kashmir, Erdogan decried how no other countries besides Turkey and Malaysia have spoken out on the issue.

The India-administered Jammu and Kashmir region has been facing a clampdown since Aug. 5, when the Indian government revoked Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, which conferred it a special status.

Hundreds of people, mostly political leaders, have been detained or arrested by authorities since the Indian government made the move.

India and Pakistan hold Kashmir in parts and claim it in full. China also controls part of the contested region, but it is India and Pakistan who have fought two wars over Kashmir.
Sea Platforms
Turkey begins work on first MILGEM-class corvette for Pakistan Navy
Gabriel Dominguez, London - Jane's Defence Weekly
30 September 2019

Istanbul Naval Shipyard has begun work on the first (MILGEM)-class corvette for the Pakistan Navy (PN).

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi, the PN's Chief of the Naval Staff, presided over a steel-cutting ceremony for the vessel held at the shipyard on 29 September.

In July 2018 Turkish defence engineering firm Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret (STM) and other Turkish companies won a tender for the supply of four corvettes of the class to the PN as part of what the then-Turkish National Defence Minister Nurettin Canikli described as the “largest single export [deal] in the history of the Turkish defence industry”.
Khafee bhai, I appreciate the info but I do know the history of the ship but still leaves one in wonder why no main gun in the front or is it that I am overworked today as it is Monday uff …
Perry Class FFGs have VLS at the Foxl(Forecastle) of the Ship inherently Oto Merela Gun is in the Mid section of the ship as highlighted by one of the members
Commander Coast Vice Admiral Muhammad Fayyaz Gilani in a group photo with participants of 21st National Security Workshop on board PN Ship during their visit to Pakistan Navy Dockyard and various other PN installations.

Pakistan Navy Ship ALAMGIR with embarked Alouette helicopter, visited Port Jeddah, Saudi Arabia as part of Overseas Deployment for Regional Maritime Security Patrols (RMSP); aimed to ensure safety and security of international shipping along critical choke points. PNS ALAMGIR is fitted with state of the art weapons and sensors; capable of undertaking wide range of maritime operations in a multi-threat environment.


There is no Air Defense on this ship :(
Steel Cutting Ceremony of 16 T Bollard Pull Pusher Tugs being built for Pakistan Navy, was held at Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works (KS&EW) on 10 Oct, 2019. Commander Coast Vice Admiral Muhammad Fayyaz Gilani HI(M) graced the occasion as Chief Guest. The ceremony was attended by senior officials from Government of Pakistan, Pakistan Navy, Corporate Sector and KS&EW.

The Tug has an overall length of 21 meters with a displacement of 255 tons. It has maximum speed of 10 knots and propelled by 2 Diesel Engines. It is fitted with a very robust fendering arrangement for all round tugging operations. It has also a unique fendering below waterline to ensure safe movements of submarines.





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