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What is the likely chance of 4 additional Azmat class being procured by PN?.

Personally I think they are perfect for coastal & EEZ protection, they carry good fire Power, they are cheap, local manufacturing, skill development & jobs. With a latest long range missile tests it has proved it can be formidable in numbers for coastal defence.
What is the likely chance of 4 additional Azmat class being procured by PN?.

Personally I think they are perfect for coastal & EEZ protection, they carry good fire Power, they are cheap, local manufacturing, skill development & jobs. With a latest long range missile tests it has proved it can be formidable in numbers for coastal defence.

I too am a big fan of them, but i would make a few specific changes which i feel would make them significantly more capable for not much money.
1. Remove the twin 25mm cannon on the Azmat and Dehshat and the STOP 25mm chaingun on Himmat and replace them with an advanced CIWS, ideally Type 1130 or 730 with 6 HQ-10 missiles.

2. Replace the AK630 on the rear with an 8-cell FL-3000N.

3. Put a better general radar like the the TRS-3D on the Hamina class FAC.

This will significantly improve their survivability during conflicts with an advanced ciws with 12 short range point defense missiles (360 degress missile protection) and better situational awareness.
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Pakistan Navy Chief visits Chinese Shipyards in Shanghai where Pakistani battleships are being manufactured
27 Apr, 2019


ISLAMABAD - Naval Chief Zafar Mahmood Abbasi visited Chinese shipyards in Shanghai to review the ships being built for Pakistan Navy .

On the occasion, the Naval Chief was given a detailed briefing on the ship manufacturing facilities at the shipyards.

Later, the Naval Chief also met with the heads of different Chinese ship making companies and discussed matters pertaining to mutual cooperation.
Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi is on an official visit to China. The Naval Chief visited Hudong Zhonghua Shipyard at Shanghai, Shuang Liu Construction Base at Wuhan and met heads of shipbuilding industry in China.





Pakistan is getting two different types of subs and no one outside a select group knows the real specs as they are a closely guarded secret at this time. What they are based on is immaterial as they are very customized platform specific to our future needs on the new doctrines/roles PN has envisioned for itself.

Pn is getting s20 with aip plus other custom gizmo it’s weight 2800 tons and length is 77 meters

Hangor Class Submarine

The PN officially disclosed some of the specifications of its forthcoming Hangor-class air-independent propulsion (AIP)-equipped submarines (SSP). As per the Karachi Shipyards &Engineering Works (KSEW), the Hangor SSP has a displacement of 2,800 tons, a length of 76 m, draught of 6.2 m and maximum speed of 10 knots. Interestingly,the Hangor SSP is heavier (2,800 tons vs. 2,550 tons) than the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIC) S26 and is also apparently slower (10 knots vs. 15 knots).

Speed information seems to be wrong usually surface speed is around 8- 12 knots and dived speed in around 18-25 knots for conventional subs
I too am a big fan of them, but i would make a few specific changes which i feel would make them significantly more capable for not much money.
1. Remove the twin 25mm cannon on the Azmat and Dehshat and the STOP 25mm chaingun on Himmat and replace them with an advanced CIWS, ideally Type 1130 or 730 with 6 HQ-10 missiles.

2. Replace the AK630 on the rear with an 8-cell FL-3000N.

3. Put a better general radar like the the TRS-3D on the Hamina class FAC.

This will significantly improve their survivability during conflicts with an advanced ciws with 12 short range point defense missiles (360 degress missile protection) and better situational awareness.

Sir the most compromised part of PN is the AD of the ships so far, and doctrine of defending ships from enemy air threats through fighter jets looks to somewhat ridiculous. A volley of Brahmos if fired from 250-300KM away how the FM 90 or CIWS shall counter especially in case of our F22PS, meanwhile our sole OHP has only CIWS and no SAM, same is case with FACS though they are maneuverable still are not stealthy like foreign FACs.
Sir the most compromised part of PN is the AD of the ships so far, and doctrine of defending ships from enemy air threats through fighter jets looks to somewhat ridiculous. A volley of Brahmos if fired from 250-300KM away how the FM 90 or CIWS shall counter especially in case of our F22PS, meanwhile our sole OHP has only CIWS and no SAM, same is case with FACS though they are maneuverable still are not stealthy like foreign FACs.

It sounds ridiculous to you because you fail to comprehend that Airforce is the pivotal force and how it is going to be used in battles specially in netcentric battlefield. Feb 27 was only a trailer, similar things will happen in the Naval sphere. The platforms carrying Brahmos will be destroyed well before the 'red lines' would be crossed.
It sounds ridiculous to you because you fail to comprehend that Airforce is the pivotal force and how it is going to be used in battles specially in netcentric battlefield. Feb 27 was only a trailer, similar things will happen in the Naval sphere. The platforms carrying Brahmos will be destroyed well before the 'red lines' would be crossed.
A mere skirmish does not show the complete picture, meanwhile both Pak and India showed that they can penetrate the air space of opposing one. Further Tank 131 and others have some knowledge of AD and navy matters. If doctrine of our country has some gaps then we should not hesitate to confess and rectify them. Better strategy also has limitations.

A question is for you if a volley of Brahmos fired on any Pak ship i.e F22P, do FM90 our CIWS is capable to counter them as in case of Indian Navy they have the reliable SAMs in shape of Barack. We have faced the heavy losses in 71 when Indian Navy attacked our port and destroyed our ships along with oil reserves, meanwhile we had no defenses. You cannot stop a navy with multiple resources with mere 40-50 Jets from which only 18 are perhaps Block-ii JF-17 rest are Mirage V only good for naval strikes but have limited A2A capability.
It sounds ridiculous to you because you fail to comprehend that Airforce is the pivotal force and how it is going to be used in battles specially in netcentric battlefield. Feb 27 was only a trailer, similar things will happen in the Naval sphere. The platforms carrying Brahmos will be destroyed well before the 'red lines' would be crossed.

He is right. To date, PN has paid no attention to AD of surface assets.
A mere skirmish does not show the complete picture, meanwhile both Pak and India showed that they can penetrate the air space of opposing one. Further Tank 131 and others have some knowledge of AD and navy matters. If doctrine of our country has some gaps then we should not hesitate to confess and rectify them. Better strategy also has limitations.

A question is for you if a volley of Brahmos fired on any Pak ship i.e F22P, do FM90 our CIWS is capable to counter them as in case of Indian Navy they have the reliable SAMs in shape of Barack. We have faced the heavy losses in 71 when Indian Navy attacked our port and destroyed our ships along with oil reserves, meanwhile we had no defenses. You cannot stop a navy with multiple resources with mere 40-50 Jets from which only 18 are perhaps Block-ii JF-17 rest are Mirage V only good for naval strikes but have limited A2A capability.
What I speculate the strategy could be,
India will not send its ship to 300km strike range of our ports with Aircraft carrier based air cover ,
This is where our submarines will play their part ,
Deny area access to the Air craft carrier ,
In that way if IAF ships do come for a strike, even the 50 planes each with 2 Ashm, would be a deadly volley fire with guaranteed enemy losses ,
I believe it's a strategy of deterrence
What I speculate the strategy could be,
India will not send its ship to 300km strike range of our ports with Aircraft carrier based air cover ,
This is where our submarines will play their part ,
Deny area access to the Air craft carrier ,
In that way if IAF ships do come for a strike, even the 50 planes each with 2 Ashm, would be a deadly volley fire with guaranteed enemy losses ,
I believe it's a strategy of deterrence
I think as per your narrative no SAMs required on PN Naval ships capable to tackle Brahmos.
Pakistan Navy personnel team up with University students to conduct tree plantation and clean up drive at Manora.

4 x FFG who HD and 8 x SSK from Wuhan

This visit was overdue

I wonder what the programme status is?

I would love to know
PNs use of its assets have to be admired

Pakistan detected the Kalvari submarine which is the latest submarine of the Scorpion Class

And this is not the first time PN has caught Indian submarine Type 209 was detected in Nov 2016

With few assets with not the most advanced equipment we can still change the game

This is a testament to our navy well done
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