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Pakistan Navy forces out an armed Indian Submarine from Pakistani waters.

what is this @waz @WebMaster @Irfan Baloch @Emmie you guys want me to leave tell ill leave like many indians have already left this forum but the way this TT HRK has given me 4 negetive ratings in a day for for nothing but ignoaring repeated abusing against me and my nation and its forces why this hypocray and double standards if you want me out just say it why these games il go

Well to be fair, Indians have only negative rating to complain about in Pakistani forums when the truths is ALL Pakistanis are banned from ever joining Indian forums. As a neutral, you Indians are given way too much free hand to the point that you guys intentionally troll some threads to the point of driving it useless. A little perspective is a healthy thing.
PN has always given great performance and we could have destroyed this sub but we didn't because we want to India to start the crap than no one could blame us for any weapon which we use in war

The nuclear sub, inside Pak territory, carrying terrorists, sabotage CPEC, etc etc!!

However to summarize, it was a particularly dumb move from IN to provoke PN like this and thankfully PN acted maturely and things are not out of hands.

No body on media is saying it was nuclear sub... They are saying its German type 209
It shows our fragile navy and we don't have guts to capture it or force it to dock in Pak waters and then break news.
This is our humiliation, if it entered in our waters and we let it go even we detected it.
I think India is happy today!! They just showed their muscle.
What do 2001 , 2008 , Urhi attacks and this have in Common ? Every time India has to run back for its life .
It shows our fragile navy and we don't have guts to capture it or force it to dock in Pak waters and then break news.
This is our humiliation, if it entered in our waters and we let it go even we detected it.
I think India is happy today!! They just showed their muscle.

@bold... First read the news, atleast... Pak navy did not let indian submarine to enter pakistani waters...
Oh man.... You are funny... Do u have anything else to say, tht my point remains still:laugh: after being shown the mirror

I pity you.... I know its difficult to cover up your navy's incompetence and still trying to act all cool :laugh::laugh:
Ma'am please give this guy a break. Sometimes he speaks too much nonsense but, Pakistani Iranian and Turkish guys always pamper him despite putting up with his insults---since he's the only Palestinian on this forum so he gets away with every thing, he's just like our youngest spoiled brat :-)
if detection is humiliation,then you have lot to endure ,you are getting chinese subs.:-)

LOL I like it how the Indians are trying to spin humiliation into victory. First the fake surgical strike which we never saw any proof of. Now this latest humiliation at the hands of Pak navy. It is not a surprise though. I'm so glad we parted ways. This feels good!
if detection is humiliation,then you have lot to endure ,you are getting chinese subs.:-)
failed surgical strike is humiliation. but indians don't feel it because they are used to it.
by the way detecting inside pakistani waters is humiliation.
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indian captian on his way after begging to let us leave:cheesy:

@war&peace @GreenFalcon @Major d1 @Moonlight @Morse_Code
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