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Pakistan Navy forces out an armed Indian Submarine from Pakistani waters.

It was forced to surface or it would have been attacked. Did Pakistan know when it will surface to have recorded its video? You think you're the only one here with knowledge how sad. :disagree:
Apparently a guy with M.A in history knows more about naval assets ------
i dont want to stoop to your level but a retired general of ISI on a TV show said something similar about your elite aswell but im sure people like @HRK or @Arsalan will give me negtive ratings but wont say anything to you just because we are guest here and they cant hear any bitter words so to bully us you guys spew your hatred on us like this ... bravo :sarcastic:

If you want to be on my level you need at least 10 lives otherwise it's just a hit and miss you people cannot bare evidence and the only way to counter evidence in the indian world is spewing bullshit mate
One maasumaana sawaal (innocent question):

What was India's objective behind sending it's submarine on a snooping mission towards/into Pakistan's territorial waters? Did it achieve that objective?
How do your point, still stands? You said, tht in such time, when Pak navy is on alert, indian navy entered enemy waters, and went back un challenged...while Pak navy clearly said tht it prevented indian submarine from entering Pakistani waters.... Lollll... And now u are shamelessly saying tht my point remains the same :laugh:...

After being given a reality check, all you could come up with...is talk abt Pak military press releases.... :laugh: Hw is tht even relevant? Butt hurt?:laugh:

My point remains still. I am not butt hurt at all. Why should I be butthurt?
i dont want to stoop to your level but a retired general of ISI on a TV show said something similar about your elite aswell but im sure people like @HRK or @Arsalan will give me negtive ratings but wont say anything to you just because we are guest here and they cant hear any bitter words so to bully us you guys spew your hatred on us like this ... bravo :sarcastic:
Well if you think any of those ratings were not well deserved do point me to them, infact, tag in the MODs and admins. Discuss that and get it sorted instead of being a cry baby and whining about it. :)
I will provide enough reasons the my decision to rate any of your post negative. In fact, you can tag in the Indian TT members as well and i will explain it to them to their satisfaction. (i say Indian TT members as it will be easier to explain them, do not expect much sensible coming from you other than the sarcastic remarks and smiles)

Tag me when you have decided to bring the issue up and get it settled.

I am sure @HRK will be ready for any such case as well.

However please note that if the trend continues and EACH of your post is nothing but whining about what have happened and how PDF is a bad bad boy, expect more ratings from more people. There is a place dedicated for such complaints, take the matter there.
These Indians have no shame, there is a clear footage of their IN submarine getting caught red handed, the submarine was tracked for the last few days by the Pak navy and when it entered Pakistani waters it was forced to retreat, I have yet to see footage of their so called super sir j kal strike by hanuman army.

Epic Indian failure, bro. There is no other way to put it. The humiliating video speaks for itself. Just like a thief being caught red handed and paraded around the neighborhood.
disappointed to say the least,
we should've escorted her to Khi, then we should've broken the news that an indian submarine along with full complement defected to Pakistan...

We chased the bitch until it ran out energy she can come again but this time her legs will be broken mate
Pakistan HAD a chance and we lost it...Really should have destroyed it...!
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