I have a few questions
1. Is this blockade selective and only against ships bound to india, if yes then how will PN differentiate which ship is bound to india and which is not.
2. Why do you think the gulf (specially the saudis) will stay silent and let PN block billions worth of its cargo bound to india.
3. India as of now has enough oil reserves to last atleast 2 months, can PN maintain a blockade for 2 months.
4. Since India is one of the biggest oil importers in the world, a halt in supply to india will cause oil prices to shoot up and why do think the world (specially US, China etc) will not pressure PN to end this blockade, do you think pakistan is diplomatically strong enough to resist this diplomatic pressure for 2 months.
5. Top 5 oil exporters to india in 2021 were iraq, saudi, uae, usa nigeria 3 of which export oil to us through the suez canal and the gulf of aden how will the PN block that, (how will pakistan block russian oil coming to india through the strait of malacca) even if PN blocks the strait of hormuz, india can mostly sit back and relax because we dont even trade that much from there, We trade through suez and red sea.
6. How will PN enforce this blockade and protect its coast at the same time given its relatively small size in comparison to the IN, also lets not forget that IN operates some of the best anti submarine warfare aircrafts which can effectively counter pakistani submarines (did i mention that india has military access of omani airbases and ports) and pakistani surface vessels stand nowhere in comparison to IN surface vessels most of which can fire bramhos and are protected by barak 8 (Remember, its the same SAM Azerbaijan used to shoot down a mach 5 iskander).
7. How will pakistan react on being militarily challenged by india to end the blockade, will it use tactical nuclear bombs if they starts loosing (mind you india has limited anti ballistic missile technology and has stated to use its full nuclear might if it is hit by a nuclear bomb).
8. IAF (with its 260 sukhois, 36 rafales and 70 mig 29s) is more than competent to engage and keep PAF distracted long enough for IN surface vessels to attack pakistani coastal cities and bases.