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Pakistan Must Demand General VK Singh’s Extradition

That Akhand Bharat : The one that existed before ages ...that you can't possibly count and can't possibly reconcile with ...
the one that is omitted from doctored version of history of Pakistan ....the reason why you fail to identify with because great stories of that Akhand Bharat have never been told to you ....Blame it on your leaders ....

Cool.... tell us more about original history of akhand bharat :pop:
Cool.... tell us more about original history of akhand bharat :pop:

Sure ...since you are such an 'obedient' and 'eager' student...we must teach you the 'true' history of India of which you have been deprived ....because History of Akhand bharat is also the history of Pakistan ...
Sure ...since you are such an 'obedient' and 'eager' student...we must teach you the 'true' history of India of which you have been deprived ....because History of Akhand bharat is also the history of Pakistan ...

Ok, now where is original history in your post? :undecided:
Don't be so impatient ...
That was introduction ...

and it all starts 70 million years ago ...

do you know where it starts ???

The Idea starts when Chanakya meets Chandra Gupta :tup:
The Idea starts when Chanakya meets Chandra Gupta :tup:

It goes much before that ....the geography of Akhand bharat ...has geological basis ...

The geological event -the one that demarcated the natural boundries of Akhand bharat ....and laid down foundation of future Akhand bharat ...

When we talk of Akhand Bharat ---it generally includes Pakistan ,Bangladesh , Nepal , Bhutan and at times Myanmar ....
this all begun 70 million years ago when INDIA separated from Gondawanaland ...and begun moving northward....
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It goes much before that ....the geography of Akhand bharat ...has geological basis ...

The geological event -the one that demarcated the natural boundries of Akhand bharat ....and laid down foundation of future Akhand bharat ...

India as an entity was an idea of Chanakya, But civilization wise it dates back thousands of years, because of Geography like you pointed out :cheers:
Anyways people Stay on topic. This thread is for pakistani members only and any non pak members should stay away and go and cry on India TV and Arnab Goswami Comedy Show.

Problem is that our govt is too weak to do anything about it. Instead of taking a harsh stance, they will meekly protest it and then nothing will happen.
On the other hand.... our ISI will..........
Ha! bus samaj gay na bro.......
Hum bhi yeh khel khalay gay.

Problem is that our govt is too weak to do anything about it. Instead of taking a harsh stance, they will meekly protest it and then nothing will happen.
On the other hand.... our ISI will..........
Ha! bus samaj gay na bro.......
Hum bhi yeh khel khalay gay.


" On the other hand.... our ISI will.........."

Congrats for 'unbreakable' code in which you write ....Nobody will ever be able to read between your dotted lines ....LOL
" On the other hand.... our ISI will.........."

Congrats for 'unbreakable' code in which you write ....Nobody will ever be able to read between your dotted lines ....LOL

Well usually it works with u indians as 99.9% of you are dumb. You must be in the 0.1%.


Hmmm....... Start with earliest Akhand Bharat :pop:

There are two kinds of boundries ....one created by man ....which are largely temporary ...and other kind are natural boundries drawn by nature with lines of rivers and mountains and oceans ....even those are not permanent ...

India and Pakistan may have been separated by man made partition ...but they are united by contiguous land mass that was carved out of Super-continent of Gondwana ...when there was no Himalaya ...and no Hindukush ....naturally there was no Khyber pass ....

Indian plate - or Indo-Auastralian plate to be correct detached from Gondawan under shearing force of tectonic movements of earth's crust over molten core called as magma ....

somebody has said Nations are born in travails ...indeed even geologically Greater India was born out of this turmoil of break down of Gondwana ....

and this Greater India moved towards Asia ....at rate of 10 cm /year over million years ...travelling 6000 km distance ....having born in southern hemisphere near Antarctica ....it crossed distance of almost half the diameter of earth ... to reach its current place in Northern hemisphere....

This was when there was no Nepal ....and Tibet and Eurasian land mass had open sea ...nearby called Tethys ...
Collision of Indian plate with Eurasia ....laid to locking of this sea .....subsequently subduction of Indian plate led to creation of Tibet , Nepal ....and India lost thousands of kilometers of territory which was raised to the heights of Himalaya ....

This is how India's northern boundry was created.....

So you will understand ....India is Pakistan's first and foremost neighbor ....for Pakistan was joined with India even before its birth ....

It was only later that Pakistan was joined to erstwhile Persia or Eurasia ...( China was born much later ....) China's history may be 5000 year old but India's history is 70 million years old ....

I mean history of Akhand Bharat is that old ....

Hope you won't be any more satirical and cynic when you will talk of Akhand Bharat ....
Do they teach you this part of History of Akhand Bharat in your schools in Pakistan ???

Well usually it works with u indians as 99.9% of you are dumb. You must be in the 0.1%.



If you apply Pakistani intelligence as benchmark....Indians will turn out be Super-intelligent beings ....
so watch your words when you call Indian's dumb ....because there will be no word to describe you guys ....

I mean moron , imbecile are very ' wise ' words for you guys ....
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Pakistan Must Demand General VK Singh’s Extradition | PKKH.tv

Published On: Wed, Oct 23rd, 2013
Exclusive | Headline | Policy Bits | By Dan Qayyum

Pakistan Must Demand General VK Singh’s Extradition

Pakistan must demand General VK Singh’s extradition for involvement in bombings on Pak soil


The current US Secretary of Defense also confirmed in a previously unreleased video that India has, over the years, ‘financed problems for Pakistan’ using Afghanistan as a base.

When Bilal Lashari’s WAAR was released just days ago in Pakistan, a lot of eyebrows were raised over the depiction of the Indian involvement in terror on Pakistan’s soil. Prominent Pakistani journalists declared it as jingoistic propaganda, far removed from reality.

It is, therefore, a timely slap in the faces of the pro-Indian lobby in Pakistan that the recently retired Indian Army Chief General Vijay Kumar Singh admitted India’s involvement in doling out money to separatist terrorists in Balochistan and sponsoring bombings elsewhere in the country.

VK Singh is a political ally of BJP leader Narendra Modi, also known as the Butcher of Gujarat for his role in the massacre of Muslims in the Indian state in 2002.

VK Singh’s admission comes in an inquiry report prepared by India’s DG Military Operations, highlighting the activities of an army unit called the Tactical Support Division (TSD) – raised on the directives of the Defence Minister and National Security Adviser Shiv Shankar Menon. It consists of six officers, five JCOs and 30 men, and is operated out of the capital, Delhi.

The TSD is said to have been given tasks ranging from clandestine monetary support and training of separatists and other terrorist elements targeting the Pakistani state and military, as well as targeted assassinations of senior political and religious leaders, including Jama’at ud Dawa Chief Hafiz Saeed, blamed by India for the 2008 Mumbai attacks. Saeed has a US$ 10m bounty on his head, placed by the United States last year, although bizarrely it is for ‘information leading to (his) arrest’ that would stand up in court – an admission by the Americans that the current information, including that from India, for Saeed’s alleged involvement in the Mumbai attacks is insufficient and inadmissible in court.

In light of the above, it is criminal of the Pakistani state and the Interior as well as Foreign and Defence Ministries to ignore General VK Singh’s admission of guilt in running a terrorist cartel in Pakistan and not call for his immediate arrest and extradition to Pakistan, along with Colonel Munishwar Nath Bakshi who heads the TSD. In addition to these two, Pakistan must also demand the extradition of Colonel Purohit, a serving Indian Army Officer who was found involved in a series of bombings on Indian soil, including the Samjhauta Express bombing of 2007. All of these attacks were initially blamed on Pakistan by the Indian media and security officials.

Pakistan must also press on the United States to put a leash on the Indian presence in Afghanistan and restrict it from using that country to destabilize Pakistan.

The current US Secretary of Defense also confirmed in a previously unreleased video that India has, over the years, ‘financed problems for Pakistan’ using Afghanistan as a base.

Additionally, Pakistan needs a strong media and broadcast watchdog to keep an eye on the presence of the pro-Indian lobby in Pakistan’s media, acting against the national interest by deliberately downplaying Indian terrorism in Pakistan, and serving Delhi’s interests by using every opportunity to attack Pakistan and its security forces.

Peace without Strength is peace with no meaning.

I think while Pakistan is at it showing off its prowess on the world stage it should also DEMAND the following (since it thinks it can make demands of the world):

1) An immediate dismantling of the state of Israel as it is founded on displacing poor Palestinians
2) Kashmir should immediately be allowed to secede to Pakistan
3) Pakistan must be declared the richest country in the world and in order to make it a reality the world should pour in billions and trillions of dollars into its economy and all Pakistanis should henceforth be allowed visa-free travel around the world and EACH of them be given a dachau/mansion in any western nation of its choice
4) The UN security council should be reformed with just ONE permanent security council member, namely, you-guessed-it PAKISTAN!
5) In each country Paksitan should be allowed to one state all to itself and any major decisions made in that country will first have to be ratified by the parliament of Pakistan.
6) In case of any dispute the Pakistan supreme court be declared the WORLD supreme court
7) There shall be one and ONLY one religion in the world namely Islam as interpreted by AL Quaida, Jaamate Islami, .... conglomerate. All other religions be declared as heretic.

In case the world DOES NOT succumb to these demands, Pakistan shall henceforth ..... do ..... (what???) ...... OK it will get mad at the world and break relations with all countries. Or in the worst case drop a nuclear bomb on itself to deprive the world of a noble-class of people the world has ever known -:)

No award for guessing what the world would "PREFER."
There are two kinds of boundries ....one created by man ....which rae largell temporary ...and other kind are natural boundries drawn by nature with lines of rivers and mountains and oceans ....even those are not permanent ...

India and Pakistan may have been separated by man made partition ...but they are united by contiguous land mass that was carved of Super continent of Gondwana ...when there was no Himalaya ...and no Hindukush ....naturally there was no Khyber pass ....

Indian plate - or Indo-Auastralian plate to be correct detached from Gondawan under shearing force of tectonic movements ....

somebody has said Nations are born in travails ...indeed even geologically Greater India was born out of this turmoil of break down of Gondwana ....

and this Greater India moved towards Asia ....at rate of 10 cm /year over million years ...

This was when there was no Nepal ....and Tibet and Eurasian land mass had open sea ...nearby called Tethys ...
Collision of Indian plate with Eurasia ....laid to locking of this sea .....subsequently subduction of Indian plate led to creation of Tibet , Nepal ....and India lost thousands of kilometers of territory which was raised to the heights of Himalaya ....

This is how India's northern boundry was created.....


Cool - So with same logic whole world is part of Akhand Bharat because before boundaries drawn by mountains, seas and rivers it was contiguous land mass.

So you will understand ....India is Pakistan's first and foremost neighbor ....for Pakistan was joined with India even before its birth ....

India - Bharat the Union of States was born on same day Pakistan was born.

It was only later that Pakistan was joined to erstwhile Persia or Eurasia ...( China was born much later ....) China's history may be 5000 year old but India's history is 70 million years old ....

I mean history of Akhand Bharat is that old ....

Hope you won't be any more satirical and cynic when you will talk of Akhand Bharat ....
Do they teach you this part of History of Akhand Bharat in your schools in Pakistan ???

Do they teach you just selective history to support Akhand Bharat in schools?

If you apply Pakistani intelligence as benchmark....Indians will turn out be Super-intelligent beings ....
so watch your words when you call Indian's dumb ....because there will be no word to describe you guys ....

I mean moron , imbecile are very ' wise ' words for you guys ....

Indians are incredible, i never called them dumb :angel:
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