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Pakistan Mulls Blocking US Supply Lines Into Afghanistan

I think we need to revisit alot of things after general election. The US Pakistan dynamics will need some reexamining , and re-study

The study and evalution can only happen once a new foreign office team is esablished with influence and who can create a proper foreign policy to engage US for matters

Till than I don't see a harm to allow supplies to go thru , provided proper bills are paid as done with any other nation

US-Pakistan , relation is a seperate matter
Trump & US , vs Pakistan agenda is seperate matter

  • Trump moving Embassy to Israel is a sperate matter

One of them (TRump) will be in power for few more years

Charge a transportation transit bill

1 - Port Landing Tax
2 - Goods Tax based on approximate value of goods
3 - Anti Terror security Tax for our security cost (To recieve dangerous goods in our port)
4- Tolls on the highway /km charges, damage to roads by Heavy Trucks
5 - Border crossing Tax (licence paperwork/ hazard material check/make sure nothing is missing )
6- Fuel Fill Up Tax (Must pay double HST)
7- Dangerous goods transport tax (If heavy machinery need to declare or granades)
  • Lawyer fees to review goods being transported meet FATF requirement at border comes at per container bases. Lawyer checks the Transport paperwork vs what is going thru
8- Permit for recognized Trucks & driver who enter afghan area (US should donate this tracking technology to Pakistan)

9 - Certificate of Cooperation from Parliment of Pakistan is needed every month to allow safe passage of dangerous goods (Expenses for Parliment should be paid by USA to review their request for Cooperation). Every month Parliment will discuss for 3-4 hours on the Certificate of Cooperation with USA. So the cost for that debate will have to be included in US bill

;)Seems like a resonable approach to charge for Goods passing thru , happens in all countries of world

I propose US/ Pakistan should have a round table discussion after next election to discuss a meaningful Taxation system on goods passing thru
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the thing is, dont you guys think that US would already have planned for how to react if Pak blocks supply routes, it is said that gora plans for next 100 years...
I think in any case, US has decided to corner Pak, by blocking Nato supplies, who will incur more loss? Pak or USA?
I would be interested to know what is it we charge Americans and Afghans for goods going to their area from our port

We can base our strategic relation for next 25 years based on one Idiot Trumps 1-2 year rule
Trump is here today he will have heart attack or Cancer in few years and no one will remember him
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the thing is, dont you guys think that US would already have planned for how to react if Pak blocks supply routes, it is said that gora plans for next 100 years...
I think in any case, US has decided to corner Pak, by blocking Nato supplies, who will incur more loss? Pak or USA?

You can plan for a thousand years, but geography won't change.

You think the Americans wouldn't have done the worst by now after 17 years? They have Trump as their supreme leader. The worst kind. They are still contemplating about Pakistan. We all know that at the end of the day the Yanks cannot do anything apart from applying sanctions and vilifying Pakistan. Their hands are tied.

Pakistan has already shown the Yanks a big middle fingers by allying with China. The Yanks keep pleading for Pakistan to do more. Their planning is limited.
You can plan for a thousand years, but geography won't change.

You think the Americans wouldn't have done the worst by now after 17 years? They have Trump as their supreme leader. The worst kind. They are still contemplating about Pakistan. We all know that at the end of the day the Yanks cannot do anything apart from applying sanctions and vilifying Pakistan. Their hands are tied.

Pakistan has already shown the Yanks a big middle fingers by allying with China. The Yanks keep pleading for Pakistan to do more. Their planning is limited.
yep true, that's my point that Pak wont be able to block the route for more than a little time and to achieve whatever objective planners would have in mind, to permanently block the route, we will have to get out of any kind of relation with US, and I don't think Pak will want to totally abandon its relations with the US
the thing is, dont you guys think that US would already have planned for how to react if Pak blocks supply routes, it is said that gora plans for next 100 years...
I think in any case, US has decided to corner Pak, by blocking Nato supplies, who will incur more loss? Pak or USA?

Exactly my thought.
Pakistan has already used its trump card once (no pun intended). Clearly the US administration is already taking this into account knowing fully well the consequences and preparing well in advance for it.
That's how the US works. Its easier said than done.
yep true, that's my point that Pak wont be able to block the route for more than a little time and to achieve whatever objective planners would have in mind, to permanently block the route, we will have to get out of any kind of relation with US, and I don't think Pak will want to totally abandon its relations with the US

The relationship is dysfunctional and beyond repair. It is not about what Pakistan wants. Trump will only worsen things.

The US has options, but they are economically not feasible in the long term.

We will see though. They rely on our supply routes and if the Americans try to hurt Pak economy through FATF there will be consequences. Pakistan won't sit idle. This statement by the foreign minister shouldn't be taken lightly. It holds substance. It is a warning in advance.
You can plan for a thousand years, but geography won't change.

You think the Americans wouldn't have done the worst by now after 17 years? They have Trump as their supreme leader. The worst kind. They are still contemplating about Pakistan. We all know that at the end of the day the Yanks cannot do anything apart from applying sanctions and vilifying Pakistan. Their hands are tied.

Pakistan has already shown the Yanks a big middle fingers by allying with China. The Yanks keep pleading for Pakistan to do more. Their planning is limited.
well the sanctions and vilifying doesn't help Pak does it? I don't see how US hands are tied, they are super power, their country doing alright, we might hate Trump but many Americans love him, there is a good chance he might win again, and we, Pakistan, are lacking in so many fields,
Pak was always allied with China, how have we shown middle finger,
bottom line is, US has decided to ditch Pak and not pour in any more money, and yet our most prized jets are F-16s,

The relationship is dysfunctional and beyond repair. It is not about what Pakistan wants. Trump will only worsen things.

The US has options, but they are economically not feasible in the long term.

We will see though. They rely on our supply routes and if the Americans try to hurt Pak economy through FATF there will be consequences. Pakistan won't sit idle. This statement by the foreign minister shouldn't be taken lightly. It holds substance.

good sir but what can we do?
well the sanctions and vilifying doesn't help Pak does it? I don't see how US hands are tied, they are super power, their country doing alright, we might hate Trump but many Americans love him, there is a good chance he might win again, and we, Pakistan, are lacking in so many fields,
Pak was always allied with China, how have we shown middle finger,
bottom line is, US has decided to ditch Pak and not pour in any more money, and yet our most prized jets are F-16s,

good sir but what can we do?

If the US has ditched Pakistan it wouldn't be begging every other day to do more. Secondly, it won't be relying on Pak supply routes. Thirdly, it won't be building one of the largest embassies in Pakistan.

What is stopping the US to go it all alone? Why not ignore Pakistan all together and just win the war in Afghanistan?

Fact remains that the US is reliant on Pakistan for the war in Afghanistan, but Pakistan doesn't care anymore. If Pakistan would have cared, it would have paid heed to US demands. The US is frustrated and cannot do much. Like I said, apart from applying sanctions and vilifying Pakistan the US has little options. Don't expect Pakistan to sit idle though. Surely Pakistan will follow suit with whatever little or big options it has at its disposal.
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If there were people at charge who care about respect of nation then they should have started charging the tolls and taxes for using roads, ports and airspace or any other facility extended instead of CSF which is being portrayed as AID and favor. But I have no hope from the cuck elite.
that would meant harsh audit ...its not possible to pocket it than
The supply lines can go but USA and its puppets fighting war in Afghanistan must pay. At the same time, there should be no intelligence sharing and no cooperation on Afghanistan. USA is big enough to fight its own wars.
on May 11 when Washington barred Pakistani diplomats in the United States from traveling beyond 40-kilometer radius from their posts without permission.

Islamabad responded by imposing a similar “permission regime” on American diplomats in the country.

U.S. is more than 10x's the size of Pakistan. Pakistan should limit U.S. diplomats based on this. So the limit should be a 4 km radius or at least a 10 km radius.

Pak wont be able to block the route for more than a little time

Pakistan only needs to block the route long enough for the Taliban to make gains for a month or two. Because summer is when the Taliban does it's best fighting while the Americans and their terrorist allies (ISIS/Israel) are too busy sweating with all that gear on.

They rely on our supply routes and if the Americans try to hurt Pak economy through FATF there will be consequences.

This is probably why Pakistan hasn't blocked the route yet. Maybe Pakistan is waiting to see whether the U.S. blacklist's us on FATF first? If the U.S. does blacklist Pakistan, it will give us the perfect excuse to cut off their supply routes.
There we have it finally. I think we are reaching a point now where the supply routes will be blocked soon.

It will be reopened after getting the kickbacks. Like all other Muslim leaders Pakistani leaders never.

the thing is, dont you guys think that US would already have planned for how to react if Pak blocks supply routes, it is said that gora plans for next 100 years...
I think in any case, US has decided to corner Pak, by blocking Nato supplies, who will incur more loss? Pak or USA?

If the supply lines are shut Daesh and their patrons in RAW will face extinction in Afghanistan. This alone should make up for whatever loss that you can think of as far as Pakistan is concerned.
Pakistan will cut nato supply lines, china will dump US dollar ...etc these things have been going on for a long time and will continue in the same fashion. If some one gets advantage by doing something they would have done it long time back instead of saying the same thing repeatedly.
It will be reopened after getting the kickbacks. Like all other Muslim leaders Pakistani leaders never.

If the supply lines are shut Daesh and their patrons in RAW will face extinction in Afghanistan. This alone should make up for whatever loss that you can think of as far as Pakistan is concerned.

That is true I think, but it will send a strong message to Trump and his coalition. The US is obviously looking for a confrontation with Pakistan. It wants to hurt Pakistan's economy through FATF. Pakistan cannot sit idle and spectate.

U.S. is more than 10x's the size of Pakistan. Pakistan should limit U.S. diplomats based on this. So the limit should be a 4 km radius or at least a 10 km radius.

Pakistan only needs to block the route long enough for the Taliban to make gains for a month or two. Because summer is when the Taliban does it's best fighting while the Americans and their terrorist allies (ISIS/Israel) are too busy sweating with all that gear on.

This is probably why Pakistan hasn't blocked the route yet. Maybe Pakistan is waiting to see whether the U.S. blacklist's us on FATF first? If the U.S. does blacklist Pakistan, it will give us the perfect excuse to cut off their supply routes.

All true.
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