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Looks like boyz mean business, flying with the live rounds, check out the yellow and brown band on the missile shafts! Also notice the Sniper pod...... ariba ariba andale andale!
February 12, 2020


Members of the first-ever Pakistani Female Engagement Team (FET), which is deployed with the United Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO), were recently awarded the UN Medal at a ceremony in Adikivu in South Kivu, one of the provinces of the central African country. — Photo courtesy UN via State SCA Twitter
Friendly countries military officers attending Command & Staff College Quetta visited ISPR as part of study tour.

Opening Ceremony of Pakistan Navy’s major maritime exercise SEASPARK-20 was held at Karachi.

Use this to post Army related Youtube and other videos:

Let me start off with this one. The beginning shows Al-Zarrar MKII, AK (around 0:14) firing and auto-loader of AZ in action. The rest is old SSG footage.

I don’t really criticise the Pakistan armed forces.. protecting the state & all that...also I’ll get jumped on & beaten to a pulp if I do ...online anyhow.
One thing.. you see in the video this practice of jumping through burning hoops and karate chopping burning bricks..? come on now ...pleeese.
I don’t really criticise the Pakistan armed forces.. protecting the state & all that...also I’ll get jumped on & beaten to a pulp if I do ...online anyhow.
One thing.. you see in the video this practice of jumping through burning hoops and karate chopping burning bricks..? come on now ...pleeese.
It’s just supposed to be a show, mainly for entertainment which at the same time displays skill and agility. Many nations do that. But the real question I have is, do you realize you just tagged a post older than a decade and asked for a reply :p
It’s just supposed to be a show, mainly for entertainment which at the same time displays skill and agility. Many nations do that. But the real question I have is, do you realize you just tagged a post older than a decade and asked for a reply :p

Did I..? Ooops.. thanks for pointing it out. schoolboy error..
to your point though...about show skills .. it just seems to me a waste of time, energy and it’s so dated.
I just wish they concerned themselves with skills related to their profession..namely killing, escape & evasion etc
I get it ...Showmanship for the masses..
But honestly it’s really taxing on my mind .. It upsets me.:(
Did I..? Ooops.. thanks for pointing it out. schoolboy error..
to your point though...about show skills .. it just seems to me a waste of time, energy and it’s so dated.
I just wish they concerned themselves with skills related to their profession..namely killing, escape & evasion etc
I get it ...Showmanship for the masses..
But honestly it’s really taxing on my mind .. It upsets me.:(
I do agree with you, but such shows are generally for the public who find this cool and interesting. If they started showing actual skills most people except the ones who actually understand what they’re saying and doing will get bored. Besides, our public likes a good dramatic display over actual skills sadly, you can try watching PACES for that.
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