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The Indian lobby is not dead in Russia and regardless of US influence in their country they are still a large recipient of Russian equipment.
True, but net-new procurement from India is growing sparse. Sure, the S-400 is on the table, but one can argue that (at least for the time being) India has few viable (in terms of cost and capability mix) alternatives to the S-400. Pakistan buying anything wouldn't necessarily steer India from the S-400, but regarding much else, e.g. Su-57, attack helicopters, heavy transport helicopters, submarines, etc India has moved on.

The other aspect is that the US doesn't tow the line with anyone, including India. The goal is, ultimately, to wean India off Russian equipment whether India likes it or not. For as long as Trump is around, even the most docile of America's allies have limited flexibility. Plus with the Indian private sector (i.e. which is integrating itself to the US and Western industry) growing in prominence, we'll see those US companies collaborating with them rise in tandem.
Who the **** is he and what the **** is he doing in Pakistan and why the **** are we even hosting him?
Calm down! He was part of Pompeo’s delegation. If you have not noticed he is a four star general and the only military representative who received him and Pompeo was a Squadron Leader i.e. a Major.
To the producer of this program: Sir you are a fucking arsehole and for following very good reasons


1 - When you are doing a special program, do the **** away with two slides of so called breaking news taking 25% of the bottom screen. And they are not even breaking news, please learn what is a breaking news.

2 - What the **** is your fetish with the non-stop 3rd grade animation taking another 25% of the screen?

3 - What's with the split screen? either focus on the professional who is speaking or just show the equipment that you wan to show, there is no point of showing two separate things in one screen

4 - Teach the cameramen what is a "shooting angle"


5 - Either do not interview the professionals if you want to continually blast that lousy background music or fucking shut that down

6 - Back ground music sounds good only when there is a long pause between interviews

7 - If you are still obsessed with that fucking lower the volume of background music so we can listen to what's being said

8 - When you interview some professional, quality of questions matters more than how the **** that bitch asking the questions looks

Chaklala il78

Chaklala il78

This lady is always well prepared and well researched for such shows.

Calm down! He was part of Pompeo’s delegation. If you have not noticed he is a four star general and the only military representative who received him and Pompeo was a Squadron Leader i.e. a Major.
He is not just any four star general as the US military has quite a few of those. This is Gen Joe Dunford. The chairman of the US Joint Staff. The senior most military officer in the US armed forces!

To the other poster who asked why we are hosting him, military courtesy and hospitality is our hallmark. Regardless of who comes, we offer them these courtesies.

To the producer of this program: Sir you are a fucking arsehole and for following very good reasons


1 - When you are doing a special program, do the **** away with two slides of so called breaking news taking 25% of the bottom screen. And they are not even breaking news, please learn what is a breaking news.

2 - What the **** is your fetish with the non-stop 3rd grade animation taking another 25% of the screen?

3 - What's with the split screen? either focus on the professional who is speaking or just show the equipment that you wan to show, there is no point of showing two separate things in one screen

4 - Teach the cameramen what is a "shooting angle"


5 - Either do not interview the professionals if you want to continually blast that lousy background music or fucking shut that down

6 - Back ground music sounds good only when there is a long pause between interviews

7 - If you are still obsessed with that fucking lower the volume of background music so we can listen to what's being said

8 - When you interview some professional, quality of questions matters more than how the **** that bitch asking the questions looks
In the Pakistani media, there is no entity that pays attention to the aesthetics and viewer experience. It is "chaappa (copy & paste) production!". Like monkeys the local media sees how the other media houses around the world run their shows, regardless of how stupid and illogical it may be, and shove the same down our throats. Since there is no one looking at whether the audience likes it or not, it matters little to their "creative" (pun intended as there is nothing creative coming from our media except chaappa!) staff.

I agree with your frustration because by the time you finish watching the show, you are sick of one of the best songs ever composed for the PAF and on this count alone, the producer of this show should be taken to task.
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To the producer of this program: Sir you are a fucking arsehole and for following very good reasons


1 - When you are doing a special program, do the **** away with two slides of so called breaking news taking 25% of the bottom screen. And they are not even breaking news, please learn what is a breaking news.

2 - What the **** is your fetish with the non-stop 3rd grade animation taking another 25% of the screen?

3 - What's with the split screen? either focus on the professional who is speaking or just show the equipment that you wan to show, there is no point of showing two separate things in one screen

4 - Teach the cameramen what is a "shooting angle"


5 - Either do not interview the professionals if you want to continually blast that lousy background music or fucking shut that down

6 - Back ground music sounds good only when there is a long pause between interviews

7 - If you are still obsessed with that fucking lower the volume of background music so we can listen to what's being said

8 - When you interview some professional, quality of questions matters more than how the **** that bitch asking the questions looks

The animation of the planes running and back forth on the screen the whole time had me dying. Even 5 year olds won’t produce such a garbage
Well all are at same speed in formation and not all show smoke similar case observed on jf as well

I am telling you tech forgets to change spark plugs and fine tune

There should be no such thing as 'forgot' in aerospace maintenance. More likely, the aircraft is nearing its maintenance timeline, or increased workload has kept it from maintenance.
Why does this bird look so basic??
Skme South African ones look bas ***.
Why couldnt we go for those??
Why the bad paint job??

1. This is the latest variant. One of the biggest problems with Hind was that it had poor high altitude performance. In the Mi-35M they made extensive weight reductions including reducing wing size and adding fixed landing gear. In terms of performance and sensors it is much better. Pakistan needs it's Mi-35s to operate in hot and high regions so high altitude performance is a absolute necessity. It also has a X tail rotor like Mi-28 which is more survivable against hits. It also has good surveillance capability.
2. South African upgrades are on a Mi-24 and it might look more bad *** but it is primarily a avionics and weapons system upgrade where alot of the obsolete systems were replaced and reliability improved, not a performance upgrade. Mi-35 on the other hand has the latest tech from the manufacturer.
3. They are an upgrade to a older variant, not new builds.
4. Again it is because of functionality and depends upon terrain of area it will primarily be used. Sky color belly for when you look up and ground camo when you look down from above. Its a very functional camouflage for Pakistan's border with Afghanistan.

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