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@django , @Path-Finder , @Ulla
Indeed a great steep but very late (I will say). Building Forts , providing them with new electronic eqms like cctv cams , Ground radars , signal monitoring etc are great too. I only want UAVs and some AMG(automatic Machine Gun)posts too.
Fence and Mining the border is what I am crying for years , now at least some work has started. We also need Trench on border wherever possible, So first mines then trench and then Fence ,,,,,,,,,,, complete border//....
And MRAPs and Very good and highly safe APCs (like Humza ) now need of the hour......
AMG some thing like this in and on all Forts .........
The work seems to be carried out in chunks. At first I used to think and crticise for the slow speed and now it makes sense as they say when you rush with things it can make a mess of it later.

Slow and steady is the reason why territory gained is not being lost like the yanks in Afghanistan.

But MRAP can do with some serious hurry.
That is great they have marksmen at FOB's but will these bases get the necessary high tech electronics like surveillance cameras among other monitoring equipment? Human observation may not be enough!

Technical Surveillance is being used. Pakistans homegrown Ground Surveillance Radar is being used along with security cameras.
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