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Pakistan military and civilian leader gears up for retaliation.

I think you didn't hear DG ISPR's press conference
I heard what he said 4 days back..We will surprise you...I think IAF has surprise PAF this time...No harm in accepting mistakes it gives a chance to improve
I heard what he said 4 days back..We will surprise you...I think IAF has surprise PAF this time...No harm in accepting mistakes it gives a chance to improve
Sir you are right . But didn't you hear his press conference of today at 5:30 pm. Go and search it on youtube. It's available on ISPR's official channel on YouTube. Must watch it .
This is the most important point that has been raised by a Pakistani in any of the countless threads about this attack.

I know exactly how and why paf failed/refused to follow iaf jets across the LOC.

But I will not disclose the details for obvious reasons.

I can say for sure that paf will not respond in any kind in the next 24 to 48 hours which is the hour of action for Pakistan. Please mark my words or this post.

I will post more later.

You seem to have some deep inside knowledge.
Anyway, technology is important and Indians do have access to Uncle Sam via Israelis. PAF was wise to not cross across the LoC--it would have been an embarrassment. The current one, if only a few trees were targeted, is NOT an embarrassment. Pakistan's response will come in one way or another. Pakistan doesn't have to fall in some trap.
First show world it was not any attack on terror targets it was not. Then prepare to attak India deep!
Agreed Pakistan lost the chance and that was Shootdown. As far as India's perspective for the audience, they have target inside Pakistan which everyone knows there was NO target but its a general perspective now what target Pakistan have inside India??? BIG NO zero target except go and do bombing over the airfield. Its actually invite of a FULL SCALE war so everyone knows nothing happened real but Indian Govt achieve its goal but creating this drama exactly like Surgical Strikes. Pakistan LOST the chance because general janta awam damn care about these engagements, technical issues, etc etc they want revenge smpleand govts and the armed forces need to understand the requirement of the awaam as well.

If you ask any pakistani right now one side theyre saying Pakistan well guarded by the airforce on the other side they're saying WE NEED RESPONSE from PAF go into deep...

they dont understand that PAF dont have any target inside India or India has inside Pakistan except general perseption of so called terrroists camps.

IMO, Pakistan is on the negative side (lost the chance).

Well put, its India did was all about raising the war mongering bar through media/political statements to high up and then Indian Airforce/Army did what their awam wanted, to justify the large budgets of airforce and army, elections campaign, on our side, Pakistan Army and Airforce need to do, must do what Pakistani Awam wants on truth basis even if we loose men, it will be correct, heavy and put a shut up call to India. Response is what is wanted at our time of choosing....a deadly multidimensional response deep inside Indian territory !!!
Only option is full scale retaliation. We know that if we don’t retaliate this could set a precedent.

Show the US and another Western powers a big middle finger. They will be begging Pakistan not to escalate. Too late. Remember that the Americans gave the Indians a green light to strike. Now they will have to live with the consequences.

First show world it was not any attack on terror targets it was not. Then prepare to attak India deep!

You think a world led by the US will believe? This attack happened with the full blessing of the USA and Western powers. John Bolton gave the green light. They are all united against Pakistan. There is no coincidence that one Western nation is spewing nonsense after another. The West will follow the US. US stance against Pakistan is not a secret.

There is only one option for Pakistan. Retaliate and hurt India. If they escalate be ruthless and escalate. We cannot cower in the face of aggression. Pakistan has no option because we cannot allow this to become the modus operandi. We are not Palestine, Iraq or Afghanistan. We will strike and seek vengeance.

Retaliate at a time and place of your own choosing. Strike really hard and send a message. Not only to India, but the whole pack. This attack by India is orchestrated by a whole nexus. We must realize that in its entirety.

Start expelling US and other ambassadors of nations that are complicit in stoking fire. If they continue to agitate stop their supply routes in Afghanistan. Halt Afghan talks. They want a war. We will give them one.
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This is my opinion, i could be wrong but thats what i think

1. India used an attack on their military convoy and tried to use that to build a narrative that Pakistan is harbouring terrorists.
2. They built up this notion among its own people and internationally that they are justified to attack the supposed terrorist training camps in Pakistan.
3. So they could even bomb a chicken coop and call it a successful strike on the terrorist camp.
4. This would achieve their desired result which is to show their own population that they taught their arch enemy a lesson and make Modi look like a great leader, while at the same time portray India as a super power.
5. This also helped in diverting the media attention away from their atrocities in Kashmir and also away from the ICJ trial of Kulbushan Yadev
6. On the other hand Pakistan has no targets in India that they can hit with justification
7. Pakistan only chance was to down the planes that violated its airspace, which they missed
8. So in my opinion India won this battle, and Pakistan is left with no alternate solution.
I am sorry to say this but this is all hot air. Pakistan military leaders should hang their heads in utter shame for not shooting down IAF planes well inside Pak territory. Any other excuse is for the consumption of ordinary people and fanboys who are jumping up and down, and yet again defending an absolute pathetic and shameful performance by the armed forces of Pakistan. The whole world is laughing at Pakistan today. It is all over the news in Australia, and Pakistan is being potrayed as some fu.king weak african nation.

And for F*uck sake, can someone please tell the DG ISPR to shut the hell up as he is making a buffoon of himself every minute he is on twitter. What an F*ing embarrassment!!
Their intention was to cause damage albeit they failed to do so thanks to Pakistan Air Force's response. But nonetheless, they violated our air space with 3 separate incursions in 3 different sectors with only 1 making past the LOC, and they intended to do the worst. That alone is enough to retaliate. I hope the Defense and Civilian leadership will stand by what it said.

Typical ''mY sOuRcEs ArE vErY ReLiAbLe aNd AcCuRaTe oN tHiS NeWs bUt I CaNnOt TeLl mY sOuRcE bEcAuSe ItS tOo CoNfIdEnTiAl'' comment.
IMHO if Pak continues doing what she's doing now (fixing finances/economy, good governance, putting pro-Pak folks in Afganistan, CPEC, bringing in foreign investments etc.) it'd be more than the retaliation....

Please note that the Indians are now frustrated with their 700K troops bogged down inside the IOK with no light at the end of the tunnel, which is increasingly growing darker.....

And, the best specialty of Pak is in "slow cooking" at a tender temperature....
IMHO if Pak continues doing what she's doing now (fixing finances/economy, good governance, putting pro-Pak folks in Afganistan, CPEC, bringing in foreign investments etc.) it'd be more than the retaliation....

Please note that the Indians are now frustrated with their 700K troops bogged down inside the IOK with no light at the end of the tunnel, which is increasingly growing darker.....

And, the best specialty of Pak is in "slow cooking" at a tender temperature....

I agree that the first priority right now is for Pakistan to fix its economy. Everything else can wait.
No pilot or asset should be lost for our public chest thumping.... use stand off weapons, even if they don't hit target...

You call that public chest thumping? Someone just intruded and show the world how toothless Pakistan is and you are worried about public chest thumping? Pakistani govt and military shouldve taken entire country including opposition into confedence and responded with massive form, even if they had to use nukes. To me this indian intrusion sound like someone coming in a classroom and pulling your pant down and left.

I'm sorry no offense to you but seriously, is there any limit to incompetence of Pakistani authorities?
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