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Pakistan military and civilian leader gears up for retaliation.

Only option is full scale retaliation. We know that if we don’t retaliate this could set a precedent.

Show the US and another Western powers a big middle finger. They will be begging Pakistan not to escalate. Too late. Remember that the Americans gave the Indians a green light to strike. Now they will have to live with the consequences.

You think a world led by the US will believe? This attack happened with the full blessing of the USA and Western powers. John Bolton gave the green light. They are all united against Pakistan. There is no coincidence that one Western nation is spewing nonsense after another. The West will follow the US. US stance against Pakistan is not a secret.

There is only one option for Pakistan. Retaliate and hurt India. If they escalate be ruthless and escalate. We cannot cower in the face of aggression. Pakistan has no option because we cannot allow this to become the modus operandi. We are not Palestine, Iraq or Afghanistan. We will strike and seek vengeance.

Retaliate at a time and place of your own choosing. Strike really hard and send a message. Not only to India, but the whole pack. This attack by India is orchestrated by a whole nexus. We must realize that in its entirety.

Start expelling US and other ambassadors of nations that are complicit in stoking fire. If they continue to agitate stop their supply routes in Afghanistan. Halt Afghan talks. They want a war. We will give them one.
You are already hurting them and hurting them bad....

If the entire might of the USA with countless drone strikes with real human causalities (not to mention 17+ years of WOT) has failed to deter Pak in Afganistan, how can felling few trees can deter her in the IOK?????
You call that public chest thumping? Someone just intruded and show the world how toothless Pakistan is and you are worried about public chest thumping? Pakistani govt and military shouldve taken entire country including opposition into confedence and responded with massive form, even if they had to use nukes. To me this indian intrusion sound like someone coming in a classroom and pulling your pant down and left.

I'm sorry no offense to you but seriously, is there any limit to incompetence of Pakistani authorities?
whatever, but we cannot enter easily in india both by land and air... most importantly we cannot risk.. we should respond sooner or later but not in haste.... better is never normalize relations with india now...we are winning in afghanistan.... i hope day will come when we will pay back... technically, they haven't achieved anything but intrusion... biggest reply may be what they think have achieved.. which is further major atatck on their forces wd not happen as they have taught Paksitan a lesson.... another attack on their camp/convoy and surgical strike 2.0 is failed...
whatever, but we cannot enter easily in india both by land and air... most importantly we cannot risk.. we should respond sooner or later but not in haste.... better is never normalize relations with india now...we are winning in afghanistan.... i hope day will come when we will pay back...

IMO, Pakistan should respond with massive force and even invite civilians. Annihilate these m0f0 bharti terrorists and color the Indus red with blood of these bharti terrorists. Use nukes if you want. Just want revenge at all costs.
@BHarwana during the press conference the ISPR asked why wasn't the plane shot down, could you translate what he said.
Throw the US out. kill the Indians. Middle finger at all Western countries. REVENGE

2 weeks later.....

Oops.....IMF... refused help...didn’t see that coming....hyperinflation.....bankruptcy....oops
Pakistan need to work toward breaking this Indian narrative of Pakistan supporting terrorism in India and that Kashmir is nothing but case of terrorism.

Since the days of Musharraf, in order to fall in line with American interests, we have gradually withdrawn from Kashmir case and ceded diplomatic and political space to India. Two corrupt and incompetent 'democratic' governments perpetuated this position to appease India or just not having will to present Pakistan case forcefully.

As a result India got enough diplomatic space to keep pushing its agenda that 'Pakistan supports terrorism in India'. It has come to this point now that India has found guts to claim 'surgical strike' and now incursion across LoC.

So Pakistan need to take actions that should prevent India from continuing to build this narrative against Pakistan and keep leading it. Pakistan is reactive, not proactive.
Why not just use stand off weapons and hit Indian bases in IOK and downgrade their ability in Kashmir. Let the Kashmiri freedom fighters handle the rest.

In retaliation, PAF airbase will be wipped out leaving Pakistan with no air power.
Shelling happens normally so it is not proper response we should send f7jets if cannot afford to lose expensive jets and ask pilots for suicidal attack on indian lands as it is better to lose pilot and jet in attacking enemy than to lose them in crash during training
Indian incursion in Pakistan was 3 minutes or less. PAF scrambled its jets and IAF jets left jettisoning something to appease their politicians and populations jumping up and down like monkeys.

I dont understand how PAF lost here or lost the initiative? Why should PM or PAF chief resign? This was a stunt meant to give Indian media and politicians something to chew on. Pakistan should not fail into this trap and neither should Pakistan retaliate in haste.

Pakistan need to build the narrative and counter Indian propaganda. And on this count Pakistan has been failing for last 15 years.
In retaliation, PAF airbase will be wipped out leaving Pakistan with no air power.

And in our retaliation you will be wiped off the map and nuked and we may also be nuked back.

But we will all go to Jannah as shaheeds. You may reincarnated back to a radioactive wasteland called ex-hindustan.
Indian incursion in Pakistan was 3 minutes or less. PAF scrambled its jets and IAF jets left jettisoning something to appease their politicians and populations jumping up and down like monkeys.

I dont understand how PAF lost here or lost the initiative? Why should PM or PAF chief resign? This was a stunt meant to give Indian media and politicians something to chew on. Pakistan should not fail into this trap and neither should Pakistan retaliate in haste.

Pakistan need to build the narrative and counter Indian propaganda. And on this count Pakistan has been failing for last 15 years.
We lost the on the propaganda front, that's all
We lost the on the propaganda front, that's all
The problem is that Indians of all sects including the Hindus are so scared of the system that they need to come out and endorse the government lies knowing well that those are mere lies. They see there survival in that until things cool down and then everything is back to normal.
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