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Pakistan media declare war on Indian counterparts


Sep 7, 2008
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Indian media accused of not demanding for evidence
“They are overcommitted to projecting India as a success story”


ISLAMABAD: The escalating tensions between India and Pakistan over the Mumbai attacks have led to the declaration of hostilities in unexpected quarters – Pakistani media has declared a virtual war on Indian media for its “knee-jerk” finger-pointing across the border, and its unquestioning acceptance of the Indian government’s “Pakistan-link” theory.
Most Pakistanis are angry and upset about the Indian allegations, which they believe are “unsubstantiated”. Even the Indian government, whose highest officials have made the allegation in unambiguous terms, have not come in for as much flak as the messenger, the assumption being that governments will say what they have to, but it is the duty of the media to question.
Leading the charge against the India media are the Pakistani television channels, with panel discussions shows devoted exclusively to the coverage of the Mumbai attacks by the Indian media.
Even on talk shows about the impact of the attacks on the relations between the two countries, among the first questions that anchors are shooting off are: “Do you think the India media should have pointed a finger at Pakistan within such a short time, and without any evidence? Why do we see this knee-jerk response every time some terrorist incident takes place in India?”

One of the big successes of the peace process since 2004 was the greater understanding and camaraderie between the media of the two countries, thanks to frequent interactions. But the smoke and gunfire of Mumbai has overshadowed even that.
Top Pakistani journalists are asking why the Indian media, more specifically the electronic media, have been so willing to accept the government theory that the attackers came from Pakistan. Top Pakistani journalists are asking why the Indian media, more specifically the electronic media, have been so willing to accept the government theory that the attackers came from Pakistan.
They are dismissive of reports in the Indian press that the terrorists had links with Lashkar-e-Taiba, or that they landed in Mumbai in a boat from Karachi. Instead, they are asking why these reports are not demanding the government for evidence of these allegations.
“Too nationalistic”

On Dawn News, three top guns of the Pakistani media – anchors Hamid Mir, Talat Hussain and Nasim Zehra – dissected the coverage in an hour-long programme that was aired both on Saturday and Sunday.
Their scathing conclusion – Indian media are “too nationalistic”, “smug”, they told “lies” or at best “half-truths”, “did not ask questions”, resorted to “clichés” and have perfected the art of projecting Pakistan as the enemy.
A similar programme aired on Geo TV on Sunday. The feeling is widespread in the Pakistan journalistic community that the Indian media are responsible for the current tensions between the two countries and for pushing the Indian government to take on its neighbour even if it means launching a military strike. The India media have been accused of not even looking at other possibilities, such as the involvement of an Indian group in the attacks.
The new evidence in the Samjhauta Express firebombings pointing a finger at a Hindutva militant group has come up repeatedly as one reason why the Indian media should have been less “hasty” in arriving at its conclusions.
On the whole, Pakistanis — as evident from public phone-ins to talk shows — are even questioning if the entire ghastly episode was not all engineered by Indian intelligence agencies working in connivance with the U.S. to “defame” Pakistan with the intention of dismembering it.
“[The] Indian media is overcommitted to projecting India as a success story. They are not used to reporting state failures. They are used to reporting India as a country where nothing bad happens, its Army as the best thing in the world. It projects its heroes as supermen, taller than the Himlayas…So the gap between what the Indian media are committed to reporting, and the crass state failure they had to do report [in Mumbai], they ended up filling it with lies,” Mr. Hussain, a top-rated anchor with Aaj TV, told Dawn News.
On the same programme, Mr. Mir, who anchors Geo’s flagship show Capital Talk, asked why the Indian media were not asking hard questions of the Indian government.
“When Pakistani forces say they have killed five Al-Qaeda, when they say Rashid Rauf has been killed in a drone attack, Pakistani media are asking them questions — show us the bodies. But Indian media are not asking important questions.
“There are 500 nautical miles between Karachi and Gujarat, and the Indian media are saying the terrorists came in boats from Karachi. Why are they not questioning the failure of their intelligence agencies?”
Mr. Mir said the Indian media had to take responsibility of the sharp downslide in the relations between the two countries.
At a press conference, Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi too accused the Indian media of “irresponsible” conduct.
Giving himself credit for having stayed on in India for three days after the Mumbai incidents began, he said he had “engaged with their political leadership, engaged their intelligentsia, faced their media,” to explain Pakistan’s point of view.
In response to his appeal for “national unity” and his declaration that the country must “hope for the best and plan for the worst”, at least one Punjabi television channel started playing national songs from the 1965 and 1971 wars, including Noorjehan’s famous song dedicated to soldiers, “Merey watan key sajheeley jawanon”.
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I am proud to say that now we have a Very good and Efficient media to counter Indian Propaganda, Geo news, Express news and ARY world are doing a great job and at least this time i was able to listen to Pakistani prospective on BBC and CNN thanks to the Media channels of Pakistan who raised Pakistani stance on international media because before few years i used to hear only Indian prospective only on any issue but now we have a voice.

I hate Star News their Language and style just SUCKS, They Dramatize everything as if it was an Indian Drama serial and SAAS slapped her BHAOO case scenario. I respect NDTV their Stance was different even though they were also giving the same information but in a much much professional way for Example many Indian channels used the term "Summoned or Ordered" the DG ISI from Pakistan but NDTV used the term India has requested Pakistan for DG ISI to come to India. Many channels just said Pakistan is Behind the Attacks but NDTV used the term Elements From Pakistan MAY BE behind these attacks as this is the information we have got till now.

Pakistani Foreign minister while giving an interview to an indian channel said " Its not a Pakistan Problem .......its not an Indian Problem Its a global Problem and we need to fight it together" But that channel showed a slide at the bottom saying that " PAK FM: ITS NOT A PAK PROBLEM". now you tell me WHAT THE HELL THIS HALF TRUTH WILL MEAN TO THE PEOPLE WHO HAVEN'T HEARD THE COMPLETE INTERVIEW ?

The job of the Media is to give the news to the MASSES not to pass judgment and Brain wash masses.

Pakistani Media channels are doing a great job.
I wonder what would happen if the Indian media began reporting on their Pakistani counterparts.

I can just imagine Rajdeep Sardesai commenting on Zaid Hamid's brilliant schemes.

Though I doubt they would want to waste their time on this.
^^^^^^ Zaid Hamid???? He claims to have a intelligence agency of his own.......
ISI might need him with his credible links in Indian Army, police an politics......

Guy is really something extra-ordinary self motivated and self proclaimed history writer......and yet a hero of many......
It was really funny that, Zaid Hamid also gave a name to the captured terrorist. IIRC, it was Ram or Rakesh singh and he was a sikh, and his accomplice name was Heera Lal. And the source is, guess what, his insiders in Indian intelligence agency. Wonderful, I couldn't stop laughing at this antics.LOL
^^^^^^ It was Amar Singh... And to his credible foolishness, Amar is a Hindu name and not a Sikh name...................... what a foolish!!!!
I can expect such attitude from you, many are bashing fake indian drama, its not just Zaid Hamid. Indian game is over, Chankia's teachings are failing miserably. RAW needs to do more research on them.

Ps: always remember the fist in my display. This is Pakistan when joined together.
^^^^^^ My dear Chanakya's tactics are working, and working in a manner that u will not even understand that.......People following Zaid hamid cannot understand Chanakya......And zaid hamid himself, he is just an outspoken personality with no in-hand evidence or experience at all, even ur retired army an ISI generals are better than him........

I have never seen a person lying with so much confidence, really.......

But as much as i know u Ali, u ought to be his follower.....Great going.......
It was really funny that, Zaid Hamid also gave a name to the captured terrorist. IIRC, it was Ram or Rakesh singh and he was a sikh, and his accomplice name was Heera Lal. And the source is, guess what, his insiders in Indian intelligence agency. Wonderful, I couldn't stop laughing at this antics.LOL

Heera Lal :rofl:
And zaid hamid also said that the mouli bands(as we call in north India) we wear on our wrists during pooja, is actually wore by terrorist hindus to tell other people that they will not open it till they kill all other.......

I have one on my wrist, and thinking wtf has he made something like that from something so pure.........:mod:
I am proud to say that now we have a Very good and Efficient media to counter Indian Propaganda, Geo news, Express news and ARY world are doing a great job and at least this time i was able to listen to Pakistani prospective on BBC and CNN thanks to the Media channels of Pakistan who raised Pakistani stance on international media because before few years i used to hear only Indian prospective only on any issue but now we have a voice.

I hate Star News their Language and style just SUCKS, They Dramatize everything as if it was an Indian Drama serial and SAAS slapped her BHAOO case scenario. I respect NDTV their Stance was different even though they were also giving the same information but in a much much professional way for Example many Indian channels used the term "Summoned or Ordered" the DG ISI from Pakistan but NDTV used the term India has requested Pakistan for DG ISI to come to India. Many channels just said Pakistan is Behind the Attacks but NDTV used the term Elements From Pakistan MAY BE behind these attacks as this is the information we have got till now.

Pakistani Foreign minister while giving an interview to an indian channel said " Its not a Pakistan Problem .......its not an Indian Problem Its a global Problem and we need to fight it together" But that channel showed a slide at the bottom saying that " PAK FM: ITS NOT A PAK PROBLEM". now you tell me WHAT THE HELL THIS HALF TRUTH WILL MEAN TO THE PEOPLE WHO HAVEN'T HEARD THE COMPLETE INTERVIEW ?

The job of the Media is to give the news to the MASSES not to pass judgment and Brain wash masses.

Pakistani Media channels are doing a great job.


They are doing the shittiest job anyone has ever done and it is anti nationalist channels like these that are bent on destroying Pakistan. They have no love for Pakistan.

Look at the Indians how they are blaming us? Even when terrorist in phone conversation says he is from deccan hyderabad they say he is not and make him into a pakistani. WTF man? Our media is filled with traitors.

Why aren't we telling the world that it was actually hindu fanatics who were responsible. Show that saffron band on the terrorists hand. Remind ppl karare was investigating hindu terrorist outfits responsible for malegaon and samjhauta express and his widow refused to take fanatical modis money because she knew he had killed her husband. This also puts BJP a hindu nationalist party to win the elections.

This has benefited only them and the malegaon investigations have been thrown into pure darkness because of this. Every blast every attack is blamed on us and it is time for us to unite instead of blame ourselves for everything. In a nation of 1.1 billion people no blast can happen without it being bangladeshi or pakistani group that is supported by ISI. What bullshit?

Pakistan hai toh hum sab hain. This patriotism and nationalism has to be instilled in every Pakistani. Wake up Pakistanis and stop being idiots. Our disunity is being used by foreigners to crush us. This attack was not from a pakistyani militant outfit. LET has denied responsibility and condemned the act. Deccan Mujahideen has accepted responsibility more than twice but even that could be made up by the hindu fanatics.

This attack has nothing to do with pakistan. End of Story.
I am sick and tired of my country being blamed by the Indians for every blast that happens in theirs even though 4000 pakistani civilians have died in the war on terror. This is nonsense. A very strong Nationalist government is required that thinks only of the benefit of Pakistan and its people.

Immense patriotism should guide out path.
Heera Lal and Amar Singh...... This was told to Zaid Hamid by his credible INDIAN INTELLIGENCE resources..............

ITs actually true... nothing to laugh about. Even the victims of mumbai attacks are questioning who is really responsible because they understand that this blame game has been running ever since Pakistan was formed. They know that the past 40 attacks have also been blamed on Pakistan. U shud ask some of them what they actually think

Even Mr Karkares widow did not take Modis money because she suspected his and his hindu radicals involvement. :agree:
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