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Pakistan-Make no mistake


Jun 2, 2011
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Pakistan is fighting for its life. The hegemon werewolf is screaming at our front door, the terrorist jackal snarling at the back. How did we get into such a predicament?

We have been walking a tightrope with neither the pole of foresight nor the protective net of wisdom, trying to balance the lies and hypocrisy of our 'historic' ally. If we were to fall off, no net will appear from somewhere. We have to make the net. What are the chances that we will? Somewhere between zero and zilch given the quality of our quarreling political leadership. As an incorrigible optimist I believe that failure could lead to good. But we must reap the whirlwind first. Otherwise we will learn nothing.

America has no choice but to be tied to Pakistan in an alliance of necessity - America needs Pakistan for its supply routes and to get its chestnuts out of the Afghan fire. So it keeps Pakistan on board with economic and military 'aid', which should now be renamed 'raid'. Pakistan also has a severe terrorism problem that must be addressed before there is any chance of peace, stability and progress.

America's real intentions in occupying Afghanistan are:
  1. Not to bring Osama bin Laden to 'justice' but to take control of its strategic gas pipeline routes, its location and its much-vaunted mineral reserves. 9/11 provided just such an excuse. Mullah Omar's suicidal intransigence helped. Osama's purported coldblooded murder in Abbottabad was not justice. It was revenge: the killing of a non-state terrorist by his creator the state terrorist. Should we now rename the city 'Obamabad', from the old imperialist to the new?
  2. Maintain listening posts there to cover China, Russia, South Asia, Iran and the Central Asian Republics.
  3. Use it as a military and rapid force deployment base.

America's real intentions in Pakistan are:
  1. De-fang Pakistan's nuclear assets so that:
    • No Muslim country is nuclear capable - do I hear you screaming "Muslim paranoia"?
    • Remove any threat of their falling into the 'wrong hands'.
    • Weaken the growing China bloc.
  2. Don't completely end terrorism; keep enough going to:
    • Justify Permanent Occupation of Afghanistan.
    • Justify Permanent Interference in Pakistan.
    • Keep Pakistan in Permanent Dependence so that it will do America's bidding.

Now, that they have killed Osama as they claim, will they leave? Not a
chance. They will never leave Afghanistan if they can help it. All they will want is to take some of their troops from harm's way, leaving NATO and some Muslim armies to do the dirty policing for them. Now it's Mullah Omar. Next it will be Zawahiri.

The criminally manufactured 'justification' for the occupation of Iraq
proves the point. Why don't they declare Pax Americana and be done with it?

James Caroll says in the IHT. "America's war on terrorism, up to and
including its climactic assault on the Bin Laden compound, has lain bare
this superpower double-standard. Washington is simply above the law".

America has floated two lies about Pakistan:
  1. It runs with the hare and hunts with the hound to keep America stuck in Afghanistan and dependent on Pakistan in return for economic and military benefits. Even the demented should see that Pakistan's best bet is to facilitate America's departure from Afghanistan because as long as we keep control of our nuclear assets benefits will keep coming to us anyway - but just enough to give us the strength to pick our daily quota of cotton.
  2. We might start an accidental nuclear war with India, Balderdash. Our weapons and India's aren't deployed, 'mated' with delivery systems. Thus there can be no accident. America's and Russia's on the other hand are fully deployed, on hair-trigger alert, ready to go in seconds. That is where the danger of an accidental nuclear war really lies, and there have been many near misses.

Our real problem is our many internal contradictions that will soon make
nonsense of any redefinition of our 'alliance' with America.
  1. The civilian government and the military are not on the same page.
  2. The president and prime minister are not on the same page.
  3. The three branches of government - legislature, executive and
  4. judiciary - are spinning in their own independent orbits without reference to the other, as if they were working in different countries. And, most deadly,
  5. The people and the government are not on the same page. They want to have no truck with America and would rather do without American 'aid'.

The Abbotabad raid was a game changer. America has placed the following choices before us:
  1. Do exactly what we say, including and especially:
    • Finish all terrorists and their sanctuaries, especially the Haqqani Network.
    • Allow America all the personnel and logistics and intelligence support that it demands.
    • Accept all IMF conditions (excluding sexually assaulting chambermaids).
    • Forget India's role in Afghanistan.
    • Forget Kashmir.
    • Distance yourself from China.
  2. If you don't, we will do it ourselves with or without reference to you. This will include:
    • Parachute US troops into Pakistan to 'protect' its nuclear missile installations - an obvious US administration leak to London's Express says. 'Protect' or 'occupy'? I always wondered what trick they would find to take over our nuclear assets. Take control of the delivery and you castrate the bombs. Let them try. Let them just. This is crass psychological warfare, as is Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul's 'fear' that America will 'occupy' Pakistan.
    • Bomb all those places that we consider terrorist sanctuaries.
    • Withhold funding; including Pakistan's own money like the Coalition Support Fund, to bend you to our will.
  3. Balkanize you, if necessary.

The choice is yours.
It is our civilian government that is in danger of bending. Time our
politicians and media stopped telling lies. Time to behave like Muslims, my dear 'representatives of the people' - you 'men' without vision in Gucci glasses, 'women' carrying Birkin bags in one hand, begging bowl in the other.
The Chinese and the Russians have the same view of the US presence in this region. Just visit the Russian and Chinese forums and you'll find out. They have begun to address the US as the 'evil empire'. Twenty years ago the US use to call the then USSR as the 'evil empire' and now the US has replaced the then USSR as the evil empire. History repeats itself because nobody learns from the past.
The Chinese have the same view of the US presence in this region. They have begun to address the US as the 'evil empire'. Twenty years ago the US use to call the then USSR as the 'evil empire' and now the US has replaced the then USSR as the evil empire. History repeats itself because nobody learns from the past.

I thought China was the evil empire. Vietnam is getting ready to fight back. So is the Philippines.
I am awake, its happening right now as we speak. China is sending warships. Vietnam is responding. Look up on the news. This is 2011.

No you're not, that's why you're focusing on China not the standing of the US in the world.
Americans are the worst of all the imperialist powers, there is a distinct difference between their and British colonialism. American's bring chaos and havoc in the countries under their command for that we have example of Iraq and Afghanistan, they don't bother about the reforms or the plight of the people unlike Britishers. America is a monster of ruthless cruelty, I hope that this evil empire will disintegrate as early as possible.:sniper::usflag:
Americans are the worst of all the imperialist powers, there is a distinct difference between their and British colonialism. American's bring chaos and havoc in the countries under their command for that we have example of Iraq and Afghanistan, they don't bother about the reforms or the plight of the people unlike Britishers. America is a monster of ruthless cruelty, I hope that this evil empire will disintegrate as early as possible.:sniper::usflag:

I say, Amen!
Vietnam and Philipines issues, propped up in media are for deliberate changing forcus of China - the real snake is the USA. China must concentrate on that.

can I link to the article? source?
Americans are the worst of all the imperialist powers, there is a distinct difference between their and British colonialism. American's bring chaos and havoc in the countries under their command for that we have example of Iraq and Afghanistan, they don't bother about the reforms or the plight of the people unlike Britishers. America is a monster of ruthless cruelty, I hope that this evil empire will disintegrate as early as possible.:sniper::usflag:

Don't compare us to the Brits cause our intent is not making an empire that the sun never sets. We do care about reforms, the action is lay on the people in their respective countries to make it possible. Same thing for Germany and Japan, we helped them but it was the Germans and Japanese that did most of the work which after all is their country. Not to mention these countries that we helped rebuild were never our colonies. Same for Iraq and Afghanistan. If the British were so intent on reforms or our plight then there would be no American Revolution would there eh? Whoops that has to hurt.
Americans are the worst of all the imperialist powers, there is a distinct difference between their and British colonialism. American's bring chaos and havoc in the countries under their command for that we have example of Iraq and Afghanistan, they don't bother about the reforms or the plight of the people unlike Britishers. America is a monster of ruthless cruelty, I hope that this evil empire will disintegrate as early as possible.:sniper::usflag:

w.r.t the chaos and the evil, did you like afghanistan better during the friendly rule of your tullibans strategic assets? Or was pakistan kind with what was then east pakistan and immediately bangladesh?

W.r.t reforms, US is a foreign power, but has your own country implemented any equitable reforms for your own people. Please enlighten us with the successful land reforms of your country please.

W.r.t interference, please relook at various kinds of jeehadi outfits which were developed by your friendly and amenable army to operate in iran or in afghanistan or in india. Hell at one time even mother china was upset with the friendly uighurs hanging out in the local joints in Isloo.

So please take a breath. The thoughts of the thread opener are as childish as those of qureshi and as impish and as non-sensical as that of hamid.

If you do not want such a situation in your country then do not rent it to anyone. Whether it be the strategic assets ir be another foreign nation. Because if your strategic assets or non-state actors kill people in foreign countries then these countries will certainly come back asking questions and in some critical cases they will send armitage too.
Don't compare us to the Brits cause our intent is not making an empire that the sun never sets. We do care about reforms, the action is lay on the people in their respective countries to make it possible. Same thing for Germany and Japan, we helped them but it was the Germans and Japanese that did most of the work which after all is their country. Not to mention these countries that we helped rebuild were never our colonies. Same for Iraq and Afghanistan. If the British were so intent on reforms or our plight then there would be no American Revolution would there eh? Whoops that has to hurt.
your intention is to never rise a sun in that country where you people go.
we have seen what you done in iraq, afghanistan. WMD Usama............Bul****t (thats all a drama)
ohhhhhhh and japan what you did to them (heroshema , nagsaki) but they stood and done there work
your intention is to never rise a sun in that country where you people go.
we have seen what you done in iraq, afghanistan. WMD Usama............Bul****t (thats all a drama)
ohhhhhhh and japan what you did to them (heroshema , nagsaki) but they stood and done there work

Yes you should be proud what we did for Japan. They rebuilt the country with our help. As I said before Japan used to be a militaristic country hell bent on conquering all of Asia. We nuked Japan and they gave up. After all Japan did a really bad job on China when they occupied it in the 30s and 40s. Iraq is a democratic nation and its armed forces will be strong enough to take on the terrorists, as long as there is no civil war.
w.r.t the chaos and the evil, did you like afghanistan better during the friendly rule of your tullibans strategic assets? Or was pakistan kind with what was then east pakistan and immediately bangladesh?

W.r.t reforms, US is a foreign power, but has your own country implemented any equitable reforms for your own people. Please enlighten us with the successful land reforms of your country please.

W.r.t interference, please relook at various kinds of jeehadi outfits which were developed by your friendly and amenable army to operate in iran or in afghanistan or in india. Hell at one time even mother china was upset with the friendly uighurs hanging out in the local joints in Isloo.

So please take a breath. The thoughts of the thread opener are as childish as those of qureshi and as impish and as non-sensical as that of hamid.

If you do not want such a situation in your country then do not rent it to anyone. Whether it be the strategic assets ir be another foreign nation. Because if your strategic assets or non-state actors kill people in foreign countries then these countries will certainly come back asking questions and in some critical cases they will send armitage too.

First off i am not in habit of arguing with your type....... So spare me this rant! & find some other Pakistani for a mudslinging contest.
Secondly i am not even discussing Pakistan so no need to drag that in, get over your obsession with Pakistan & above all ZH, last time i saw him on tv it was 1 year back, but i guess he still haunts you indians in your dreams:cheesy:
sorry friend, i don't know actual source of this. I received through email without source information

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