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‘Pakistan made a mistake’: Criticism at home over ICJ decision : Pakistani Media

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Published May 18, 2017


The International Court of Justice has issued an order staying the execution of Indian spy Kulbushan Jadhav by Pakistan, a decision which has caused shock and disappointment in Pakistan.

Although Pakistani analysts were earlier confident that the ICJ does not have jurisdiction to stay Jadhav’s execution, today observers have said the jurisdiction argument was “weak” and “damaging”.

‘Pakistan made a mistake’

Justice (r) Shaiq Usmani told DawnNews the decision is alarming because “ICJ does not have jurisdiction”.

“It’s Pakistan’s mistake to have appeared there. They shouldn’t have attended. They have shot themselves in the foot.”

The retired justice says the case will continue in Pakistan. “Until the ICJ gives it verdict, the case will go on in Pakistan. But he cannot be executed until the stay order is there. The proceedings will continue here.”

He added that the 40 days of appeal as permitted by the Field General Court Martial which convicted and sentenced the Indian spy.

“I think 40 days are over and the time to appeal is over. But if they want they can accept the time. The FGCM court can extend the time if they want.”

‘Pakistan was grossly unprepared’
London-based Barrister Rashid Aslam says Pakistan was ill-prepared and did not utilise the 90 minutes it had to make its argument.

“Pakistan had 90 minutes of argument time but we wasted 40 minutes,” said Aslam. He added: “I was surprised why we finished our arguments in such little time. I think Khawar Qureshi didn’t consume all the time that was afforeded to him.”

“It is very clear, article 5 B of the Vienna Convention, that if a civilian is caught he is subject to human rights law. But if it is a spy, then human rights are forfieted. So I don’t think we presented the case quite well.”

He added: “Pakistan had the right to set up a judge there but we didn’t do that. I think Pakistan was grossly unprepared. It might be that we didn’t have enough time…”

‘Pakistan has a moral responsibility’
Analyst Zahid Hussain said the ICJ is not binding legally but morally.

“Usually, verdicts of ICJ are not binding but according to international laws, possess moral responsibility.”

He added that it cannot be said that the verdict is in India’s favour but it can be said that the court has just ordered to overturn the implementation of execution, and has refused Pakistan’s challenge of its own jurisdiction.

‘Our lawyers were inexperienced’
Former Attorney General Irfan Qadir said he is shocked by the decision.

“I think this decision is a violation of the principle of natural justice. I am shocked as to why Pakistan went there and presented their position and gave it in such a rush.”

“The lawyers handling these matters had no experience. The arguments had no weight. They should have been presented in a rational manner.”

He added that the proceedings are yet to take place but that the legal team needs to be better prepared “with an experienced legal team”.

“We need a dedicated team for Pakistan, loyal to the country. Pakistan’s jurisprudence has been ruined because of this.”

‘Pakistan’s case was weak’
Senior PPP leader Sherry Rehman said, “We based our case on jurisdiction and it proved weak. More arguments should have been made regarding espionage.”

‘Consular access is the main issue’
Lawyer Feisal Naqvi said the ultimate question is about consular access.

“The question is not whether he should be hung the questions are different. The question is; whether he can get consular access,” Naqvi said.

“It is normal that ICJ has said that we feel we might have jurisdiciton, so they have asked for a stay on execution. It is their impression that they have jurisdiction. They aren’t final about it. It happens quite often that the court first orders a stay, then examines the situation more closely before giving a verdict.”

‘Why did Pakistan agree to the Jadhav case?’
Barrister Dr Farogh A. Nasim said Pakistan should not have conceded to ICJ’s jurisdiction.

“India did not give consent to the Kashmir issue going to ICJ, then why did Pakistan give consent to the Jadhav case?”

He said that 17 years ago when Pakistan filed a case, ICJ said we do not have jurisdiction. “Today, ICJ did not accept that decision.”

There is a silver lining
According to international law expert, Taimur Malik, this is a significant decision and should not be seen as being completely adverse to Pakistan’s interests.

“The reasoning given by the ICJ keeps the doors open for Pakistan to take India to the ICJ on matters emanating from other international treaties,” he said.

“This is important also from the perspective of the on-going issues regarding the Indus Water Treaty. Moreover, the ICJ has not given a final decision against Pakistan and it is now up to Pakistan to prepare well for the next round. Furthermore, Pakistan should now avail its right to appoint an ad hoc judge of the ICJ for this specific case.”
Now grapes are sour....
If ICJ does not have jurisdiction then why they went to court to defend?....India goes by the rule book, pakistan doesn't that why they lost the case. If Consular access provided earlier this humiliation wont happen
This is a temporary victory. But I have a feeling Pakistan will walk away later even if the case goes against them. My guess is they will keep Yadav for 15 years or more and release him silently during one of ur future peaceful years.
This is a temporary victory. But I have a feeling Pakistan will walk away later even if the case goes against them. My guess is they will keep Yadav for 15 years or more and release him silently during one of ur future peaceful years.
likely scenario. keeping in mind Kashmir khan and that other singh who was killed in jail
Killing him our jails would be a victory for India. And Pakistan will be the bad guy internationally. Just sayin'.
This is a temporary victory. But I have a feeling Pakistan will walk away later even if the case goes against them. My guess is they will keep Yadav for 15 years or more and release him silently during one of ur future peaceful years.

So a victory for us....objective met.
The objective was to deny Pakistan any moral high ground of having "nabbed" a "spy" who was engaged in sabotage/espionage/terrorism. From now on, Pakistan plays catch up. Now, instead of Kulbhushan Jadhav being on trial, it is the Pakistani justice system which is on trial in front of the entire world.

Whoever thought up this Kulbhushan scam in the first place should quietly leave Pakistan and never come back...
The whole decision is to keep the status quo for the time being nothing else.
Senior PPP leader Sherry Rehman said, “We based our case on jurisdiction and it proved weak. More arguments should have been made regarding espionage.”

What can you expect from ppp? The guy got caught with fake passports WTF does that indicate?
Someone made money as usual... that was the objective.

Currently the Pakistani state has no leadership- the government isn't in charge, the army isn't in charge, the sleauths are confused, the bureaucrats are demoralized or trying to make as much off corruption they can.. Middle men are bribing and making exorbitant amounts left and right , up and down, military and civil servants- all over. Profit margins of 100% average on million dollar contracts.

40% is going rate in Sindh, Punjab is 30-40%- KP is naswar, and Balochistan is everything.CPEC is on average 60% down the drain in corruption but the Chinese will get their money back + flesh based interest no matter what.

The media is running helter skelter between "experts" paid 1000-10000rs depending on topic and seniority + actual experience. In between rooh afza and upcoming ramazan program advertisements.

Finally, Pakistanis are busy sharing facebook posts, whatsapp "agar yeh forward nahin kiya tu sawab kam hoga" messages completely numb to the coming hell.

Hell isnt burning fire taught by the ignorant Mullah, its a state of perpetual decline and suffering.

To the person who referred the legal team(probably a girian or family to some government official) to the people who sold out his 20 year service in 2011 for maybe a million max in a Dubai or London account.. they made their world in their view.

But while they'll get their just desserts because death seeks them in ways the NSA cant imagine, its the rest of those that can read and understand in the 17crore Pakistanis who choose to stand by and not do anything who will really be questioned.
You chose the instagram selfie over talking and organizing a protest, you chose to ignore your power of voice and action. You chose the safety and security of your family now or used it as an excuse for your own internal laziness or apathy.
As did I.

Yadav is a completely irrelevant case in the annals of history and technically insignificant to what India has and can do. Its the mechanism of the state in all of this which is alarming.

Oh well, back to wasting my time at work. Pretending to look busy.
@MastanKhan age has caught upto me .. still, I reckon Ill have periods of nostalgia about my idealism when and if I make it to 50
Hahaha....if we Pakistanis were hoping for another output, we are biggest fools in the world.
Nawaz sharif and jindal and modi has successfully brought the case to ICJ. Now Pakistan will loose because this is how its scripted.
Army is just waiting for another deal to cover up their dirty games and return Kalboshan back to his country.
Senior PPP leader Sherry Rehman said, “We based our case on jurisdiction and it proved weak. More arguments should have been made regarding espionage.”

What can you expect from ppp? The guy got caught with fake passports WTF does that indicate?

She is right.

Pak did not contest its case vigorously enough. It seems to have banked on the ' confessional' tape. Once the court disallowed it there was no comprehensive Plan B.

Thats the reason why the Pak rep did not even use the allotted 90 minutes.

More importantly, while its ok within Pak to rely on Military courts, such courts carry no weight internationally. Thats what weakened Pak's case. The entire episode has shown Paks legal system in very poor light.

NS will be the greatest beneficiary.

Yadav is a completely irrelevant case in the annals of history and technically insignificant to what India has and can do. Its the mechanism of the state in all of this which is alarming.

Bang on.

Which is why NS benefits the most.
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