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Pakistan looking to sell combat jets to Saudi Arabia

Pakistan at max is a whole sale dealer of Chinese jets. Pakistani manufactured jets !!! OH COME ON. I don't like to troll but give me a break. You guys are incapable of even making the landing gear leave alone the JF-17. Its a complex machine not something Pakistani industry can manufacture. Your industry is at infancy, and Pakistanis believe that their super aerospace company PAC manufactures JF 17 with 100% indigeneous components. lol
You're right!

Not even Chinese.. JF-17 is painted Lego blocks.
Will you be able to sleep now?
And why on earth would Saudi Arabia buy the J-17s from Pakistan when they have far superior fighter jets in their air force like the F-15 Strike Eagle, F-15C, Tornado, and Eurofighter Typhoons apart from UH-60M, and AH 64D Apache helicopters? They are eying the F-35 too, but due to the Israeli lobby, that may not materialize soon.
And why on earth would Saudi Arabia buy the J-17s from Pakistan when they have far superior fighter jets in their air force like the F-15 Strike Eagle, F-15C, Tornado, and Eurofighter Typhoons apart from UH-60M, and AH 64D Apache helicopters? They are eying the F-35 too, but due to the Israeli lobby, that may not materialize soon.

I totally understand your feelings, my Indian 'friend'.

I think Pakistan & Saudi Arabia should work on a new fighter program. I mean Saudis have massive resources & Pakistan have experience. Till how long will Saudi Arabia keep wasting it's money buying expensive jets out of which some may come with strings attached.
Wow! I find that some of my Pakistani friends especially Aeronaut are really pissed off when I indirectly hinted that the Eurofighter Typhoon, the Tornado and F-15 Strike Eagles are superior than the J-17s! I know I touched a raw nerve and punctured some egos, but then facts are facts! :P :azn:
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