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Pakistan Looking at Three Option to buy Stealth Aircrafts Including F-35




Buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck buck---cockadoodledooooo----who is the rooster now----?
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The chances USA will allow the sell of F35 are very low Im afraid cause of 2 or more reasons
The chinese connections to Pakistan.
Transference of very advance tech to an arab state.
Arab state??? LOL.. Don't let the genuine Arabs hear this..

Victory has a thousand fathers and defeat is an orphan----.

Remember my thread that I started a couple of months ago on F 35---. You just winged it---and I nailed it----.

And then there are people on this board whose house in narrow streets of interior Lahore stinks of fae-ces and ur-ine and talk about Chacha Chakkan and Mama Dhakkan----as someone's source---.

I told you about the level of my resource once---got my ar-se chewed for releasing too much info---but the thing is information is only good for those who understand it---they can become snr. mods and what not---BFD.

These kids don't listen---I have told them so many times---my class fellows in high school ---sitting on the same bench shoulder to shoulder reading what not under the desk in the class became the chief minister and some became senators and others!!!!!---I would stop here.

So----what do you think @Indus Falcon

Can you give the link to your thread which you started about f35?
Lol. Sir you are going way too sentimental on this news :lol:

Yes I am---I have been humiliated and degraded on this board a few days ago and not a SINGLE SENIOR MODERATOR @Irfan Baloch @TaimiKhan or othjer moderators---and not even the @WebMaster came to my support---shame on you guys-------and now I have been vindicated----.

But I never thought it would be so quick---- ---
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F35 will be a very very Good addition to force if they are coming and lately americans are working to making it better I guess....
There are very few things in the world I am sure of and this news being absolute rubbish is probably one of them. This is just sensationalist news. Or maybe the Air chief forgot to add the japanese ATD-X on the list of planes hes looking at.
The biggest shortcoming of the Pakistan mind........ they don't know how to verify and authenticate......... the whole society has started to piss me off......... the problem for me is that I can't offload so much land within a few years time. It's going to take a decade to do it in a sustained and profitable method, in the meantime, I've limited my exposure to awam! :D

Until you see it in another media, you are no different than a gossiping housewife.
Find other sources, verify, verify ... verify.. before you believe ANYTHING.
Reading the news i think whoever the writer is he meant SU-35 fighter along with 2 other options. F-35 is like an untouchable for Pakistan. Americans will never allow us access to that technology. SU - 35 explains a lot as it has been in news for a while.

You are new in this world seems like----you dare not threaten the U S----the U S taketh and the U S giveth-----.

The only thing that india will be able to do is put its hand on its behind and say---okay----if that is what you wanted---we agree to it---.

Umm...i dont think so...if that were the case, India would not have kicked the f-16 and f-18 out of its MMRCA competition. The US could do squat about that. India bought US cargo planes and refused to sign CISMOA- the US could do squat about it. India laid down a pre condition of a civil nuclear deal before US companies could get a look see into the India nuclear power projects- the US complied.....

For someone who has lived most of his adult life in the US, I'm surprised at your take. Its all about the money, honey.....as you guys say in the US.
2 years ago, you guys paid 3.2 Billion USD for 18 F-16 Blk 52
F35 could cost more than twice that
Will PAF pay 7 Billion USD for 18 F35
When for the same amount they can get 36 Eurofighter Typhoons
Costs about $100 Million a pop at fly away. As it will require separate infrastructure and set of maintenance, training, and armaments storage facilities ads to about $300+ million a pop (very conservative estimate). Say Pakistan gets at least one squad, 18 birds. costs 5.4 Billion USD. Pakistan's def-budget is about $7.7 Billion/annual. add operation cost of $769 million each over 50 year operational life cycle. makes $276 million per year for one squad at $15.3 million per bird housed at a single Airbase.
I suggest you guys should buy a THAAD system to protect that air base.:-)

@Archie : total cost break down.
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Umm...i dont think so...if that were the case, India would not have kicked the f-16 and f-18 out of its MMRCA competition. The US could do squat about that. India bought US cargo planes and refused to sign CISMOA- the US could do squat about it. India laid down a pre condition of a civil nuclear deal before US companies could get a look see into the India nuclear power projects- the US complied.....

For someone who has lived most of his adult life in the US, I'm surprised at your take. Its all about the money, honey.....as you guys say in the US.


You and I are talking about two different things----. You can argue with someone else.
Yes I am---I have been humiliated and degraded on this board a few days ago and not a SINGLE SENIOR MODERATOR @Irfan Baloch @TaimiKhan or othjer moderators---and not even the @WebMaster came to my support---shame on you guys-------and now I have been vindicated----.

But I never thought it would be so quick----ohhhh I love it to see his face rubbed in dirt----
well you are not alone who gets humiliated, sir. @Viper0011. is also a victom of humiliation on this forum. He gets humiliated even by Pakistani members, his only crime is that he is optimistic about Pakistan! Well i follow both of you, and i believe in both of you whatever you both say.
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